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PM and Army worried about Afghanistan while Karachi?

Dealing with Karachi is a chapter in provincial government,
Truth of the matter is that the provincial government of PPP is very aggressive and doesn't allow the federal government to intervene in the city's administration.

so, please take this up with PPP Chief Minister.
You are OK with civil war.
Karachi is like occupied territory under PPP racist mafia. Their only affiliation with karachi is looto tey phatto.
Karachi provides 65% to pak revenue. All of Pakistan owe it to Karachi. Truth of the matter rest of Pakistan especially Punjab also running on revenue from Karachi but it does not matter to them if this international city and port is destroyed by steert criminals who flock Karachi from all over Pakistan.
Karachi will stand up and take its rights and not let its revenue to go to federal kitty then we shall see it is a local matter or not???
Lmao ... You guys are so naive.

Rangers is involved in criminal activities. If you lived here , you would know.

What a stupid metric. Name me one famous world renowned scientist produced by these so called scholarships.... Bheek par pal kar bhi kuch hasil nahi kiya ....

Why hasn't these scholarships turned these backward areas into utopia.....Ana to khi hi noukri ke liye....

Besides we are only 6-7% of the population vs 92-93% of backwards...... We don't have child raping cities like kasur , nor we do have head cutting bacha baaz like in KPK and nor do we kill people on other ethnicities on the basis of langauge like in Balochistan.....

Despite being 6% of the pop and being held back by these backwards , we did achieve disproportionate success , with absolutely no thanks to backward racist folks.....
Or any patent, academic article in renowned scientific journals by anyone from sindh getting admissions and jobs on rural quotes system??

As I have said before

Boys born in Delhi and Azamgarh became army chief in Pakistan

Boys born in Bombay and Farrukhabad became airchiefs in Pakistan

Boys born in Hyderabad Deccan became Naval Chief in Pakistan and that too twice

But no army chief, air chief and naval chief came from Nawabshah, Larkana, Sukkar, Dadu, Khairpur etc etc

Bhopal and Hyderabad Deccan provided nuclear scientists but no nuclear scientist came from Larkana or Nawabshah or Sukkar

What is the reason? That reason would answer a lot of issues related to Karachi and Pakistan
Yes, only if honesty, dedication, hardwork and intelligence can be given to sindhi rural on quota.
Same can be said about baluch students who get admissions on quota.
What have they given back to Pakistan?
Sindh card and baluch insurgency!!
You are OK with civil war.
Karachi is like occupied territory under PPP racist mafia. Their only affiliation with karachi is looto tey phatto.
Karachi provides 65% to pak revenue. All of Pakistan owe it to Karachi. Truth of the matter rest of Pakistan especially Punjab also running on revenue from Karachi but it does not matter to them if this international city and port is destroyed by steert criminals who flock Karachi from all over Pakistan.
Karachi will stand up and take its rights and not let its revenue to go to federal kitty then we shall see it is a local matter or not???

Keep voting for goons and blaming everyone else but yourself.
Dealing with Karachi is a chapter in provincial government,
Truth of the matter is that the provincial government of PPP is very aggressive and doesn't allow the federal government to intervene in the city's administration.

so, please take this up with PPP Chief Minister.
That is completely not the truth of the matter and I have no love for the PPP.

It is a mash up of areas run through a defunt and flawed administrative system that no one truly has control over directly. Each post is held separately by rival parties which generally make getting work done near impossible except in places where a clear power exists(PPP technically only has direct control over 10% of Karachi). The rest is divided between rebranded KMC, cantonments and other structures run by either nepotistic appointments including everything from ghost bulldozers and teachers whose upkeep and salaries are still withdrawn.

One of the few ways to fix Karachi is first separate it from Sindh, create a special territory under direct control of federation and then create a new system under majority rule.
Otherwise NOTHING will ever change.
This is what I was saying earlier as well. Federal govt has to take permission from Sindh govt always after 18th ammendment.

Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid offered on Tuesday to deploy more Rangers paramilitary in Karachi to curb the rising incidents of street crime in the metropolis.

Addressing a press conference in Islamabad, he said: "If the Sindh government asks, we are ready to increase [the deployment of] our Rangers forces. We are even ready to deploy them at police stations."

Ready to deploy more Rangers in Karachi if Sindh govt requests: Sheikh Rashid

That is completely not the truth of the matter and I have no love for the PPP.

It is a mash up of areas run through a defunt and flawed administrative system that no one truly has control over directly. Each post is held separately by rival parties which generally make getting work done near impossible except in places where a clear power exists(PPP technically only has direct control over 10% of Karachi). The rest is divided between rebranded KMC, cantonments and other structures run by either nepotistic appointments including everything from ghost bulldozers and teachers whose upkeep and salaries are still withdrawn.

One of the few ways to fix Karachi is first separate it from Sindh, create a special territory under direct control of federation and then create a new system under majority rule.
Otherwise NOTHING will ever change.

Security comes directly under CM sindh and that too for entire city be it DHA or some slum in Korangi where as, you are talking about administrative structure.
PM Imran Khan is worried about Afghanistan humanitarian situation and Army also focus Afghanistan as it helped US to withdraw forces and helped Taliban.
During all these Noble and Grand Designs, orphan Karachi is been violently attacked relentlessly by armies of criminal gangs from all over Pakistan.
About 46000 motor bikes were snatched, hundreds of cars, and thousands of mobile phones. Cars and motor bikes are sold at dirt cheap prices in Balichistan and interior Sindh ( and we hear poor baluchis).
That was material which is though difficult to replace but hapless citizens are killed day and night by these gangsters and PM and Army feeling so much pain for Afganistan.
Karachi is forces to desperately look for options outside Pakistan.
Imam Ali said, rule of unbelief can remain but not the rule of Oppression.

Conditions worst than dire in Karachi....and Ameer-E-Shehar and Salar-E-Shehar both.....just no comments....
Commenting on a post after ages...
The lawless situation in Karachi is indeed alarming. But i have seen Pakistanis are not very fond of hierarchy.
Since when did PM and Army is responsible for the current situation of Karachi?
whose is CM of Sindh ?
Whose govt is in Sindh ?
Is it Police's responsibility to take action against surge in crime rate or Army's or another Paramilitary Force i.e Rangers ?
Award for the dumbest thread running right now.

I have lived and worked in the big cities of USA …. Present day Karachi is a heaven compared to what I saw , experienced and had to do in the USA .

Worked here :

First not a single taxi driver was willing to take me there after dark. Luckily I met couple of Pakistani drivers and one drove me there at night and even refused to take fare from me.

There are no red lights at night …. If you stop at the intersection it’s only to buy drugs. Everyone has to go through the body scanner and armed security which only allows patients , workers and close relatives in. Often patients were handcuffed to the hook on the walls or staff protection.

We had USA army trauma surgeons working there to get “war like experience “. The worst I ever saw other than regular bullet wounds and dead patients was a Russian guy who was taken by the drug dealers for unpaid debt and they took knifes to superficially slice his entire body especially his face . I could not believe I was in the USA but apparently it was not a big deal for other residents and fellows working there.

Oh one more case I can never forget. Drug dealer’s put bull bit some guy’s lips off. 🤦‍♂️It was simply horrible .

I never heard Prrsident Bush or the army chief ever talking about any of this …

I grew up in Hyderabad, Karachi. I will explain the situation in simple words, there are 2 type of people in Karachi one who go to work and work hard, no doubt about it others that get up at 12 o'clock in the afternoon go straight to local pawn shop and then sit at tea shop all day long these are the ones that some individuals here belong to They have no interest in getting jobs they mooch of older siblings or parents.

Most of these Individuals don't go to school and if they do its usually at the girls school where they follow and harass ladies all the way home. They want nothing but CEO jobs and won't accept anything less because they are entitled to it and for obvious reason when they aren't offered those jobs they blame others for this situation...

You don't have to go to Karachi to believe what i am saying just look at the individuals who are taking credit for Revenue generated by Pakistani port as their personal gift to Pakistan, enough said!!!

Investors aren't setting industries in Karachi because Urdu speaking Pakistanis live there they are setting it in Karachi because of Port easier to ship out to the world or rest of Pakistan, but hey, as I said it's because of born in Pakistan 30 or 40 years old but still Muhajir individuals
Karachites would have to atone for their 40 years slavery of an ethno-terrorist Don who was also on India's and establishment's payroll the whole time (how is that for establishment's sincerity). Karachites turned a blind eye to all the crimes and terrorism that was committed in their name under the guise of their rights. They continued to defend Altaf's goons and denied there was no bhatta, there were no mobile chori, there was no terrorism or targeted killing, MQM's good even burned down a whole factory full of their own Muhajir workers and 300 were burned alive yet no condemnation from Karachites.

And now they expect everyone to forget their part in this crime wave and terrorim just because they voted for PTI in one election.

Having said that, the establishment/military doesn't get off quite that easily in this quagmire. They created the conditions for cretins like Altaf to exploit, first by empowering an absolute megalomaniac racist tyrant like Bhutto to the direct detriment of Karachi and Muhajirs. Followed by quota system which reigns to this day and with each successive census which undercounts and Muhajirs by massive margins.

Establishment can easily fix Karachi's problem by holding honest and fair census in Sindh. BUt it won't because it fears the true potential of Karachi. A dysfunctional, stomped on and subjugated Karachi somehow still manages to contribute more than 60% of the revenue. Lalookhait market which is no more than half mile by half mile square, pays more tax than all of the shops and business in Lahore and Pindi combined.

A Karachi fully empowered and functioning to it's full potential will diminish the relevance of Lahore and Pindi, hence it will always be put down and left to wolves of PPP to keep devouring.
Commenting on a post after ages...
The lawless situation in Karachi is indeed alarming. But i have seen Pakistanis are not very fond of hierarchy.
Since when did PM and Army is responsible for the current situation of Karachi?
whose is CM of Sindh ?
Whose govt is in Sindh ?
Is it Police's responsibility to take action against surge in crime rate or Army's or another Paramilitary Force i.e Rangers ?
Then who is responsible?
People of Karachi has been disenfranchised from running karachi!
Army is involved in everything is Pakistan from election engineering to running petrol pumps!

Zardari and his mafia cases put off under whose calling?
Hostile agencies target Karachi and there is enough powderkeg to ignite.
Karachi is a national ISSUE but many tunnel visioned Pakistanis outside of Karachi are unable to fathom. They are about sucking on revenue provided by Karachi to rest of Pakistan.
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