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PM Imran Khan Meets President Trump Amid Improving US-Pakistan Ties

This is how Mr Khan made the Indian PM to look like a complete muppet.

And this was his reponse to Trump diatribes

And perhaps Mr khan , at some point in past has boned Trump ex as well.

I would say good luck to Trump, if he and his team, specially American media is not aware as to what kind of bull is running towards them.

Why does everyone have to revolve around India ? India-USA relationship is driven by mutual desire to hedge against China. Indian economy is 10-15x Pakistan's economy. There is nothing Pakistan can do to change that.

As far as Imran Khan goes he can make himself useful to Trump on Afghanistan. Otherwise there is not much to talk about. It is a photo-op. There is nothing Pakistan does that is going to faze Trump.

The wild card is if something is being cooked with respect to Iran. I doubt pakistan is dumb enough to go along
Why does everyone have to revolve around India ? India-USA relationship is driven by mutual desire to hedge against China. Indian economy is 10-15x Pakistan's economy. There is nothing Pakistan can do to change that.

As far as Imran Khan goes he can make himself useful to Trump on Afghanistan. Otherwise there is not much to talk about. It is a photo-op. There is nothing Pakistan does that is going to faze Trump.

The wild card is if something is being cooked with respect to Iran. I doubt pakistan is dumb enough to go along

Your initial comments suggested the Mr Khan will be intimidated by any silly shenanigan by Trump or American establishment.

Have some understanding first and foremost. Mr Khan has been to all over place , been to China, Russia and many other countries, didn't give a single f*** to America. Never mentioned his desire to visit America. Infact when he was asked to represent Pakistan in UN general assembly session, his response was that if I see trump and he says something nasty about Pakistan, I will fire back in same vain and that will not be a good thing for Pakistan-US relationship. He skipped and send FO instead.

This trip is happening because of Trump own intiative and he has been on camera expressed his desire to meet Mr Khan. Mr Khan on the other hand has got this "don't care" attitude from the very start. He never expressed his desire to visit America, a fact which is very obvious from his till date foreign visits.

If anyone , not just Trump , think they can pressurise Mr Khan, they are in for a very rude awakening.
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Great talk. I think imran khan needs to leverage the current american soft stance towards pakistan to gain economic benefits in the form of trade concessions and infrastructure support/aid.

It has to be a two way street. Pakistan must be able to offer some things in return for what it wants.
Can't wait for the visit to be over, some members here are falling over themselves on this 'opportunity of a lifetime' meeting.

USA under Trump has not rolled back a single step they took against us. They sanctioned several Pakistani companies, blocked our textiles from getting access in US markets. The only thing they have done since 1992 is to shrink the Pakistani economy by using their organization IMF. IMF has decimated our society thru pushing inflation, already massacred our Rupee and trying to destroy our economy as they've installed hitmen for that purpose. I see no positive purpose in this visit. Therewould be just 'do more' in Afghanistan and nothing more.

IMF didn't destroy Pak economy. Nawaz Sharif and Zardari did.

Trump or US deep state. It doesn't matter. Both view Pakistan through a transactional prism. At least with Trump you know what you are getting. He says it how he feels it. Perhaps not a very pleasent person, but he leaves nothing to the imagination. Can we say the same for backstabbing deep state and Democrats? I don't think so. They are the real problem and danger.

We need to extract as much as we can.

One thing that Pakistan and Trump share is the adversity with the deep state. The deep state i.e. Pentagon wants to prolong wars. Trump wants out. The ongoing negotiations between Pakistan and Trump are exactly that. Trump has excluded the deep state and they don't appreciate that. This is an opportunity for Imran Khan to present his case and shame the deep state. Call them out.
Your initial comments suggested the Mr Khan will be intimidated by any silly shenanigan by Trump or American establishment.

Have some understanding first and foremost. Mr Khan has been to all over place , been to China, Russia and many other countries, didn't give a single f*** to America. Never mentioned his desire to visit America. Infact when he was asked to represent Pakistan in UN general assembly session, his response was that if I see trump and he says something nasty about Pakistan, I will fire back in same vain and that will not be a good thing for Pakistan-US relationship. He skipped and send FO instead.

This trip is happening because of Trump own intiative and he has been on camera expressed his desire to meet Mr Khan. Mr Khan on the other hand has got this "don't care" attitude from the very start. He never expressed his desire to visit America, a fact which is very obvious from his till date foreign visits.

If anyone , not just Trump , think they can pressurise Mr Khan, they are in for a very rude awakening.

Imran Khan is a nobody. the real power is with the army chief who is coming to Washington. No surprise there. FYI Imran Khan has not visited Russia

Imran Khan foreign trips - 3 to KSA, 3 to UAE, 2 to China
Iran, Turkey, Qatar, Malaysia - 1
1 to Kyrgyzstan for SCO summit

Most of them were begging bowl trips

It must be obvious who needs who

IMF didn't destroy Pak economy. Nawaz Sharif and Zardari did.

Trump or US deep state. It doesn't matter. Both view Pakistan through a transactional prism. At least with Trump you know what you are getting. He says it how he feels it. Perhaps not a very pleasent person, but he leaves nothing to the imagination. Can we say the same for backstabbing deep state and Democrats? I don't think so. They are the real problem and danger.

We need to extract as much as we can.

One thing that Pakistan and Trump share is the adversity with the deep state. The deep state i.e. Pentagon wants to prolong wars. Trump wants out. The ongoing negotiations between Pakistan and Trump are exactly that. Trump has excluded the deep state and they don't appreciate that. This is an opportunity for Imran Khan to present his case and shame the deep state. Call them out.

that is quite a U-turn for somebody who was badmouthing the IMF
Imran Khan is a nobody. the real power is with the army chief who is coming to Washington. No surprise there. FYI Imran Khan has not visited Russia

Imran Khan foreign trips - 3 to KSA, 3 to UAE, 2 to China
Iran, Turkey, Qatar, Malaysia - 1
1 to Kyrgyzstan for SCO summit

Most of them were begging bowl trips

It must be obvious who needs who

Well in that sense Trump is nobody either, its the American deep state which runs the show from behind the science. Lets not lose our marbles here shall we?

Yes Russia was a slip up but he has meet Putin (twice), Xi, Mahatir, MBS, Erdogan, khaminaei, BEFORE any other leader from "western block". He infact hasn't been to any western block country yet, despite being personally invited by leaders of many European countries.

Who needs who? LOL. Even someone with little bit of common sense would know by now that man simply do not give flying f*** to American led western block. His priorities are immediate neighbour, China and Asian countries.

It would be highly recommended to Trump and American establishment in particular to watch their mouth and do not come across are rude and arrogant, as the man is known to have huge ego problem and long memory. Things can go south pretty quickly. TBH, its not the Trump but American establishment I suspect who can , and will try to sabotage the visit.
Well in that sense Trump is nobody either, its the American deep state which runs the show from behind the science. Lets not lose our marbles here shall we?

Yes Russia was a slip up but he has meet Putin (twice), Xi, Mahatir, MBS, Erdogan, khaminaei, BEFORE any other leader from "western block". He infact hasn't been to any western block country yet, despite being personally invited by leaders of many European countries.

Who needs who? LOL. Even someone with little bit of common sense would know by now that man simply do not give flying f*** to American led western block. His priorities are immediate neighbour, China and Asian countries.

It would be highly recommended to Trump and American establishment in particular to watch their mouth and do not come across are rude and arrogant, as the man is known to have huge ego problem and long memory. Things can go south pretty quickly. TBH, its not the Trump but American establishment I suspect who can , and will try to sabotage the visit.

Mahathir and Erdogan are part of the "Western bloc". So are the check writers in KSA and UAE.

Trump is the President. He sets broad policy. But he is not the guy who decides policy details. he does not have the energy or patience or knowledge for that. He shoots from his big mouth. you probably noticed by now :enjoy:
Mahathir and Erdogan are part of the "Western bloc". So are the check writers in KSA and UAE.

Trump is the President. He sets broad policy. But he is not the guy who decides policy details. he does not have the energy or patience or knowledge for that. He shoots from his big mouth. you probably noticed by now :enjoy:

LOL, clearly you are clueless.

Trump is as "policy maker" as JFK was, if not toe the line, he will also meet the same fate. :D

Bottom line is, as we say, you can only beat what is infront of you, Trump is nobody infront of Mr Khan. I would strongly advise to read about the man, his personality and the way he made himself to what he is now. (I sense you are Indian and already know :D). There is none like him at world leaders stage. I sincerely hope, Trump and American establishment do not screw up this trip and have tangible, mutually beneficial offers on the table. Anything less, worst, try to undermine Mr khan, they wont know what hit them.
Your initial comments suggested the Mr Khan will be intimidated by any silly shenanigan by Trump or American establishment.

Have some understanding first and foremost. Mr Khan has been to all over place , been to China, Russia and many other countries, didn't give a single f*** to America. Never mentioned his desire to visit America. Infact when he was asked to represent Pakistan in UN general assembly session, his response was that if I see trump and he says something nasty about Pakistan, I will fire back in same vain and that will not be a good thing for Pakistan-US relationship. He skipped and send FO instead.

This trip is happening because of Trump own intiative and he has been on camera expressed his desire to meet Mr Khan. Mr Khan on the other hand has got this "don't care" attitude from the very start. He never expressed his desire to visit America, a fact which is very obvious from his till date foreign visits.

If anyone , not just Trump , think they can pressurise Mr Khan, they are in for a very rude awakening.

To visit the Americas, you need an invite which he got just now. If he so doesn't care why not refuse, why waste tax payers money? Buddy, hubris doesn't get you anywhere. Get back to reality.
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Bottom line is, as we say, you can only beat what is infront of you, Trump is nobody infront of Mr Khan. I would strongly advise to read about the man, his personality and the way he made himself to what he is now. (I sense you are Indian and already know :D). There is none like him at world leaders stage. I sincerely hope, Trump and American establishment do not screw up this trip and have tangible, mutually beneficial offers on the table. Anything less, worst, try to undermine Mr khan, they wont know what hit them.

Excellent comment. Quoted to preserve. :tup:

To visit the Americas, you need an invite which he got just now. So please don't oversell yourself.

It's okay. Hype does not matter. Actual results, however, do. If PMIK can steady the relationship and gain tangible benefits for Pakistan by offering something in return, it is all good.
Excellent comment. Quoted to preserve. :tup:

It's okay. Hype does not matter. Actual results, however, do. If PMIK can steady the relationship and gain tangible benefits for Pakistan by offering something in return, it is all good.
All I am saying is why not wait till the meeting is actually done with, before one is flying high in the clouds. We simply don't know the intension behind this invite yet.
All I am saying is why not wait till the meeting before one fly high in the clouds. We simply don't know the intension behind the invite.

Let fanboys be happy and express their confidence in their chosen leader. What is the harm in that?
LOL, clearly you are clueless.

Trump is as "policy maker" as JFK was, if not toe the line, he will also meet the same fate. :D

Bottom line is, as we say, you can only beat what is infront of you, Trump is nobody infront of Mr Khan. I would strongly advise to read about the man, his personality and the way he made himself to what he is now. (I sense you are Indian and already know :D). There is none like him at world leaders stage. I sincerely hope, Trump and American establishment do not screw up this trip and have tangible, mutually beneficial offers on the table. Anything less, worst, try to undermine Mr khan, they wont know what hit them.

5 years from now you will be bitching about incompetent Imran Khan is

Can you please specify the tangible benefits part.

It is up to PMIK and COAS to determine what are the tangible benefits acceptable to them in the name of Pakistan's national interests.
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