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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

Master stoke

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If the No Confidence vote is allowed to go ahead, and PDM is allowed to form a government, they will do everything (and I mean everything) in their power to prevent IK from forming a government in the next election, let alone gain a two-thirds majority. So that will definitely be a major blow to IK and PTI.

As for the Supreme Court, we really should stop believing that they are impartial, fair or just. Time and again they have proven to be selective in the application of the laws.

The latest examples make that abundantly clear. They took no action (suo moto or otherwise) over all the nonsense that was going on leading up to the NCV - all the bribes, threats, and mockery of the law.

They also could have ruled on the government's request to provide a clarification on article 63 of the constitution. They let the no confidence motion go ahead without a ruling, essentially sanctioning the floor crossing, and helping the opposition to bring down the government.

In essence, the Supreme Court of Pakistan was allowing some people to violate the constitution with impunity. That is the state of our judiciary.

And now, all of a sudden, they are active again - opening the court on a Sunday, taking suo moto notice, and wanting to give a ruling about the Deputy Speaker's actions yesterday. All of this betrays the fact that they are guided, not by the law, but something else.

I am convinced that even if the SC rules that the Deputy Speaker's actions were valid, their ruling will not be guided by the law, but some other factors about which we can only speculate.
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And people in state machinery will be traumatized. They will never ever act against these crooks again, knowing that they can come back after anything. No matter how badly and on how serious issues they get exposed on.

I hope the SC doesn’t just conclude it on legal knowledge but also wisdom. Don’t throw the country to the dogs due to procedural and technical issues.
it is not the judiciary only, it is military establishment too.

Kiyani devised and negotiated NRO as DG ISI. Musharaf went along to further his rule.
The crooks were brought back, removing all the cases against them.
What rights and power Kiyani and Mushraf had to offer criminals NRO!!

Secondly, NRO was declared null and void, illegal by SCP.
Why those who carried out Illegl activities according to the verdict of SCP, the highest court in the Land escaped justice!!
Why there was no court martial and article 6 proceedings against the two Generals!!
It is not me who is saying they done illegal acts, SCP did.

Similarly, few days ago speech of Bajwa, day after the serving PM laid down Pakistan's foreign policy in defence conference, Bajwa negated the PM and laid down foreign policy and working of its relations with other countries, He even spoke on war in Ukraine, undermining Russi and Pakistan's PM.

Under what authority Bajwa delivered the speech!! Why there are no proceedings against him!!!

Until Pakistanis start to think straight, Pakistan is doomed my friends, mark my words, these criminals would come back and loot Pakistan they way they like, without any fear or consequences.
I heard Bilawal Zardari live on ARY state (in response to a question on why the PDM was so upset and not supporting the decision to go for fresh elections) that the reason the PDM wanted the no confidence vote to go through was so that they could form a government before the elections and one of the main things they wanted to do was overturn the PTI's election reforms, especially the mandate to use EVM's.

Of course Bilawal's justification (for overturning PTI's election reforms) in the same interview was that 'EVM's and other reforms introduced by the PTI would 'increase election fraud/rigging'.

The issue here is in fact just that - the PDM wanted to have power for a few months before the elections were called so they could rig the system (court cases and reverse electoral reforms) that would allow them to manipulate the elections like they have done in the past, especially in Sindh.
Demanding EVMs, in my opinion, is impractical when the next election is only 90 days away. The electoral commission has consistently rejected the proposal of electronic voting machines (EVMs) due to a lack of funding, short time frame and various other reasons.

The General Election of 2018 cost us around 28.5 billion rupees, with over 250,000 polling booths in 90,000 polling stations, and approximately half a million individuals requiring training (the numbers could be slightly incorrect but its close to reality). Consider that in order to hold elections using EVMs, we would likely want 300,000 to 1 million machines, as well as RTS modules, a voter identification system, printers, half a million workers to be trained and infrastructure in the rest of the world for Pakistanis living abroad etc.

Then we talk about making these devices domestically and I'm not sure we have an industry capable of doing it on a large scale. I am also not sure about the quality control if we manufacture it locally. If we import these machines from somewhere else, the election results may be tainted by accusations of foreign meddling. Some analysts believe that the total cost of elections with EVMs will exceed 200 billion rupees, with some speculating that the cost could reach 400 billion rupees compared to the government's unreliable estimate of just over 56 billion rupees for manufacturing the machines (not including other expenses), which is already twice as much as the total cost of the elections held in 2018. So, in light of our economy, I believe a valid question arises: can we afford a 200-billion-rupee election?

Aside from the cost of EVMs, I don't believe any political party is prepared to run in a general election. Even the PTI has been obliged to dissolve parliament and hold general elections, as has everyone else. The PML-N is currently debating whether Maryam, the convicted woman, or Hamza, the heir to his father's tainted legacy, will be the successor of the House of Sharif. PPP has a tiny advantage because they may want to return to Punjab, and they appear to be in good shape to win in Sindh once more, but Bilawal has only recently begun to attract media attention, and another year would have aided his quest to become a national leader.

This is solely my opinion, feel free to disagree.

Long history of Pakistani courts favoring the corrupts and criminals will continue today.
These judges are some of the most useless and corrupt thugs ever existed in the world.

Shahbaz and his son on bails would be PM and CM. In the past thanks to LHC Shahbaz ruled for years on stay order. Maryam out of the jail on bail despite neing convicted and serving a jail sentence.
A killer was brought back, given bail to vote in the NA.
Another convicted criminal was given bail and permission to leave the country on Rs50 stamp paper.

Years now billions of rupees fake bank accounts were found on the names of the servants of Zardari, no action, he is running Sind Government, without any fears and consequences.
There are undeniable proofs that Bilwal's takeaways and travel bills were paid from same fake bank accounts, but not even a single question from him by journalists or any legal actions against him.

Where would they find a country like Pakistan and judiciary like Pakistan where all their crimes are tolerated and forgiven.

A true Baanana Republic , Pakistan.

People should come out on the streets and agitate and get rid of these corrupt thugs.
They have highjacked Pakistan and would never let it out of their grips, unless there is uprising. Something they want to desperately avoid. Thus the command last night from SCP that Everyone should referain from passing any orders, so people don't come out in the streets.

IK thought people will come out on the streets like they did for Urdogan in Turkey.
Huge miscalculations IK, you are dealing with extremely illiteratee and beghairat public and politicians, departments in Pakistan. You are doomed my friend.

They will make an example of you, so nobody dare in the future to change the system, they so cleverly devised and implemented to loot Pakistan forever.

Nobody should forget what Bajwa has done couple of days ago by annoucing Pakistan's foreign policy and saying that we have long term strategic relations with America, despite knowing they have carried out regime change in Pakistan through these thugs. He has seen the documents and evidence, but he still did that. It shows the decision was already made before dissolution of the assembly to throw IK to the dogs. Sad but true.

Now corrupt judges are going to cmplete the job, so the nexus is exactly the same, same people and departments, establishment, judiciary. same results, what Pakistanis are waiting for mircales!!!

Long live Banana Republic of Pakistan.
Its easy for you to insult the Pakistani people living in your glass house in the UK. The state of Pakistan is very much similar to the state of many countries including the US and UK where a small band of "smart and greedy" people control the government and wealth. Its the policies of exclusion and demarcation that prevent people from knowing and participating in equitable distribution of wealth and power. The "powerful" out of protectionism of their ill gotten wealth and power do whatever they need to do to maintain the status quo and expand a network of corrupts across the country in the civil structure including newspapers, police, judges, civil service , TV etc. Most people of Pakistan are economically subdued , living just one pay check from hunger and homeless, very much like in the UK and US, for this is the method of control the ruling class use.
I.k deliberately sabotaged constitutional redressal for selfish gains and theatrics .

Just imagine if s.c doesn't reinstate the assemblies citing technical grounds what these pdm thugs gonna do when back into power corridors. With this dumb move pdm can twist each and every provision of law to prolong their rule which, given the circumstances, seems to be a done deal.
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Demanding EVMs, in my opinion, is impractical when the next election is only 90 days away. The electoral commission has consistently rejected the proposal of electronic voting machines (EVMs) due to a lack of funding, short time frame and various other reasons.

The General Election of 2018 cost us around 28.5 billion rupees, with over 250,000 polling booths in 90,000 polling stations, and approximately half a million individuals requiring training (the numbers could be slightly incorrect but its close to reality). Consider that in order to hold elections using EVMs, we would likely want 300,000 to 1 million machines, as well as RTS modules, a voter identification system, printers, half a million workers to be trained and infrastructure in the rest of the world for Pakistanis living abroad etc.

Then we talk about making these devices domestically and I'm not sure we have an industry capable of doing it on a large scale. I am also not sure about the quality control if we manufacture it locally. If we import these machines from somewhere else, the election results may be tainted by accusations of foreign meddling. Some analysts believe that the total cost of elections with EVMs will exceed 200 billion rupees, with some speculating that the cost could reach 400 billion rupees compared to the government's unreliable estimate of just over 56 billion rupees for manufacturing the machines (not including other expenses), which is already twice as much as the total cost of the elections held in 2018. So, in light of our economy, I believe a valid question arises: can we afford a 200-billion-rupee election?

Aside from the cost of EVMs, I don't believe any political party is prepared to run in a general election. Even the PTI has been obliged to dissolve parliament and hold general elections, as has everyone else. The PML-N is currently debating whether Maryam, the convicted woman, or Hamza, the heir to his father's tainted legacy, will be the successor of the House of Sharif. PPP has a tiny advantage because they may want to return to Punjab, and they appear to be in good shape to win in Sindh once more, but Bilawal has only recently begun to attract media attention, and another year would have aided his quest to become a national leader.

This is solely my opinion, feel free to disagree.

Without SC suspending the Electoral Act to hold elections without EVM and OP voting, any such elections would be unconstitutional. It's not so easy as you are assuming it to be.

Would SC be willing to take this on or extend the timeline to elections to procure the machines instead?
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