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PM Imran Khan Meets President Trump Amid Improving US-Pakistan Ties

It is up to PMIK and COAS to determine what are the tangible benefits acceptable to them in the name of Pakistan's national interests.

Hahahah so COAS and the PM will make the offer on behalf of Trump?

You did not reply on what tangible benefits Trump will offer rofl?

I can tell you beforehand he has nothing to offer for the Pakistan state. This is a meet planned by Trump's son in law Kushner after some personal lobbying by a Pakistani businessman cum ambassador.
Hahahah so COAS and the PM will make the offer on behalf of Trump?

You did not reply on what tangible benefits Trump will offer rofl?

I can tell you beforehand he has nothing to offer for the Pakistan state. This is a meet planned by Trump's son in law Kushner after some personal lobbying by a Pakistani businessman cum ambassador.

Let's wait under the visit is over, or at least until the press releases. It will be a huge success.
Great talk. I think imran khan needs to leverage the current american soft stance towards pakistan to gain economic benefits in the form of trade concessions and infrastructure support/aid.

America pakistan relationship has always been transactional... American needs from pakistan have mostly been geopolitical and for pakistan they have been military and regional counter balance to indian hegemony (economic benefits have always been a secondary afterthought... A goodwill gestures).

To expect a deeper cultural - people-to-people relationship is unrealistic because pakistan has little to offer culturally and there is very little pakistan has to offer to the usa economically.

Trump is too unpredictable and views pakistan in the same limelight as he does "those shittty" african countries. His quote not mine.

Really bro Pakistan has nothing to offer in terms of economics and culture?

You must be joking right ?

In Pakistan there is a potential to make money from razor blade to match stick. We have almost 75 million strong middle class that has the purchasing power comparable to western class. We have third fastest growing retail market in the world and not to mention on back of 60 billion dollar CPEC investment excellent connectivity and infrastructure to supply China wverythingvthey need for cheap.

If India was not serving as a whore to the west to counter China and offering slum tourism , Pakistan has better of everything.... from excellent unparalleled tourism potential to large investment potential in every field.

Imran Khan is a nobody. the real power is with the army chief who is coming to Washington. No surprise there. FYI Imran Khan has not visited Russia

Imran Khan foreign trips - 3 to KSA, 3 to UAE, 2 to China
Iran, Turkey, Qatar, Malaysia - 1
1 to Kyrgyzstan for SCO summit

Most of them were begging bowl trips

It must be obvious who needs who

that is quite a U-turn for somebody who was badmouthing the IMF

Yes begging bowl visit when Modi was cast off by Putin as if he was there to clean Putin’s washroom and Imran was given VIP treatment.

Wait isn’t India cast off as a used condom in Afghanistan?

Or embarrassed like shit in Spy case?

Wait didn’t Imran order to slap India harder after they dared to cross the border?

You Indians are shameless.... when Saudis came to a Pakistan to invest you call it aid but when Saudis went to India Modi stood behind folding his hand like a beggar ....

5 years from now you will be bitching about incompetent Imran Khan is

No we will be talking that IK ordered to take out New Delhi and how there is a hole in the ground there ...
5 years from now you will be bitching about incompetent Imran Khan is
Mark my words next election PTI will form majority Govt u think billo or N gonna make next Govt?? These two families got very bad reputation now unless a new party with new leaders shows up future is pti for Pakistan.
Mark my words next election PTI will form majority Govt u think billo or N gonna make next Govt?? These two families got very bad reputation now unless a new party with new leaders shows up future is pti for Pakistan.

I just wanna know where is the flood of protesting people????

I almost feel sad for Zardari.... even his own son Has stopped mentioning him.....it’s almost like everyone is happy to see him go.

Same for Nawaz .... other than Maryam no one gives a damn
I just wanna know where is the flood of protesting people????

I almost feel sad for Zardari.... even his own son Has stopped mentioning him.....it’s almost like everyone is happy to see him go.

Same for Nawaz .... other than Maryam no one gives a damn
U mean in US?? Capital one arena capticity is 23000 nobody will dare to come there jootay khanay ka shouq ho tu aur Baat hai. Both parties r irrelevant now theior age is over plus too much mud on them you won't see them in power anymore IA they played theior innings
U mean in US?? Capital one arena capticity is 23000 nobody will dare to come there jootay khanay ka shouq ho tu aur Baat hai. Both parties r irrelevant now theior age is over plus too much mud on them you won't see them in power anymore IA they played theior innings

You will see standard ten Balochistan protestors available for 10 dollars an hour and 30 PML supporters available for a plate of biryani ....

U mean in US?? Capital one arena capticity is 23000 nobody will dare to come there jootay khanay ka shouq ho tu aur Baat hai. Both parties r irrelevant now theior age is over plus too much mud on them you won't see them in power anymore IA they played theior innings

No I am talking of flood of people in Pakistan ..... as I proudly say largest Maryam gathering had less people than my valima.
You will see standard ten Balochistan protestors available for 10 dollars an hour and 30 PML supporters available for a plate of biryani ....

No I am talking of flood of people in Pakistan ..... as I proudly say largest Maryam gathering had less people than my valima.
BLA is declared terrorist by US You won't see them PTM will loose tommrow in elections best way PTI dealt them kill them politically. Nobody will dare at DC plus PTI is a political party its not a military dictatorship. IA it would be smooth sailing.
I am from punjab ppl r very selfish and worship who is in power also now every one knows sharif r crooks and khan is clean man they know its bad situation but also know khan is right man for the job.plus all the institutions supporting pti Govt beacuse its matter of survival both country and satate.Maryam is convict so has no say what ever she said means nothing to IK Army or anyone

But I also believe new party will come on horizon.
BLA is declared terrorist by US You won't see them PTM will loose tommrow in elections best way PTI dealt them kill them politically. Nobody will dare at DC plus PTI is a political party its not a military dictatorship. IA it would be smooth sailing.
I am from punjab ppl r very selfish and worship who is in power also now every one knows sharif r crooks and khan is clean man they know its bad situation but also know khan is right man for the job.plus all the institutions supporting pti Govt beacuse its matter of survival both country and satate.Maryam is convict so has no say what ever she said means nothing to IK Army or anyone

I have a mixed family and I agree Punjabis have no political affiliation. I have seen it in my family. But by far the sea shift is in the realization that Nawaz is a thieve and so everyone universally hates him.
I have a mixed family and I agree Punjabis have no political affiliation. I have seen it in my family. But by far the sea shift is in the realization that Nawaz is a thieve and so everyone universally hates him.
They ruled about 35 yrs it will take some time to eridicate them completely and they were favourite or ladlay to Army and civil establishments. After pti army don't need them plus tussle with them and judiciary cast NS and N darely.PPl of punjab has very different psyche they with who is in power. Maryam call khan ladla u pay attention means complaint that we were ladlay why him now.
The only thing they have done since 1992 is to shrink the Pakistani economy by using their organization IMF. IMF has decimated our society thru pushing inflation, already massacred our Rupee and trying to destroy our economy as they've installed hitmen for that purpose.

Wish most Pakistanis understood this
Pak has been a frontline contributor in the Global War on Terrorism. Yet its concerted efforts and firm stance against terrorism has been depicted quite negatively in a coordinated effort by the hostile nations to isolate Pakistan on global forums and effect Pakistan’s developmental process along with the suspension in military aid by Trump administration blaming Pak for not doing much on eliminating terror groups and FATF placement are a few examples of enemy’s manoeuvres.

To enemies dismay, Pakistan’s recent role in the Afghan peace process has paved new pathways to settle the fragile relations between Pakistan and U.S, the reflection of which can be seen in the new positive step taken by U.S to place Indian sponsored subversive group, BLA, to a specially designated global terrorist organization. It is indeed a major breakthrough in Pakistan and the U.S diplomatic relations. Surprisingly, the decision came well ahead of PM Imran Khan’s visit to the U.S.

The forthcoming visit of Imran Khan to the U.S is of great significance as it will act as an icebreaker in resettling of the relations with U.S, which will benefit Pakistan in the long run as the Pak needs U.S support to avoid being blacklisted on FATF this October.

The visit will set up new avenues for Pakistan in rebuilding its trust relation with the U.S and assure Trump administration regarding Pak’s firm stance against terror outfits while showing the real picture of Pakistan’s efforts against terrorism outside Indian lens. Pakistan’s recent role in Afghan peace process has already paved new pathways to re-settle the fragile relations between Pak and U.S; the placement of Indian proxy, BLA, in the list of global terror outfits is a clear indication of U.S acknowledgement of Pakistan’s efforts. However, the enhanced bilateral activity has not been well-received by hostile enemies. As predicted, in order to create rumpus, anti-peace lobbyists have begun the propaganda through proxies like PTM, who have called out for a protest in the U.S. Moreover, social media campaigns have already begun giving undue hype to sensitive issues like Ahmadiya matter to negatively impact the positive opportunity for Pakistan.

What enemies of peace fail to realize is, that in the given diplomatic scenario, Pakistan holds great strategic importance for the global powers as they need Pakistan assistance to defeat terrorism and establish peace in the region. Imran Khan’s visit to the U.S is already a proof of Pakistan diplomatic achievement and failure of diplomatic turmoil that was created by the enemies’ spiteful propaganda and lobbying around the world.
Pak has been a frontline contributor in the Global War on Terrorism. Yet its concerted efforts and firm stance against terrorism has been depicted quite negatively in a coordinated effort by the hostile nations to isolate Pakistan on global forums and effect Pakistan’s developmental process along with the suspension in military aid by Trump administration blaming Pak for not doing much on eliminating terror groups and FATF placement are a few examples of enemy’s manoeuvres.

To enemies dismay, Pakistan’s recent role in the Afghan peace process has paved new pathways to settle the fragile relations between Pakistan and U.S, the reflection of which can be seen in the new positive step taken by U.S to place Indian sponsored subversive group, BLA, to a specially designated global terrorist organization. It is indeed a major breakthrough in Pakistan and the U.S diplomatic relations. Surprisingly, the decision came well ahead of PM Imran Khan’s visit to the U.S.

The forthcoming visit of Imran Khan to the U.S is of great significance as it will act as an icebreaker in resettling of the relations with U.S, which will benefit Pakistan in the long run as the Pak needs U.S support to avoid being blacklisted on FATF this October.

The visit will set up new avenues for Pakistan in rebuilding its trust relation with the U.S and assure Trump administration regarding Pak’s firm stance against terror outfits while showing the real picture of Pakistan’s efforts against terrorism outside Indian lens. Pakistan’s recent role in Afghan peace process has already paved new pathways to re-settle the fragile relations between Pak and U.S; the placement of Indian proxy, BLA, in the list of global terror outfits is a clear indication of U.S acknowledgement of Pakistan’s efforts. However, the enhanced bilateral activity has not been well-received by hostile enemies. As predicted, in order to create rumpus, anti-peace lobbyists have begun the propaganda through proxies like PTM, who have called out for a protest in the U.S. Moreover, social media campaigns have already begun giving undue hype to sensitive issues like Ahmadiya matter to negatively impact the positive opportunity for Pakistan.

What enemies of peace fail to realize is, that in the given diplomatic scenario, Pakistan holds great strategic importance for the global powers as they need Pakistan assistance to defeat terrorism and establish peace in the region. Imran Khan’s visit to the U.S is already a proof of Pakistan diplomatic achievement and failure of diplomatic turmoil that was created by the enemies’ spiteful propaganda and lobbying around the world.


1) When you post, please give a link, or clearly mention the writer if OP.

2) It has come to my notice, some of your posts do not belong in this section, but in the Economy / Political / Pakistani Siasat section.

@The Eagle @Arsalan @Dubious
Can this please be moved to this section:

Thank You
To visit the Americas, you need an invite which he got just now. If he so doesn't care why not refuse, why waste tax payers money? Buddy, hubris doesn't get you anywhere. Get back to reality.

What did you think Pompeo was doing in Pakistan just after IK was sweared in? Lindsay Graham, a very close associate of Trump was in Pakistan a while back, for what purpose? Top that, trump wrote a letter a while back, for what? You are making it sound like he just got the invitation and off you go. Lol

IK doesn't give a toss about photo ops. He needs results and proper agenda on the table which will benefit Pakistan. He has been invited by Tressa May, Marcon and Merkal, but he hasn't visit their countries yet.

He doesn't need "hugs" of reassurance from the leaders of western block to feel good about himself.
Our Prime Minister is visiting USA as has been called by the US President Mr.Trump. It is natural that one who gives money to someone orders one also. Pakistan has been obliged to western powers and rich countries since 1949 because of its meagre resources and state based internal corruption that does not submit the country its appropriate income. We as a nation are so much impressed by British and westerns that we are about to lose our own identity and religious prestige. Since 1949 there has remained political pressure on Pakistan and involvement in its internal affairs from the U.S. Recently, this US pressure has declined when 1_Pakistan made nuclear experiment, 2_ Pakistan did not let US and its NATO troops enter its territory in 2008-9, 3_ Pakistan started its own production of JF 17 fighter jets and 4_ Pakistan did not agree in its own interest to accompany US troops in military actions against Afghan Taliban there. All this made Pakistani troops to be ousted from American battle courses which became a good omen when Russia welcomed them and military ties with Russia developed which had never been there in past.
Despite all that, US has been dictating and warning Pakistan and our nation has been bearing all that because we have to receive their financial aid for own weaknesses. What the US dictates is kept secret from the folk however, be rarely, by some way or other leakages reveal these secrets. It is guessed that in this visit our PM will be asked to try to promulgate these points:
1_ Madrassas should be brought under government control and their language of learning be made English. (, while the children of the nation are already suffering from it having knowledge of 5 years taken in 10, moreover, the professionals have their skills always as half learned).
2_ Those fighting in Indian Kashmir, if local are freedom fighters but if Pakistanis or supported by Pakistanis will be labelled as terrorists.( To be kept in mind that US is against war with India on the table but not in reality because it wants south Asia to remain weak, obliged and disputed so that it could sell its secondary weapons to both on upto 5 times bigger price).
3_ Qadiyanis be declared Muslims and be merged into Muslim and Pakistani nation so that zonal offices of their centres in Israel, US and Britain be opened here.
4_ Press and media be made free to deliver and broadcast news and programmes of their choice and not be dictated by government or censored. ( This very point is the only point that might be in the favour of the nation).


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