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PM Imran Khan calls for removal of sanctions on Iran

Mature statement by the honorable Prime Minister.
There is a moral obligation on humanity to stand united in this global health crisis. COVID19 does not recognize nation state borders and international treaties and hence the response of humanity against it should also be universal and beyond pride or prejudice.
Mature statement by the honorable Prime Minister.
There is a moral obligation on humanity to stand united in this global health crisis. COVID19 does not recognize nation state borders and international treaties and hence the response of humanity against it should also be universal and beyond pride or prejudice.

I can't believe it's you who is posting such sane post...
I can't believe it's you who is posting such sane post...

I am just appreciating the Prime Minister's mature statement that COVID19 will last way longer than governments currently employed in the world, his included.

Extremists like you just want to live in a bubble of stereotypical existence.
Mature statement by the honorable Prime Minister.
There is a moral obligation on humanity to stand united in this global health crisis. COVID19 does not recognize nation state borders and international treaties and hence the response of humanity against it should also be universal and beyond pride or prejudice.
I say Imran Khan is the most ignorant person in world. I was expecting intelligence agencies feeding him real truth but doesn't seems the case.
Who is stopping China Russia EU and private sector to help Iran in neutralizing sanctions, i agree no one has the vaccine yet.
I was expecting intelligence agencies feeding him real truth but doesn't seems the case.

There is no evidence to suggest this.

Sometimes politicians are just too paranoid to trust anyone and everyone. Specially those heading weak governments.
Iran has enough money to commit genocide of millions in Syria.

Iran has enough money to supply cruise and ballistic rockets to sectarian thugs in Yemen.

Iran has enough money for Hezbalshaytan in Lebanon.

Iran has enough money for dozens of sectarian militias in Iraq.

Iran has not money for medicines for its people.

All u need to know about Iranian regime.
Where iran said we don't have money for medical supply . we said a rouge country actively stop us when we want to buy medical supply . there is a huge difference here.

I say Imran Khan is the most ignorant person in world. I was expecting intelligence agencies feeding him real truth but doesn't seems the case.
Who is stopping China Russia EU and private sector to help Iran in neutralizing sanctions, i agree no one has the vaccine yet.
The one who threaten the private organizations if they have financial transactions with iran . was I clear enough or you want me to give more hints.
^^ Just test the bomb, what are you waiting for ?
I don't know maybe they are waiting out for arm embargo lifting in October and also trump future in November ... on technical issues regarding nukes or delivery system no problem .. enough enriched uranium has been stockpiled since restriction were left it just a political decision to see the mushroom ..
I don't know maybe they are waiting out for arm embargo lifting in October and also trump future in November ... on technical issues regarding nukes or delivery system no problem .. enough enriched uranium has been stockpiled since restriction were left it just a political decision to see the mushroom ..
What about the fatwa? I'm sure that can be overturn during wartime.
What about the fatwa? I'm sure that can be overturn during wartime.
The art of a statesman is creating a kind of deterrence through all means like diplomacy and soft power or military power that would prevent the war before it takes place not during wartime.
On Fatwa, has the other side respected its own words? what they're doing right now is just act of war and need a proper reaction .. on Fatwa which is "Against the acquisition, development and use of nuclear weapons and was issued mid 90s" I think it should have been issued in this way "Against the acquisition, development and use of nuclear weapons against civilians".
On the other hand nukes just could keep your foes at the bay but there are many other means involved in national security structure too.
PM Khan would be better served worrying about the country that he is leading rather than others. Also be aware of Irans support of india, northern alliance, the initial US invasion of afghanistan, etc.. all which have hurt Pakistans interest significantly. Iran post-shah never missed an opportunity to poke at us.

I remember browsing iranian forums years back and reading myself what these people think and say of Pakistanis...now today it has turned

that is one way of looking at it...

but Imran just proved he is a bigger human than most people on this planet... besides you make friends helping in need not by screwing them over.. other wise what is the difference between us an indian

And you scums should stop supporting al qaeda and taliban.

where u born yesterday?..

Pakistan from day one had ZERO issue in handing over Arab terrorist scums of Al Qieda... this was even certified by lunatic muslim hating americans such as John Mccain.

taliban we supported from day and continued to this day with no apologies... besides what you are going to do about it?.. complain to trump?...lolololol

The only afgani sum are North Alliance bastards backed even worse people of the nation of india. I do realise you are a Eyeraqi and technical competence may not be your strong point.. but dont worry let me know if you want an education on North Aliiance greatest hits...
Don't you think you should be bit more respectful calling names to an elected PM of a country. You have got every right to disagree and that's a freedom of expression but one mustn't forget manners.
On top of it don't have you got any humanity left in you while people are dying due to lack of medicines and people are playing politics. We may not agree with others on many things but no one should be allowed to play with anyone's lives especially the innocents ones.

Let me decode this for you, This is old ( شاہین میزائل ) with a new nick his problem Isn't PMIK speaking for Iran his problem is PMIK speaking for Shia...
that is one way of looking at it...

but Imran just proved he is a bigger human than most people on this planet... besides you make friends helping in need not by screwing them over.. other wise what is the difference between us an indian

where u born yesterday?..

Pakistan from day one had ZERO issue in handing over Arab terrorist scums of Al Qieda... this was even certified by lunatic muslim hating americans such as John Mccain.

taliban we supported from day and continued to this day with no apologies... besides what you are going to do about it?.. complain to trump?...lolololol

The only afgani sum are North Alliance bastards backed even worse people of the nation of india. I do realise you are a Eyeraqi and technical competence may not be your strong point.. but dont worry let me know if you want an education on North Aliiance greatest hits...
So you admit of supporting terrorism.
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