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PM Imran Khan fully authorises Pakistan Army to befittingly respond to any Indian misadventure

The Indian idea is to take the narrative away from real problem of Kashmir and make it look like its terrorism.

What Pakistan must do is proactively take the narrative back to Kashmir. Pakistan should stop being reactive. Pulwama was not the last attack. This is not the last time too that India has leveled allegation against Pakistan. So Pakistan should prepare for next attack and until now and then wrest the narrative back from India.

Pakistan should also not wait for the next government in India and expect things will change. If its not Modi, things could calm down a bit as Modi type politics depends on hatred and aggression. But this game of blame and putting out notices to Pakistan will not stop.
The operative word here is "war". Your confusing 'peace' with 'war'.

  • Peace ~ is the normative condition for most states. Pakistan is at 'peace' at the moment. So is India. Therefore the Pakistan Army like in other states where rule of law prevails cannot, yes cannot engage or respond without authorization of the executive of the country - the Prime Minister.

  • War ~ when and if highest level of state's decision [NSA] making bodies deliberate and give advice for war, the Prime Minister might or might no choose to declare war. If he declares war then the armed forces of the country are ordered to attack the enemy.
If you notice we had a NSC meeting where PM presided over a meeting of foreign sectretary, defence secretery, finance secretary, chiefs of army, navy, airforce, ISI and other advisors and the authority, yes authority was given to the army to react if any Indian aggression takes place. This tells us the PM reserves the consititutional right to give authority for military action and war. Pakistan I should think is not a banana republic.

"Simultaneously, the NSC also gave formal authorisation to the armed forces "to respond decisively and comprehensively to any aggression or misadventure by India".


Is that who I think it is in the blue suit? Oh this is gonna be interesting
India has stuck in the middle of now where, Modi has failed to deliver the promised dreams to his public and again one more Darma like Mumbai attack orchestrated, why these type of darmas take place just before the election???? who is the beneficiary of them ???? other than india entire world knows the answer of it ..... international community is almost silent, but the hype created by india media among the public and then public reaction against Kashmiries is destroying india's own image internationally... now inidan public is expecting modi to take some action against pakistan the only way to save his own face is to do some nasty stuff, keeping in view the current situation i am not expecting any full fledged war ............. so cut in short ....... Wild Bill, your sheep need grooming.
The trecherous business class in Karachi won't. What they do is use their links in India to export stuff to Dubai which is then offloaded in Karachi. The real amount could be lot higher I read somewhere.

Can we have a proper source. Else this is considered trolling and mental diarhea and your personal hatred against Karachities, which nobody gives a f.

then you dont really have anything, but will do anything to malign karachi and karachiites in any way possible?

He have some personal grudge against Karachities.
Can we have a proper source. Else this is considered trolling and mental diarhea and your personal hatred against Karachities, which nobody gives a f.

He have some personal grudge against Karachities.
Just Indibumbs trying to instigate conflict within Pakistanis.

Na talaq leti hai na gher basati hai
I don't need to. The fact that this city has returned MQM election after election says it all. Just for the record Altaf's MQM. The one connected with taking money from India, having stated Pakistan was a mistake [as if what some people in Karachi think decides the fate of 200 million people] and was actively engaged in wholesale murder, arson [hello Baldia factoyr fire] and all manner of gangsterism including 'bori politics'. And this is a party that got voted in again and again. All this by remote control from the godfather from fugistive, resident 5,000 miles away.

Enuff said.
Same goes for Balochi, Sindhi, Pashtun son of the soil ethno fascist groups. some involved in full blown rebellions even. I dont see you bashing entire Sindhi, Balochi and Pashtun populations for that, it is simply because you are blinded by hate.

And your comment contradicts it self, you are saying that MQM was terrorizing Karachi's business community and at the same time saying KArachi's business community is committing treason. make up your mind please.

Talking about fugitive you are not in PAkistan either, meanwhile Karachiites are still here contributing to PAksitan's economy and defense(not very treasonous of them).

read it. it still doesnt prove his point that the final destination of these imported goods is KArachi. or that its "epicenter" is in KArachi.
Thanks. Much appreciated. The report cites that the backbone of the trade is "facilitated by ethnic networks" between the two countries. Now I wonder which "ethnic networks" these are? Mmm let me think. Shia Hazara?

Essentially what you have is families living in Pakistan who have relatives in India. This creates a "ethnic network" which can be used to overcome the border restrictions. I know in UK the drug trade amongst Pakistani's is dominated by those who have family in Pakistan and both ends work together to illiecitly smuggle goods to UK - with both ends of family profiting.
Talking about fugitive
I am not on the run from Pakistani law. Do understand what a 'fugitive' means.

Balochi, Sindhi, Pashtun
Tell me, did Balochistan, Sindh or Khyber Pakhtunkwa vote a party in power that held government posts which had such chequered history as MQM? In fact all too often MQM supporters are first to accuse others of ethno-facism to shut them up or put them on the defensive. When the reality is MQM is a ethno-facist party itself and has been continously voted in power with clear agenda of keeping other ethnic groups from gaining ground in Karachi. MQM talked like they owned Karachi [overlooking the fact that they themselves are migrants as the party name clearly stated] and other migrants were not to be accepted.

I don't have issues with anybody least of all Karachi. My dad was in Karachi in early 1960s. My issue is with exceptionalism on display by many in Karachi and openly leveraged by MQM. In early 1950s the migrant populations from India that moved to Karachi were on average from urban backgrounds in India and better educated compared to the indigenous populations in Pakistan. In addition Muslim Leaque which was dominant in 1940s was mostly in hands of people from what is now India like United Provinces etc. These two factors were used by this group to move en masse to Karachi and gouge a disproportionate share in the newly independant Pakistan. In the newly emerging state this allowed some privilaged groups to carve out a role and tenor in the new state far in excess of their numbers. It was as if the state was for thier betterment only. Adopting Urdu further gave this group advantage.

Finding that this grab for power had succeeded but the new ruling politico-economic elite had little legitimacy or even widespread support led to elections being deferred and the new constitution of the state dragged on. Meantime this group sucked all the resources giving it a head start over others. Islam was then used to legitimatise the rule while internal factions fought for power driven by greed. The only other power axis that existed at that time was the army which was drawn mostly from the GT road [Peshawar-Lahore] belt. This lack of legitimacy opened the space for the army take over by Gen. Ayub which began the rollback of the new politco-economic elite under guise of Muslim League based in Karachi. We can see how the capital was transferred north in the middle of the GT belt ~ Rawalpindi. A very, very wise move I must add.

Over time a uneasy nexus came into being between the GT belt and Karach elite. However there was always tension underneath. We can see how the riots between pro Ayub supporters [my dad was one] and the Mohajirs took place in Karachi of 1960s as the latter tried to use the sister of Jinnah to remove Ayub. This was the first showing of 'family democracy' in Pakistan. Just because XYZ was sister or daughter of a established name it somehow justified role in the country. A most undemocratic impulse.

It was at this time a strange phenomnon was observed. Most Mohajir's compared to the natives were more liberal and urban but they supported religious parties. The reason was these religious parties justified their migration and helped to hold onto the exceptionalism they had carved for themselves in the new state. Ayub finally would be toppled with these religious parties being the vanguard.

Bhutto entered the scene and won because vast majority of the country had been left out of the economic and political base of the country. In context of Sindh and Karachi Bhutto's rule can be seen as a attempt to pull back the Mohajir capture [since 1950] of the provinces nodes by trying to increase the Sindhi footprint in their own province including even trying to, god forbid bring Sindhi language into Sind province.

As Mohajir domination was squeezed [which was in place since the capture of 1950] there was reaction. At heart of this was Mohajor exceptionalism - almost a racist belief that they, their culture, their language was superior and rest were uncouth savages. Thus they felt they had right to disproportionate share in job market or university places.

The tide of anti Bhutto demonstrations that would bring him down were fueled by this exeptionalism in Karachi but clothed in religious parties. With advent of Zia these forces supported his illgitimate rule. MQM took shape with help of the illigitimate regime of Zia. What was the genesis of MQM? To maintan the exceptionalism and capture of 1950. And we saw how the next few decades panned out. The defining force was simply grab for resources of the port city through which the entire countries trade - in and out goes.

And even in 2019 that exceptionalism continues to exist. It can be seen in how anybody talking about it will recieve a tidal reaction. The reason is the narrative is still dominated by this exceptionalism. You can see how even PDF is dominated by certain groups. The media in Pakistan is also dominated. However as we move forward slowly a more representative Pakistan that actually reflects the real Pakistan will gain ground.

@Joe Shearer
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