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Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

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You're getting Alzheimers. Concentrate now. I am the maggot. You are the faggot.

Write it down somewhere quickly now. And pin it to your bib so you recall the next time you dribble.

Oh, I'm not THAT removed a generation alright. So write this down- you're the maggot and the faggot and just about everything else. SInce your brain has shown levels of retarded development, it is important that you note it properly. FAGGOT
There are many questions unanswered:
1. Why would IB mislead the Gujrat police? IB is a central body where as Gujrat police is state. How come both have the same intelligence?
2. David Headly's testimony that Ishrat Jahan is a LeT operative is being ignored WHY??
3. Why was Ishrat Jahan and co. targeted?? Why not others??

As far as CBI is concerned, their reputation is worse then IB. They are a bunch of government puppets.

You have misunderstood the whole controversy.

1. There was no misleading of the Gujarat police by the IB. Nobody has claimed this; where did you get that from? It is the IB's job to pass on such information to the local police, and it was doing its job in passing on the news.

Both did not have the same intelligence. The Gujarat police knew only what it was told by the IB.

This passing on of the news was never controversial.

2. David Headley? Are you completely demented? Please learn three things:

A) Ishrat Jahan and the other three were killed in 2004;
B). David Headley was arrested in 2009;
C). There was NO statement by David Headley about Ishrat Jahan, only some sensational reports by the media, with NO evidence to back it. The NIA denied this completely, and it was the Indian agency rwponsible for interrogation of Headley.


3. Because Vanzara was building himself a reputation for a defendant against terror attacks, to justify his other activities. He needed to keep his bosses happy. And, for your information, THIS WAS NOT THE ONLY GROUP HE MURDERED.

Each of your assumptions is wrong. Do your homework better please.
Oh, I'm not THAT removed a generation alright. So write this down- you're the maggot and the faggot and just about everything else. SInce your brain has shown levels of retarded development, it is important that you note it properly. FAGGOT

LOL losing it uncle :cuckoo:
So Pakistani seem desperate to discuss Indian problem but not their own ?
Sir Joe is still not able to answer about independence of CBI and this case is not affected by congress...

I answered that a long time ago. My apologies, I answered in English. Naturally you would have some difficulties with it.
That joe is hindu phobic Christian , that tells volumes about his loyality towards Sonia.

Just for the record, not that I care for your opinion,

I am religion phobic, Islam as much as Hinduism, and every other one as well. I have a weak spot for Buddhism because it does not require belief in God.

I am not a Christian, and never was. My name is assumed from that of an historical sportsman. Being a couch potato, you would have no idea of such things.

I dislike the congress and I don't think much of Sonia Gandhi.

Not that it matters. It's just that I don't like being abused for the wrong reasons. That's the Virgo in me.
You have misunderstood the whole controversy.

1. There was no misleading of the Gujarat police by the IB. Nobody has claimed this; where did you get that from? It is the IB's job to pass on such information to the local police, and it was doing its job in passing on the news.

Both did not have the same intelligence. The Gujarat police knew only what it was told by the IB.

This passing on of the news was never controversial.

2. David Headley? Are you completely demented? Please learn three things:

A) Ishrat Jahan and the other three were killed in 2004;
B). David Headley was arrested in 2009;
C). There was NO statement by David Headley about Ishrat Jahan, only some sensational reports by the media, with NO evidence to back it. The NIA denied this completely, and it was the Indian agency rwponsible for interrogation of Headley.


3. Because Vanzara was building himself a reputation for a defendant against terror attacks, to justify his other activities. He needed to keep his bosses happy. And, for your information, THIS WAS NOT THE ONLY GROUP HE MURDERED.

Each of your assumptions is wrong. Do your homework better please.
1. Rajendra singh, do you know about this guy ??

2.Hey old man do you know, NIA never dismissed what Headly had said, they just don't consider it as substantive.

.It's you who need to do proper research before vomiting gibberish.

Just for the record, not that I care for your opinion,

I am religion phobic, Islam as much as Hinduism, and every other one as well. I have a weak spot for Buddhism because it does not require belief in God.

I am not a Christian, and never was. My name is assumed from that of an historical sportsman. Being a couch potato, you would have no idea of such things.

I dislike the congress and I don't think much of Sonia Gandhi.

Not that it matters. It's just that I don't like being abused for the wrong reasons. That's the Virgo in me.

Then you must be Ambedkar's followers, if you know what I mean.
No Joe appears to be a Hindu Hating dalit along the lines of Kancha Ilaiah. He certainly takes pleasure in promoting Buddhism over Hinduism.

He seems to have struggled hard to escape the caste barrier and establish himself as the new elite. It must be quite a shock to him to see that he does not command any more respect. His bitterness provide entertainment.

Heh heh heh.

Again, just for the record, you loser.

I hate Hinduism, just like I hate Islam, Christianity, and all the others.

I am not a Dalit, and am counted, as old members of PDF know, as one of the upper castes.

I am pro-Dalit, and I admire Kancha Ilaiah. He knows how to sock it to you casteist scum.

I am elite, in every sense, but pride myself on being sensitive to the underprivileged. If I were bitter, I would have descended to your levels of shrill vituperation. As you can see, i haven't.

I am happy to provide entertainment. It is better than being like you, a pain in the arse to all.
Using invective hardly makes you seem intelligent or do much for the reputation of our generation on an international forum. How old are you man? I am 19 and part of this generation as well. And I surely do not think Godse is an a-hole. Please do not speak for all of us.

And Gandhi did not win us our freedom. Stop being a naive puppy. The fact that England was out for the count after WWII did. And that she was in no position to fight another 400 million very agitated Asians.

Agitated by whom? Almost single-handed by Gandhi. With zero contribution from Savarkar and his quislings, the same Savarkar who petitioned the British for mercy to get out of prison.

Talk of naive.

Its hard to call out people over the internet. For all you know, Joe could be a 19 year old transsexual sitting in New Jersey. Let us not go overboard in attempting to 'play by the rules'. It kind of reminds me of the time when Prithviraj Chauhan let Muhammad Ghori go only to have him come back and destroy Delhi. (and the decline of Hinduism in preset day India)

One who does not learn from history is destined to repeat it.

I am very much for Identifying the poster and the post. Know your opponent.

Almost ALWAYS Anti Hindu propaganda and Denigration of Hinduism comes from christians and to a much smaller extend by muslims. Then there are these odd balls like joe. (a relic of the leftist past)

You poor sod.

I am not leftist either.

You missed one more - How come LET website claimed Ishrat as a martyr?

That doesn't give the Gujarat police the right to flout the constitution or the judicial system. Try to understand the core of the issue.
I think it is a perfectly relevant question, since he made a remark about my background. If he can say what should, or should not happen to me based not on my rights as a citizen, but on what he thinks I did for a living, why is it not acceptable to ask him what he did? Or to ask you, for that matter? Most of you are school boys and college students acting brave and bold where nobody can kick your ***** and send you back to your books, or frustrated lower level hacks letting off steam at easy targets, so why should you not be questioned on that? Your knowledge levels, your social conscience, your morals, your democratic spirit, all point to your inadequacies. Why feel bad when these obvious defects are pointed out?

That simply shows that you do not understand plain English, that you do not understand that a puppet would not have protested to the Supreme Court about interference.

I answered that a long time ago. My apologies, I answered in English. Naturally you would have some difficulties with it.

Best of luck with your masters in english :lol::lol:

Shamelessly denying every thing again and again (As I said no need to argue with brain fart looser like you) ... Its a proven fact that congress interfacing in all cases related to gujrat or modi.

You never answer any such question but twisting facts again and again in your posts, dnt worry day is not far away when BJP will be in power and same CBI will withdrawal all these cases and facts come to open.
That doesn't give the Gujarat police the right to flout the constitution or the judicial system. Try to understand the core of the issue.

When the constitution was flouted many a times and encounter specialists are treated as heroes by the media with nos displayed as their score proudly but no action was taken except for this specific instance makes one question the whole witchhunt by the center using its poodle CBI.
Agitated by whom? Almost single-handed by Gandhi. With zero contribution from Savarkar and his quislings, the same Savarkar who petitioned the British for mercy to get out of prison.

Talk of naive.

Sir please.

I am not speaking of the 400 million impoverished sods rabble roused by Gandhi's antics.

I am instead speaking of the very real threat of the return of the largest volunteer army of the time in history.

2.5 million battle hardened war veterans and crack troops of the British Indian Army, which helped turn the tide of the war in many a theater.

Indians all. Having done their duty, and coming back to a land they would rightfully have claimed for their own.

If it ever came down to push come to shove. Regardless of the Gandhian theatrics.
When the constitution was flouted many a times and encounter specialists are treated as heroes by the media with nos displayed as their score proudly but no action was taken except for this specific instance makes one question the whole witchhunt by the center using its poodle CBI.

I am not a supporter of his views but what he said is a fact, as per law custodial or extra judicial killings are regarded as crime ....
You don't seem to get grasp of the facts, CBI never protested for anything and they won't ever as 80% of budget allocated to them is paid in salaries only, with almost 90% hometown postings.It was apex court which traced the tempering by then law minister.Get your facts corrected by someone update with national news.

My facts are correct, they are always correct. Evidently you didn't read your comrade in khaki chaddi's cited news item. It might be because it was more than a line long. To make it easier for you, here is the relevant portion:

The Supreme Court had come down heavily on the government last week after the CBI had given the court in writing that the investigation report on the coal scam had been shared with the Union Law Minsiter and the AG and also a bureaucrat of the PMO and the coal ministry before it was submitted to the court.

Some kids never learn.
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