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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

Master stoke

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Last time when Pakistani establishment gave up to the US pressure and sided with them, the result was 80,000 Pakistani killed and more than 150 billion dollars of economic loss, this time what the US and its slaves want will cost Pakistan much more than that.
well boys it is what it is. There was a power vacuum created and supreme court jumped to get one above the parliament for a long term power grab ! As for establishment support, we will see that in the next few months about their position !

He can not. If NCV is reinstated. This Eman he can not resign because PM can not resign after submission of no confidence motion against him

IK can resign anytime. He can't dissolve assemblies with NCM against him

Nothing stops Imran or PTI from resigning
Where is this constitution when Jam Karim forces widow of Nazim Jokhio to pardon himself?

Where is this constitution when Shehbaz Sharif says that he gives guarantee that Nawaz Sharif would come back in 4 weeks and then that doesn't happen?

Where is this constitution when Hamza Shehbaz openly says that yes Maqsood Chaprasi had transaction of hundreds of millions in account and they are "business transactions"?

Where is this constitution when PPP blatantly destroys the biggest city of Pakistan for 14 straight years?

Where is this constitution when people change their loyalties right in front of everyone?

You may be right on those but how does a Naya Pakistan arises by following the footsteps of corrupt rulers?? Imran Khan was going to win either way and he lost it. Who are his damn advisors?? As far as I see, he's dumb and his advisors are dumber! This 'victory' given to the opposition is given by Imran himself.
This act by the Speaker was so blatantly illegal that ALL FIVE judges voted against that. Could you all think about that? You should know that ZAB was hanged in what is called a 'Judicial Murder' but even then, under a brutal Martial Law of Zia ul Haq, it was a 4-3 decision to execute him. In this case, this was an open and shut case of illegal action by the Speaker.

Apart from this BS ruling...

Imran Khan playing a game with a Military establishment don't ignore this point... first he ignored itehadis (his handling of itehais was worst) you can't do politics like this later he deliberately hid evidence of foreign hands. He was waiting for the motion day so that he will use it in the counter. That was a serious level of blunder .He called NSC meeting exactly a few days before a motion to get an endorsement from the establishment and later blackmail everyone on this. My question to IK, he has evidence since March 7, one of his party members (female) 2 days ago said, US embassy called me last year and had asked about my preception and views regarding maryam, bilawal and she said, she immediately shared that meeting information with Khan. Why Khan hiding all that??? now bare the consequences

A book can be written about the dumbness of PTI which this very forum has cheered on as a 'Master Stroke' in a poll here!! A totally unnecessary and illegal act by Imran Khan!
Really does seem like the nation is split, many Journos and commentators supporting courts decision and the crooks may now well come back to power, a dark day for Pakistan. What we must hope for is that the military (be they for or against IK) remains united. It has been the dream of USSR, India, US, Israel that the Pakistan military starts turning on itself. Thanks to Allah this has never happened, but rest assured if society is as split as we have seen, the military (being a reflection of society) may well be split, and there may well be some Generals who do not want to go along with Bajwa and the crooks in PPP/PML.
Lol don't worry, people thought Zia ul Haq was a soft and servile man and Bhutto would regularly abuse him in front of others. Look how the tables turned. Who knows how many Zia ul Haqs are in the making now.
not sure what planet you live on or what you're smoking, the entire banking system globally is run on interest based loans. Our country which has been forced into debt and is now surviving on handouts is all interest based loans.

No sane organisation would ever lend anyone any money risk free or cost free
There are authentic Islamic Financing Models available based on partnership between Investor and Lender based on Profit and Loss sharing. This is a whole subject. One can do PhD in Islamic Banking.
Nah Nah Nah......

Imran khan is PM now until saturday 09 april 0930 am .
Sack that General BAJWA KICK HIM OUT
Bajwa has nothing to do with it. This is a SC influenced and pressured by its bar and international judiciary boards they look up for case studies or decision making
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