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PM Imran Khan calls for removal of sanctions on Iran

Don't you think you should be bit more respectful calling names to an elected PM of a country. You have got every right to disagree and that's a freedom of expression but one mustn't forget manners.
On top of it don't have you got any humanity left in you while people are dying due to lack of medicines and people are playing politics. We may not agree with others on many things but no one should be allowed to play with anyone's lives especially the innocents ones.
My whole family voted for him and like many other dual citizens also financially supported his election campaign.
یہ بندہ اکثر بونگیاں مار جاتا ہے ۔
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I can say the same thing about you. You have connections with Iranian regime or something?

I have every right to express my views about global developments, and voice my disagreements with the PM of Pakistan over any statement I find to be in poor judgement. He is the only politician whom I have voted twice.

Iran - US conflict is not our issue, period.
Thank you Prime Minister Imran Khan and thank you Pakistan.
As long as you fight for peace in Yemen, Syria and Iraq then you are beloved friends else... you are crazy mullahs.
I am not being a Yank apologist, I am pointing out a serious development in Iraq which have further escalated tensions between US and Iran. Killing American soldiers will not solve Iranian problems with USA - only worsen the crisis for Iran at large.

Soldiers from every country know it is a dangerous job and there is a risk of being killed. But nobody from any country or their loved ones should be dying because they are denied access to urgently needed medicine based on their nationality. I would say the same for any country, Iran, Pakistan, India.

Do you have any idea how many ordinary Iranians have died because of sanctions? That number is easily in the thousands, even before the coronavirus. Basic medical items are not available and ordinary people who have nothing to do with sanctions have been suffering and in many cases dying because of it. I would not want someone in my family to die because sanctions prevented them from accessing life critical medicine. Have some empathy.
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Do you have any idea how many ordinary Iranians have died because of sanctions? That number is easily in the thousands, even before the coronavirus. Basic medical items are not available and ordinary people who have nothing to do with sanctions have been suffering and in many cases dying because of it. I would not want someone in my family to die because sanctions prevented them from accessing life critical medicine. Have some empathy.

I completely understand the damaging implications of sanctions on Iranian Public (Trump administration is exceedingly harsh on Iran). I am just baffled as to how stubborn Iranian regime is, and how misplaced its priorities are in the face of crippling sanctions (and protests from within Iran). Iranian regime have prioritized funding Iranian militias/stooges in other countries over the well-being of its own people. This is what ticks me off about Iran.

Iran is not just at odds with USA, it is at odds with multiple Islamic states due to its controversial militia geopolitics. Iran is digging its own grave unfortunately.

WE cannot reason with Iranian regime or make it change its ways. Iranian regime is responsible for its actions and consequences by and large. Therefore, Pakistan should not bother with Iran.
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PM Khan would be better served worrying about the country that he is leading rather than others. Also be aware of Irans support of india, northern alliance, the initial US invasion of afghanistan, etc.. all which have hurt Pakistans interest significantly. Iran post-shah never missed an opportunity to poke at us.

I remember browsing iranian forums years back and reading myself what these people think and say of Pakistanis...now today it has turned
I completely understand the damaging implications of sanctions on Iranian Public (Trump administration is exceedingly harsh on Iran). I am just baffled how stubborn Iranian regime is, and how misplaced its priorities are in the face of crippling sanctions (and protests from within Iran). Iranian regime have prioritized funding Iranian militias/stooges in other countries over the well-being of its own people. This is what ticks me off about Iran.

Iran is not just at odds with USA, it is at odds with many Islamic states due to its militia politics. And all are preparing to teach Iran an unforgettable lesson; this is becoming inevitable.

I see repeat of Iraq-like tragedy once again. And I digress.

As long as US admin is occupied by sycophants like Pompeo who are thirsty for war with Iran, they want nothing less than total capitulation and for Iran to become a puppet state before they remove sanctions. US intentionally make ridiculous demands they know Iran would never agree to and then blames Iran for not becoming a puppet state. US asked Iran to hand over its missiles, what kind of country would ever agree to something like that? So US can strike Iran's cities freely with impunity? There are real people living in those cities. What kind of country would accept its citizens being killed without retaliation? Pakistan of all countries should know this given how many US drone strikes have killed civilians as collateral damage. Imagine how stupid it would be if Pakistan agreed to hand over its missiles to India. Pakistan would never do it, and neither should Iran.

Let's not pretend Iran is the only country funding proxies, Turkey, Pakistan, Qatar, and Saudia are doing the same thing. Iran spends less money than almost all of the Arab countries, funding is not the problem. Iran could agree to do whatever the US wants and they would still be sanctioned because the current US admin is not run by rational people. They are not interested in removing sanctions no matter what happens. What options does Iran left when they are dealing with an irrational adversary like that? US trashed the avenue of diplomacy when they ditched the JCPOA, which made it pretty clear to Iran that increasing tensions with more attacks is the only avenue left to get some change, since diplomacy is gone and they have nothing to lose by trying. The alternative to doing nothing is more sanctions. People like Pompeo want blood and are more interested in starting another disastrous war than using logic and diplomacy to reduce tensions. If US actually cared about resolving this issue, they would leave a path open to diplomacy open instead of maximum pressure and crippling sanctions. By imposing more sanctions, they are intentionally trying to box Iran into a corner with no way out, an outcome bound to have severe consequences. Increasing hostility with Iran and closing the door to diplomacy leaving no way out for Iran guarantees war after enough time which is exactly what Pompeo wants.

If anything, Iran is doing the Gulf a huge favor by being this patient instead of taking the US bait and starting a war while being egged on by Pompeo and having every right to do so. What kind of admin bans humanitarian and health relief for political revenge while thousands are dying? The current US admin is nothing short of morally bankrupt. Pompeo had every intention of wanting to start a war with Iran when they assassinated Gen Soleimani, Iran was within in their right to respond to it. The fact that Iran chose not to get into a war despite US desperately wanting war is something we should be grateful for. Pompeo and those surrounding him are dangerous people. Iran has had patience to avoid a war for 4 years, but they won't be patient for 8 years. The current level of sanctions if continued will guarantee some tipping point in the next 4 years that will ignite a war with Iran. We have already been lucky enough to avoid a war in the past 4 years given everything that has happened. It is essential to remove sanctions and reduce tension with Iran before the US provokes another war. It would be very irresponsible, dangerous and highly volatile in a region as unstable as the Middle East and with a country as powerful as Iran. Pakistan has just finished dealing with the consequences of 19 year war in Afghanistan that wreaked havoc on Pakistan's economy and security situation. Imagine what a war with Iran would do. It would devastate the entire region. No one would be safe. Pakistan should want removal of sanctions on Iran if for no other reason than its own security. It is in the interest of US, Iran, Pakistan, and the rest of the Gulf to find a robust and comprehensive resolution to this conflict through dialogue, not sanctions before it is too late. Then maybe one day, the region can start the long road to reconciliation one day allowing unfinished projects such as the IP pipeline to bear fruit.
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Unrealistic suggestion in view of ongoing US-Iranian conflict. This was a recent event: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zo...airstrikes-on-iranian-related-targets-in-iraq

Very unfortunate.

Iranian leadership also refused American support in combating COVID-19 outbreak.


Imran Khan is surrounded by Shia heirarchy---. IK is going to sabotage pakistan's progress by siding with Iran---.

Iran is a pariah nation---. People need support to over throw the iranian mullahs and their cohorts and free Iran of the tyranny of the fanatics---.

Imran Khan should keep his mouth shut about Iran and handle pakistan's problems---.

Imran Khan is surrounded by Shia heirarchy---. IK is going to sabotage pakistan's progress by siding with Iran---.

Iran is a pariah nation---. People need support to over throw the iranian mullahs and their cohorts and free Iran of the tyranny of the fanatics---.

Imran Khan should keep his mouth shut about Iran and handle pakistan's problems---.
I think he wants US to remove sanction, so he could do trade , buy oil and gas from Iran. Rather Saudi Arabia , which Pak end up paying yearly billions in transportation surcharges. Obviously, Gulfy clearly prefer Indian market over Pakistan. Over 100 billion dollar of investment going to India and nothing in Pakistan. All they need our men to fight for them and die for them.
And its will of Pakistan army, they are tired of dealing war against terror for the last ten year, still every day Pak army lose men on Indian or Afghan border. TTP still active and killing our men in KPK and Baluchistan.
Pakistan need friends and peace in the region. Enough wars fouht since 1979. Still paying the price.
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I think he wants US to remove sanction, he could do trade , buy oil and gas from Iran. Rather Saudi Arabia , which end up paying yearly billions in transportation surcharges. Obviously, Gulfy clearly prefer Indian market over Pakistan. Over 100 billion dollar of investment going to India and nothing in Pakistan. All they need our men to fight for them and die for them.
And its will of Pakistan army, they are tired of dealing war against terror for the last ten year, still every day Pak army lose men on Indian or Afghan border. TTP still active and killing our men in KPK and Baluchistan.
Pakistan need friends and peace in the region. Enough wars fouht since 1979. Still paying the price.

And what is Iran doing---loving kissing and higging our boyz---sending them out to be slaughtered---.

Iran is an enemy of pakistan and will always be an enemy of pakistan under the Mullah's regime---.
As long as you fight for peace in Yemen, Syria and Iraq then you are beloved friends else... you are crazy mullahs.


Add in also Afghanistan, as this has the most effect on Pakistan.

Soldiers from every country know it is a dangerous job and there is a risk of being killed. But nobody from any country or their loved ones should be dying because they are denied access to urgently needed medicine based on their nationality. I would say the same for any country, Iran, Pakistan, India.

Do you have any idea how many ordinary Iranians have died because of sanctions? That number is easily in the thousands, even before the coronavirus. Basic medical items are not available and ordinary people who have nothing to do with sanctions have been suffering and in many cases dying because of it. I would not want someone in my family to die because sanctions prevented them from accessing life critical medicine. Have some empathy.

Unfortunately the common Iranian will suffer due to the failed agressive policies of their government. I really feel for Iranian poor who are the victims of no fault of their own.

The Iranian government however seems adamant to antagonize all its former allies and supporters in the Sunni Islamic world. Sectarianism is just bad policy morally and rationally, as besides Iran, there is no important Shia country in the world.

Pakistan has just finished dealing with the consequences of 19 year war in Afghanistan that wreaked havoc on Pakistan's economy and security situation.

Iran bears part of the blame for supporting anti-Pakistan groups in Afghanistan and bringing in Indians.

Imagine what a war with Iran would do. It would devastate the entire region. No one would be safe.

War on Afghanistan was far more detrimental for Pakistan.

However I do agree that a Western puppet Iranian regime would be dangerous for Pakistan.

The problem is that the current Iranian regime is also dangerous for us.

Then maybe one day, the region can start the long road to reconciliation one day allowing unfinished projects such as the IP pipeline to bear fruit.

Chahbahar has buried that dream long ago. Pakistan's future lies in Afghanistan, China, and Turkey now, all other countries are irrelevant.
And what is Iran doing---loving kissing and higging our boyz---sending them out to be slaughtered---.

Iran is an enemy of pakistan and will always be an enemy of pakistan under the Mullah's regime---.
It's very old saying of Khan Wali Khan ... during first Afghan war, when Jang reporter ask him, that Afghan fighter jets bomb Pakistani territory, he replied , do you send them flowers !!!!!! .
Also , again Great Mao said, with the weapon you can fight the war, but you can't win the war. If you keep the hate, then hate will get over you. For the peace you have to move few steps forward, if IK offer peace to India. Why not wit other neighbors. How long we look Iran through the prism of Saudi Arabia. Is slavery remains in our subconscious, remain slave of Arabs , who call you " miskeen" beggar . Can't we take steps for national benefits. India is getting benefit from both KSA and Iran. Why not Pakistan. Put aside your sectarian ideology, you live in US and US means business.
Only peaceful and friendly environment needed first before dialogue.


Add in also Afghanistan, as this has the most effect on Pakistan.

Unfortunately the common Iranian will suffer due to the failed agressive policies of their government. I really feel for Iranian poor who are the victims of no fault of their own.

The Iranian government however seems adamant to antagonize all its former allies and supporters in the Sunni Islamic world. Sectarianism is just bad policy morally and rationally, as besides Iran, there is no important Shia country in the world.

Iran bears part of the blame for supporting anti-Pakistan groups in Afghanistan and bringing in Indians.

War on Afghanistan was far more detrimental for Pakistan.

However I do agree that a Western puppet Iranian regime would be dangerous for Pakistan.

The problem is that the current Iranian regime is also dangerous for us.

Chahbahar has buried that dream long ago. Pakistan's future lies in Afghanistan, China, and Turkey now, all other countries are irrelevant.
Chahbar is extremely small port, where 2 or 3 ships can accommodate , where Gawadar accomodate 40 to 50 ships at time. So, its pointless to compare. It not even feasible for Afghan trade, due to cost and time of transportation. I really don't understand why Pakistani talk about Chahbar port.
I think he wants US to remove sanction, he could do trade , buy oil and gas from Iran. Rather Saudi Arabia , which end up paying yearly billions in transportation surcharges. Obviously, Gulfy clearly prefer Indian market over Pakistan. Over 100 billion dollar of investment going to India and nothing in Pakistan. All they need our men to fight for them and die for them.

IK has finally figured out that Pakistan is getting ripped off by the Saudis who are overcharging us for oil and stabbing us in the back diplomatically by getting closer to India. PM expressed his frustration recently when he said that OIC cannot even agree to hold a meeting on Kashmir after Saudi blocked it. That was probably the end of IK's patience with the Saudis so now one gets the impression that Pakistan is starting to lean towards Iran to put pressure on the Saudis. Iran has supported Pakistan on Kashmir and also condemned Delhi violence against Muslims while Saudi has done neither so IK asking for removal of sanctions on could be Pakistan returning the favor to Iran.

Also Pakistan's economy drastically needs to cut costs as the world enters a global recession. Saudis are now deciding to mess with oil prices and piss off Russia which makes it difficult to make long term price estimates for countries like Pakistan which need stability. Volatility in oil prices is not good for the market so IK wants to reduce dependence on Saudi oil. Iranian oil is much cheaper, easier to transport and much more stable supply to Pakistan than Saudis. IK wants to make a deal with Iran to get cheap oil to reduce pressure on Pakistan's economy. Removal of sanctions will allow IP pipeline to be finished. In my opinion IP pipeline should be finished even if sanctions don't get removed. Pakistan and Iran will both benefit.

Chahbahar has buried that dream long ago. Pakistan's future lies in Afghanistan, China, and Turkey now, all other countries are irrelevant.

Iran invited Pakistan to Chabahar and Pakistan invited Iran to CPEC. Long-term goal for all countries involved is to connect China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, and Turkey.
IK has finally figured out that Pakistan is getting ripped off by the Saudis who are overcharging us for oil and stabbing us in the back diplomatically by getting closer to India. PM expressed his frustration recently when he said that OIC cannot even agree to hold a meeting on Kashmir after Saudi blocked it. That was probably the end of IK's patience with the Saudis so now one gets the impression that Pakistan is starting to lean towards Iran to put pressure on the Saudis. Iran has supported Pakistan on Kashmir and also condemned Delhi violence against Muslims while Saudi has done neither so IK asking for removal of sanctions on could be Pakistan returning the favor to Iran.

Also Pakistan's economy drastically needs to cut costs as the world enters a global recession. Saudis are now deciding to mess with oil prices and piss off Russia which makes it difficult to make long term price estimates for countries like Pakistan which need stability. Volatility in oil prices is not good for the market so IK wants to reduce dependence on Saudi oil. Iranian oil is much cheaper, easier to transport and much more stable supply to Pakistan than Saudis. IK wants to make a deal with Iran to get cheap oil to reduce pressure on Pakistan's economy. Removal of sanctions will allow IP pipeline to be finished. In my opinion IP pipeline should be finished even if sanctions don't get removed. Pakistan and Iran will both benefit.

Iran invited Pakistan to Chabahar and Pakistan invited Iran to CPEC. Long-term goal for all countries involved is to connect China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, and Turkey.
Imran Khan never pass such type of statement without consulting COAS. And COAS knows the regional situation much better then govt. Before IK , Bajwa has noticed something. May be huge set back on Kashmir cause.
May be recent visit from Erdogan , he whisper something in IK ear.
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