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PM Imran Khan Speech at Naya Pakistan Housing Islamabad Zone IV Launching Ceremony

the worst part of the story is that we dont have any option left. IK was the last hope but now it is obvious that he also proved to be a relatively honest railu katta.
PTI will win 2023 elections with more seats. Mark my words all the patwaris and pee pee pee losers.

Now every tom, dick and harry are talking about economics unlike in previous Govts. Reversing bad policies and bringing more people into tax bracket is obviously unpopular measures but the right one in a longer run. Results will be depicted in 2 to 3 years time.
17 million Pakistanis voted for PTI in 2018. Even more will vote for them in 2023. Karlo jo karna hai.
2023 is far fetched just by the end of this month petrol will go up to rs 20,electricity by rs 2.5 per unit gas and all essentials up 20% more.they need to show 1 trillion in coffers by September otherwise no more IMF tranche.

PTI will win 2023 elections with more seats. Mark my words all the patwaris and pee pee pee losers.

Now every tom, dick and harry are talking about economics unlike in previous Govts. Reversing bad policies and bringing more people into tax bracket is obviously unpopular measures but the right one in a longer run. Results will be depicted in 2 to 3 years time.
17 million Pakistanis voted for PTI in 2018. Even more will vote for them in 2023. Karlo jo karna hai.
dear dont be emotional . be realistic. i was a supporter of pti and still i am to a certain extent as there is no better option available. if he continues like this for the rest of his tenure i dont think we will remain in a position to hold future elections and if we do then no party will have clear victory.
PTI will win 2023 elections with more seats. Mark my words all the patwaris and pee pee pee losers.

Now every tom, dick and harry are talking about economics unlike in previous Govts. Reversing bad policies and bringing more people into tax bracket is obviously unpopular measures but the right one in a longer run. Results will be depicted in 2 to 3 years time.

Funnily enough the person crying most on PDF is some 50+ year old buddha baba residing in UK who grew up doing sajda in front of Sharif khandaan. He is lecturing Pakistanis on who they should vote for or not.
17 million Pakistanis voted for PTI in 2018. Even more will vote for them in 2023. Karlo jo karna hai.

Only possible with rigging... 2018 elections were also rigged by the interim govt.
Are you forgetting the results of by elections?
Reason why PPP and PMLN vote bank will NEVER increase because they have been restricted to be a regional parties only. PPP in Sindh and PMLN in Punjab only. They hardly have vote bank in other provinces. PTI vote bank is well distributed across all the provinces and they are likely to get more seats from FATA/KP too moving forward. Isolating regional parties are always easy as their support from other areas goes weaker year by year. We may soon witness some of the PMLN MNA+MPAs leaving their party. At the moment PMLN workers are confused in between Marium and Shahbez Sharif narrative that whom to follow.

Only possible with rigging... 2018 elections were also rigged by the interim govt.
Are you forgetting the results of by elections?

So are 2013, 2008 and list goes on........
If you take the word corruption and NRO out of his speech he has nothing else to offer.

He is PM of Pakistan and have non elected people as ministers, which reflects he's in full control of the state and it's instruments.
If there's corruption, than he should not cry to public rather do some thing about it!
Stats. shows money laundering increased many fold during his rule... why media and lifafa jurnos. not ask him this question?

So are 2013, 2008 and list goes on........

No the list doesn't goes on .... elections held by Pervez Musharraf were widely accepted as fair and free elections.
All his words only reflects his hypocrisy and that of his cronies.
In his brief rule, cost of bread has been doubled, utility bills cost increased 400%, income tax increased, property taxes increased and many new taxes introduced but zero deliverance on ground.
His govt. can't even complete 99% completed projects. Have no project planning of Peshawar Metro, what sort of dick head would expect any good from him? be it 90 days, 90 months or 90 years... worst has come and even worst is on the way.

Have some patience, we have given so many years to PMLN and PPP. Why can't we we give them 4 more years.

Give this govt. its due time period, only then we can discuss how successful or unsuccessful it has been.
we have given so many years to PMLN and PPP

may be you have given them years... no me!
BTW, PTI has been ruling in NWFP from past many years.
Ruling a province in current Pakistan is like running an independent state.
In any case, performance of PMLN has been better than both PPP and PTI.
While performance of PML (Shaukat Aziz rule) has been better than all of them.
This Imran Khan was not willing to give chance to Shaukat Aziz, why should he been given a chance?

Have some patience, we have given so many years to PMLN and PPP. Why can't we we give them 4 more years.

Give this govt. its due time period, only then we can discuss how successful or unsuccessful it has been.
What has he done in six years for KPK?. All the seasoned and experienced turncoats in this gutter tabdeeli have devastated the motherland.
those 10 months have been terrible for the people. if he continues like this for next 4 years then pak ka khuda hafiz.

If Pak can survive 5 years of Zardari and 3 terms of Mota Nawaja im sure
Pak will survive 5 years of IK.

What has he done in six years for KPK?. All the seasoned and experienced turncoats in this gutter tabdeeli have devastated the motherland.

What have you done in the past 6 years?
Only possible with rigging... 2018 elections were also rigged by the interim govt.
Are you forgetting the results of by elections?
If 2018 were rigged FOR PTI, then 2013 were rigged AGAINST PTI.

Cannot have your cake and eat it too.
What has he done in six years for KPK?. All the seasoned and experienced turncoats in this gutter tabdeeli have devastated the motherland.

If PTI done nothing in KPK then how did they win with a bigger margin in 2018?
Remember Pathans never give underperformer's a second chance.
All his words only reflects his hypocrisy and that of his cronies.
In his brief rule, cost of bread has been doubled, utility bills cost increased 400%, income tax increased, property taxes increased and many new taxes introduced but zero deliverance on ground.
His govt. can't even complete 99% completed projects. Have no project planning of Peshawar Metro, what sort of dick head would expect any good from him? be it 90 days, 90 months or 90 years... worst has come and even worst is on the way.

Rana Sanaullah has been arrested, now you are not paid anymore ? Or Maryam offered you something... it’s getting very hot tonight for you ?

I’m fed up with this patwaris mindset.

Asking Imran Khan to do in short time what others MC didn’t do in several years ?

Building rehasat e madina won’t be made in one night. Especially with peop having mindset like yours and few others on this forum !!!

Yes PTI has lot of shortcomings but at least if is able to improve taxe collection system, reduce corruption, in few years we will be able to invest for our future.

But if you are happy to live in 3rd world country, then I think I should... no i can’t ! I’m still praying for betterment for my country PAKISTAN
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