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I've been a supporter of IK throughout, despite some misgivings about his direction in some matters.
My own thought is that IK will probably be back in power with slim majority.
But why aren't we focussing on what a new IK govt will have to face?
IK has played a very dangerous game in the short run, by publicly calling out the US he has made a powerful enemy.
Name me one world leader of a country like Pakistan that has publicly called out the US and went on to be long lived politically and successful?

IK might win this battle, but he has ensured the US will look to bury any future govt he looks to head.
IK is dead man walking, as far as being able to achieve any meaningful changes in the future. His new govt will be buried under a coordinated attack on our financial, diplomatic and strategic fronts.

IK has been short-sighted, playing the anti US card will help him right now, but in the long run the US will bury him and by extension Pakistan.
I think in your last line you answered your first line. Right now the war seems to be between the Ex-Government and the Idaras. Unfortunately, the idaras haven't shown any hint that they are protecting the greater interest of Pakistan.
That is a convenient, PTI populist line. I support PTI but also realize the pressures on all involved. Some heed should be given to that as well. Either the fault is with everyone or it cannot be laid on the footsteps of only one entity. This is what I was trying to moderate over the weekend when people had daggers out for the establishment. Now its the Judiciary. I have some concerns with both as well, but I also realize that the politics of the country have not been very forgiving to anyone.
For me a big no no is intact provincial assemblies. Election duties are given to teachers mostly along with other govt departments which are under provincial govts. So in Sindh and Baluchistan will be hostile govts and punjab and kpk govts will be non existent most probably.
How can we expect fair elections in this scenario?
This is why the opposition wanted to remove EV also right of overseas Pakistanis to vote. Along with a plethora of other nefarious designs by these traitors.
I know I am checking news constantly to see what is required for voting for overseas Pakistanis. I might have to find my Pakistani Passport and update my NICOP in time for the elections.
Don't think Fauj will be happy with the proceedings if the 'letter gate' is thoroughly investigated, that includes who and when these PDM politicans were meeting with the foreign embassy staff. And the transfer of cash in crores to them in bundles, like what ISI was doing all that time.

And there were some reports the a military attache of Fauj was also present in the meeting with US state dept persons and Pak embassy staff. So the Pak estab. knew about it much before it was in the public.

Estab. will be exposed...??
Thus is just speculation
it is not the judiciary only, it is military establishment too.

Kiyani devised and negotiated NRO as DG ISI. Musharaf went along to further his rule.
The crooks were brought back, removing all the cases against them.
What rights and power Kiyani and Mushraf had to offer criminals NRO!!

Secondly, NRO was declared null and void, illegal by SCP.
Why those who carried out Illegl activities according to the verdict of SCP, the highest court in the Land escaped justice!!
Why there was no court martial and article 6 proceedings against the two Generals!!
It is not me who is saying they done illegal acts, SCP did.

Similarly, few days ago speech of Bajwa, day after the serving PM laid down Pakistan's foreign policy in defence conference, Bajwa negated the PM and laid down foreign policy and working of its relations with other countries, He even spoke on war in Ukraine, undermining Russi and Pakistan's PM.

Under what authority Bajwa delivered the speech!! Why there are no proceedings against him!!!

Until Pakistanis start to think straight, Pakistan is doomed my friends, mark my words, these criminals would come back and loot Pakistan they way they like, without any fear or consequences.
Next time base your opinions on something more than a 20 second clip

Man honestly this is what is wrong with PTI fan base. You guys deny everything. Like everyone's speaking against your beloved immi but no he's holier than thou.

While you're defending him while having fun in first world economy, also look where we are heading economically. But you'll defend that too by saying how local pakistani have it better.

PTI should not give tickets to those who have properties in west as well as to business tycoons and their tes****les ...
Oh well you're forgetting PTI own members.
Faisla vawda
Shehbaz Gill
God knows how many else have dual nationality and properties.
See the difference and behavior


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