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PM a messiah who arrived after 1,000 years: Uma Bharti

I never knew messiah comes into power through elections and that too after massacring Muslims in his state.

Exactly we urge Marshal Pakistanis to rescue us from this mass murderer
EDIT-its maritial & not Marshal
See his inferior we are can't even spell right

Laggi laggi !!
As per secret sources he's

also supporting Burma massacre .
like i take some random post on internet seriously.


Ohhhhhhhh!!! Achaaawww thats why responding to my posts.

Doc go have some cold water will calm down ur nerves.
Ohhhhhhhh!!! Achaaawww thats why responding to my posts.

Doc go have some cold water will calm down ur nerves.
you asked me first , thats why i answered . refer to post #37 .:lol::lol:. i got to your nerve with that post . Ouch.
As per secret sources he's

also supporting Burma massacre .
"secret sources"!!!!!!!!!! :sarcastic:

pakistanies seems tobe soooo concerened about burmeese and modi that they are forgetting what they had been doing with ahmadies , shias , hindus ,christians in pakistan

what do u call that attitude ?

do onli muslims have "human rights" what do you think about muslims doing to non muslims ( yezidies and christians in syria and iraq& hindus in bangladesh and pakistan) in all the mulim majority nations ?

how can champions of freedom and humanity like muslims have double standards on that ?

as for modi well what happenned in 2002 was deu to a congress and muslim smuggler lobby orchestrated crime of burning 56 hindu pilgrims to avenge loss of so called "muslim seats" to BJP and loss of money deu to gujrat states tough stand against drug and wepons smuggling from across the border

now after the riots broke owt all congress ruled states like Maharashtra MP & rajasthan refused to give police to gujrat still army made flag mrach with then defnce minister george fernandes along with modi watching over the details personalli withgoing into riot hit areas personalli wthin just 36 hours after the breaking of riots

now even after continous 12 years of anty BJP media triad and 10 years of congress rule and count less fact finding missions and SITs often chaired by retired and on duty supreme and high court chief justices and many UPA miniters why count they prosecute modi in a single case even after all the state appratus working overtime to prosecute modi while most of the cases were heared in congress ruled states ?

look at what modi had done to gujrat regarding devlopment work did any one has ever found modi doing any kind of corruption and misusing his athourity for personal gains like most of the congress ruling cabinet or state level ministers or CMs or PMs ?

does all his good work should be over shadowed by fictitous and mischevious state and media sponserred propoganda .....is thatwhat you sir call justice .....think about it
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I'd settle for a mass murderer over Nawaz............. however, NEVER EVER say anything negative about Billo Baji! :mad:

While you have great & visionary leaders like Zardari & Bilwalli we are stuck with mass murders ruling us
Yes there could be, I will say things for what they are. Saying the mods are one sided or biased is a wrong statement. Please enlighten me if the Indian forums would allow non-Indians to criticize in the manner Indians are tolerated here. Give credit where its due, I personally believe the moderators are too laxed on Indian members here, who clearly here come to flame and insult us, but their believes in freedom of expression might be more liberal than mine. This is a discussion for another time
It's all economics man...Indian traffic here fetches them ads and money...I think Indian members here far exceed any other group..that is the reason they are allowing us...Pakistanis on the other hand are a minute lot on Indian sites...for Indian site owners the percentage of people who participate in their forums is very less..the day Pakistanis outnumber or atleast equal Indians on Indian sites you will see Indians acting as generously as Pakistani sites..it is just money.
I'd settle for a mass murderer over Nawaz............. however, NEVER EVER say anything negative about Billo Baji! :mad:

Don't say that to Sher Nawaz he is a lion & on that note we should replace our make in India logo with a picture of Nawaz Sharif the real lion
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