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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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PM Imran Khan played by the rules and advised President to dissolve assembly, it is the authority of PM, how can a puppet newspaper challenge it? Why is the media acting as court and give its own verdict?

Look at the current headline on Dawn, they are doing full on propaganda.

Dawn allows Indian commentators on sensitive policy matters related to Pakistan. They continue to spew venom in every news article.

It is really sad that a newspaper founded by country's founder Quaid-e-Azam is on warpath against its own motherland.

Not just Dawn, there is Express Tribune, NayaDaur, The Friday Times...

National Endowment for Democracy (US based NGO gives funding to these media outlets to build anti-state narrative).

Lagta hai hr taraf se lafafay apni puri takat se phatt parhay 😜

There should be a crackdown on foreign funded media houses as was taken against the foreign funded NGOs. They won't stop spewing venom against the nation's patriots, state and the military forces.
Don't think Fauj will be happy with the proceedings if the 'letter gate' is thoroughly investigated, that includes who and when these PDM politicans were meeting with the foreign embassy staff. And the transfer of cash in crores to them in bundles, like what ISI was doing all that time.

And there were some reports the a military attache of Fauj was also present in the meeting with US state dept persons and Pak embassy staff. So the Pak estab. knew about it much before it was in the public.

Estab. will be exposed...??
The first and most important thing is to completely abolish this judicial system and enact a new one. These judges openly take money and do whatever they wish and no one can do anything. Why are they above NAB? There should be judicial accountability as well and for bureaucracy as well. Biggest mistake of IK, bigger than taking lotas was to give full power to civil and military bureaucracy and judges. These are the leeches that get the job for 30 years and then suck the country for 30 years without any fear. Its imran khan fault that he was too lenient and became part of status quo.
They can't buy IK's millions of fans on social media. Yes they can hire indians to do the dirty work but still its really really hard to take down Khan with just propaganda. He even can't be defamed by some harassment scandals. Everyone knows his past and the present. Reham Khan tried her best but couldn't even put a dent on the Khan's popularity.
Can’t do that when you have an opposition of 45% in the parliament and the majority of 55% constituting so many parties with very different opinion to each other in political arena

And that too within just 1 year and making sure their rulings are not challenged in the supreme court

The coalition government will be the weakest government we will ever have where all the energy will be served in pleasing the small parties to avoid repeat of what happened with PTI
They all agree on few things
Removal AVM
No overseas voting
Allowing convicts to come bavk in power

The first and most important thing is to completely abolish this judicial system and enact a new one. These judges openly take money and do whatever they wish and no one can do anything. Why are they above NAB? There should be judicial accountability as well and for bureaucracy as well. Biggest mistake of IK, bigger than taking lotas was to give full power to civil and military bureaucracy and judges. These are the leeches that get the job for 30 years and then suck the country for 30 years without any fear. Its imran khan fault that he was too lenient and became part of status quo.
Need 2/3 majority
IK will never get it
Hell he wont even get simple majoroty

Its better if we just allow corruption /legalize it
They all agree on few things
Removal AVM
No overseas voting
Allowing convicts to come bavk in power
And people in state machinery will be traumatized. They will never ever act against these crooks again, knowing that they can come back after anything. No matter how badly and on how serious issues they get exposed on.

I hope the SC doesn’t just conclude it on legal knowledge but also wisdom. Don’t throw the country to the dogs due to procedural and technical issues.
WTF is wrong with our deep state?

I am extremely mad if this news is true! For record: I dont read or believe in propaganda coming from DAWN, Geo or Tribune. They are foreign funded media groups working against interests of Pakistan.
I wonder who reads/watches DAWN/Geo. They are foreign funded propaganda media organisations, hence foreign agents as per EU / USA definition and should be registered as such.
They need to be shut down. For past 20 yes they have been actively participating in media/fifth generation warfare against the state
What's good about him?
Although he is considered a very neutral man, I meant nominating an ex CJP could put pressure on the current CJP if he even tries to side with someone as it seems like there is too much pressure being put on by the opposition trying to make SC controversial.
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