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PM calls back FM from the US

If the Yanks take on the Haqqanis in NWA - it is going to be the US's Hezbollah moment, I consider the HQ's that good. -
Only problem is that NK is not threatening/attacking Amrikan bases...They know Pakistan is much stronger than NK and cause a lot of damage to them..Plus They do not have their moles in every ministry in NK...

thats what i say yaar pakistani puppets are scared from inside they love their ministry more then there mother .so its result .when every idiot politician begging from USA TO SUPPORT HIM WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM THEM?
The Palestinians just put the US on the spot with their UN proposal.

The US is desperate for a diversion from the Palestinian issue. We need to tread very carefully here.
I guess U are right , US want diversion of the worlds attention from Palestinian Issue.
Only problem is that NK is not threatening/attacking Amrikan bases...They know Pakistan is much stronger than NK and cause a lot of damage to them..Plus They do not have their moles in every ministry in NK...

I would have felt more threatened by possible action pre-Iraq, but now after that adventure, the US at the most will attack NWA, but the terrain make it impossible for just airstrikes to get the job done. Boots on the ground will result in very heavy casualties.
Pakistan should remain vigilante but should not do anything to aggravate the situation.

I just saw the Interview of David Plouffe ( White House spokesman ) who indicated that US will continue to put pressure on Pakistan to rein in Haqqani Network. Maybe , Pak Army should lean on Haqqani's to cool it.
Don't they call PAF chief for this meeting?

May he will protest the idea of gong hostile with USA as they fly F-16s.

No need for it just defend territory with jf's. JF's can do this job with AWESOMENESS, and destroy the bases or aircraft carriers using ground based long range missiles.
He is on tv right now and says the PAF radar detected deep strike bombers (B-2?) on the western border, hence the high alert.

P.S take his commentary with a pinch of salt as he is not known best for his credibility.

B-2 Spirits are 'stealth' bombers. I seriously doubt we can detect them. Besides, USAF does not require deep strike bombers to bomb South Waziristan.
There is unnecessary panic and disinformation. At the most US may air-bomb or throw in some missiles at high-value targets in N Waziristan and things will be back to normal like after the OBL raid. It is a well-known stated policy of the US that they will go after AQ, Taliban and Haqqanis anywhere in the world if they have credible information. Obviously they are not going to share the intelligence with Pakistan due to the mistrust. There is nothing Pakistan can do militarily or diplomatically to prevent such raids.

I have serious disagreement with your observation. It is one thing to not do anything against a US strike out of selfish interest and an entirely another thing to not be able to do anything. The point being, if bombed then Pakistan can take out the air field from where the USAF jets took off.

Enough is enough! 1 call from the military and this whole nation will stand united behind them to defend their country against this aggression! Just 1 call Kiyani and the whole nation becomes 1!!!!
Ok not that I believe in consipracy theories but here is what Dr. Shahid Masood has to say on his fb page.


"CORP COMMANDERS HAVE TAKEN DECISIONS HOW TO REACT AGAINST US AGGRESSION....I REPEAT "HAVE TAKEN DECISIONS"....!!!!! other news....PM Gilini is contacting different leaders to convene a GOL GOL Conference to discuss the issue....!!! Date has to be announced later.!!!! ADVANCED AIR DEFENCE SYSTEM WAS HIGH ALERT LAST NIGHT AFTER WHICH THE CORP COMMANDERS GATHER THIS MORNING.....!!! UNQUOTE.

More Masaala perhaps? :D

If its Shahid Masood then we have to accept it bcoz he is a professional man and takes his job seriously .
that would be the start of 3rd world war..
Might be in this week Russian army chief came to vist Pakistan and talked about Osama's operation and I have also heard that
chinese VP is on his way to Pakistan for a special meeting, I guess some thing is cooking ,Btw I don't trust Obama he lied about davis case.
I don't think the "Mere aziz ham watanon" (ref Ayub Khan) scenario would come up. I think the US seems to be heading for a lull and hadn't expected this unified and strong a response from Pakistan.

It goes to show that once you show unity and decisiveness even a global bully like the US backs off.
The US is about to make a mistake of epic proportions - it cannot take the Haqqanis out by airstrikes - if it gets tangled up in the terrain and warrior tribes of NWA it is going to get seriously burned, the Haqqanis are acknowledged by all sides, to be world class warriors. To put into context, the terrain is similar to Chechnya'n mountains.

---------- Post added at 08:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:20 PM ----------

The war is lost, it is all over bar the shouting, it has been lost since 2003 when they invaded Iraq.

How many men will we lose if the treacherous kafirs inveigle these world class warriors into turning their guns on Pak Fauj Zindabad? I know the sun can rise from the west but a pious Muslim can never kill another Muslim but never underestimate the cunning kafirs whose adroitness at seducing gullible Muslims is well-known.
If its Shahid Masood then we have to accept it bcoz he is a professional man and takes his job seriously .

I saw his program it was so sober. Nothing like the panic attack facebook page alerts he put in. It was all to up his ratings. Fazool aadmi.

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