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PM Imran Khan fully authorises Pakistan Army to befittingly respond to any Indian misadventure

Will do. I can't provide you proof that would meet legal standards but there is enough anecodotal evidence to point to the rapacious rentier class of businessmen we have in Pakistan with the epicentre being in Karachi.
then you dont really have anything, but will do anything to malign karachi and karachiites in any way possible?
PM Imran Khan fully authorises Pakistan Army to befittingly respond to any Indian misadventure


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has once again categorically rejected Indian allegations on Pulwama attack and said that it was planned and executed at local level in India.

Prime Minister Imran Khan chaired National Security Committee meeting here Thursday, in which it was categorically stated that Pakistan was not involved in Pulwama attack and that it was planned and executed at local level in Indian territory.

Pakistan sincerely offered India for investigation into the incident, said the statement issued following the meeting.

Prime Minister Imran Khan fully authorized Pakistan Army to befittingly respond to any Indian misadventure.

PM Khan also directed interior ministry and the security agencies to expedite crackdown against the extremist elements in the country.

What's latest is that:

Pakistan Air force is on High Alert. Fighter Jets loaded with A2A and A2G weapon systems.

The 10KM rule was reaffirmed in the bilateral agreement between India and Pakistan, known as the "Agreement On Prevention of Air Space Violations and For Permitting Over Flights and Landings by Military Aircraft."

A. Combat aircraft (to include fighter, bomber, reconnaissance and armed helicopter aircraft) will not fly within 10 kms of each other's airspace including ADIZ. No aircraft of any side will enter the airspace over the territorial waters of either country, except by prior permission.

B. Unarmed transport and logistics aircraft including unarmed helicopters, and Air Observation Post (AOP) aircraft, will be permitted up to 1000 meters from each other's airspace including ADIZ.



Meanwhile there is a news from Eastern borders that: The explosions heard in Zafarwal and Narowal areas on Eastern borders of Pakistan are Indian jets creating sonic boom.
They are holding a military drill on their side of the borders.
Although intimidating but it's a normal thing fighter jets do during exercises.
Pakistan army has Increased presence in the area but no shots fired from any side yet.
but will do anything to malign karachi and karachiites in any way possible?
I don't need to. The fact that this city has returned MQM election after election says it all. Just for the record Altaf's MQM. The one connected with taking money from India, having stated Pakistan was a mistake [as if what some people in Karachi think decides the fate of 200 million people] and was actively engaged in wholesale murder, arson [hello Baldia factoyr fire] and all manner of gangsterism including 'bori politics'. And this is a party that got voted in again and again. All this by remote control from the godfather from fugistive, resident 5,000 miles away.

Enuff said.

Ps. I can provide you a more reasoned and sounded critique when I get the time.

Nawaz was in. As things went pear shaped the old saying came thrusting to the surface. 'Success has many fathers but defeat is a orphan'. Suddenly Kargil became a hot coal. Nobody wanted to own it. What happened was we had a general whose need for glory was bigger then his strategic wisdom and a PM whose brains did not match his boot size.
PM Imran Khan fully authorises Pakistan Army to befittingly respond to any Indian misadventure


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has once again categorically rejected Indian allegations on Pulwama attack and said that it was planned and executed at local level in India.

Prime Minister Imran Khan chaired National Security Committee meeting here Thursday, in which it was categorically stated that Pakistan was not involved in Pulwama attack and that it was planned and executed at local level in Indian territory.

Pakistan sincerely offered India for investigation into the incident, said the statement issued following the meeting.

Prime Minister Imran Khan fully authorized Pakistan Army to befittingly respond to any Indian misadventure.

PM Khan also directed interior ministry and the security agencies to expedite crackdown against the extremist elements in the country.
Why are generals panicking..? Is india threatening?

What's latest is that:

Pakistan Air force is on High Alert. Fighter Jets loaded with A2A and A2G weapon systems.

The 10KM rule was reaffirmed in the bilateral agreement between India and Pakistan, known as the "Agreement On Prevention of Air Space Violations and For Permitting Over Flights and Landings by Military Aircraft."

A. Combat aircraft (to include fighter, bomber, reconnaissance and armed helicopter aircraft) will not fly within 10 kms of each other's airspace including ADIZ. No aircraft of any side will enter the airspace over the territorial waters of either country, except by prior permission.

B. Unarmed transport and logistics aircraft including unarmed helicopters, and Air Observation Post (AOP) aircraft, will be permitted up to 1000 meters from each other's airspace including ADIZ.



Meanwhile there is a news from Eastern borders that: The explosions heard in Zafarwal and Narowal areas on Eastern borders of Pakistan are Indian jets creating sonic boom.
They are holding a military drill on their side of the borders.
Although intimidating but it's a normal thing fighter jets do during exercises.
Pakistan army has Increased presence in the area but no shots fired from any side yet.
Why are we on high alert? Is india maneuvering?
Why are generals panicking..? Is india threatening?

Why are we on high alert? Is india maneuvering?

No one is panicking. The fact is they can't go further other than speaking on media.

They are having their armed drills over there near their borders, and we should be in fact we are ready for every kind of situation imposed on us. Last moment preparations could hurt us badly too, so we should be on standby.
No it does not. You calling Pakistan Army a rogue entity? This is what Indians say.

And as regards India. Either man up. Attack Pakistan and grab some real estate as bond against any further incidents or put up andf shut up. Enough of Sirjikal/Vatir dramas. This is ain't Bollywood.

The trecherous business class in Karachi won't. What they do is use their links in India to export stuff to Dubai which is then offloaded in Karachi. The real amount could be lot higher I read somewhere.
In war or attack every army has power to respond without waiting for order of P.m it is self defense and happens in every country even in u.s army soldier not ask everytime to their p.m and president for orders to attack and our army has authority and was also responding to india at loc when ik was not p.m
In war or attack every army has power to respond without waiting for order of P.m it is self defense and happens in every country even in u.s army soldier not ask everytime to their p.m and president for orders to attack and our army has authority and was also responding to india at loc when ik was not p.m
The operative word here is "war". Your confusing 'peace' with 'war'.

  • Peace ~ is the normative condition for most states. Pakistan is at 'peace' at the moment. So is India. Therefore the Pakistan Army like in other states where rule of law prevails cannot, yes cannot engage or respond without authorization of the executive of the country - the Prime Minister.

  • War ~ when and if highest level of state's decision [NSA] making bodies deliberate and give advice for war, the Prime Minister might or might no choose to declare war. If he declares war then the armed forces of the country are ordered to attack the enemy.
If you notice we had a NSC meeting where PM presided over a meeting of foreign sectretary, defence secretery, finance secretary, chiefs of army, navy, airforce, ISI and other advisors and the authority, yes authority was given to the army to react if any Indian aggression takes place. This tells us the PM reserves the consititutional right to give authority for military action and war. Pakistan I should think is not a banana republic.

"Simultaneously, the NSC also gave formal authorisation to the armed forces "to respond decisively and comprehensively to any aggression or misadventure by India".


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