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Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

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IB did not shoot anybody, nor does it have the duty or role of shooting anybody. Get your facts straight.

Earlier the slogan was why isn't this becoming a charge sheet?
Then it became why isn't presented to a court? Now it is let us wait for the judge's verdict?

Where was all this punctilious observation of the law when it came to unarmed captives?

Oh dear, we are losing it, aren't we? So now we know that you are not the innocent you pose to be, that you know exactly what your facts are, that you distort them only to make your phony cases.

Hilarious to see you leap at the bait.

Oh ! if it wasn't IB then it must be Modi himself who passed on the intelligence input and that's why IB and CBI are at loggerheads.

I am waiting for the judgements as I indicated in post you quoted.

Unarmed captives ?? Don't jump to half backed conclusions , let's wait for final verdict.
Who you are to ask one this question to any one?? Even PM has no right to ask such question

I dint expect you will gone such low :angry:

I think it is a perfectly relevant question, since he made a remark about my background. If he can say what should, or should not happen to me based not on my rights as a citizen, but on what he thinks I did for a living, why is it not acceptable to ask him what he did? Or to ask you, for that matter? Most of you are school boys and college students acting brave and bold where nobody can kick your ***** and send you back to your books, or frustrated lower level hacks letting off steam at easy targets, so why should you not be questioned on that? Your knowledge levels, your social conscience, your morals, your democratic spirit, all point to your inadequacies. Why feel bad when these obvious defects are pointed out?
Ohh, so the fact that they started all wars should absolve you of the crimes that you have commited against this country? Jinnah never said I'm dividing this country because of Gandhi he said, if I don't divide this country, hindu extremists and ideologues (people like You will definitely come to power and definitely treat muslims as third class citizines. He was DAMN right about that. If instead of congress the BJP had been in power, there would have been systematic discrimination of muslims in a united India. It is the stated stand of the BJP. Hindu right wing and people like you are enough proof that his fears were not misplaced. And the only reason why he can be said wrong is because the people of India have always rejected you, kept you out of power and never given you a mainstream role. Thank you for all your contributions in dividing and burning this country. That's all you've done till now.

You've still not told me why Pakistan (and Pakistani Muslims) still had a beef after they had been given their land of the pure away from us Hindu zealots.

I just see a lot of typical rhetorical pseudosecular ranting which reaffirms my strong concern for my immediate previous generation and where its leading my country.
That simply proves that how CBI is working for congress ..

CBI is congress pet dog and no one in India believes on CBI any more.

That simply shows that you do not understand plain English, that you do not understand that a puppet would not have protested to the Supreme Court about interference.
And that qualifies you to pass opinions about the country's laws, and to propose they be broken at the will of servants of the state who turn rogue.

I am free to think on my own and don't jump to half backed one sided conclusions like you let's wait for our court's decision.
You've still not told me why Pakistan (and Pakistani Muslims) still had a beef after they had been given their land of the pure away from us Hindu zealots.

I just see a lot of typical rhetorical pseudosecular ranting which reaffirms my strong concern for my immediate previous generation and where its leading my country.

Becuase they think they deserve the land (which they don't) But again, does that absolve you jokers of creating a situation where the division of the country is actually justified?
Becuase they think they deserve the land (which they don't) But again, does that absolve you jokers of creating a situation where the division of the country is actually justified?

26/11 was about what land? You are the joker dude. Stop making a pappoo of yourself.
You've still not told me why Pakistan (and Pakistani Muslims) still had a beef after they had been given their land of the pure away from us Hindu zealots.

I just see a lot of typical rhetorical pseudosecular ranting which reaffirms my strong concern for my immediate previous generation and where its leading my country.

we dont have a beef for North East :)

Focus on this fake encounter topic instead of making up stories
That simply shows that you do not understand plain English, that you do not understand that a puppet would not have protested to the Supreme Court about interference.
You don't seem to get grasp of the facts, CBI never protested for anything and they won't ever as 80% of budget allocated to them is paid in salaries only, with almost 90% hometown postings.It was apex court which traced the tempering by then law minister.Get your facts corrected by someone update with national news.
Becuase they think they deserve the land (which they don't) But again, does that absolve you jokers of creating a situation where the division of the country is actually justified?

partition was result of the same attitude by likes of saffron. The sorry state is that these saffronies still consider Indian Muslims as traitors.

as long as that at titude prevails in India we do not need to take up any beef with India.
partition was result of the same attitude by likes of saffron. The sorry state is that these saffronies still consider Indian Muslims as traitors.

as long as that at titude prevails in India we do not need to take up any beef with India.

Sooooo innocent mullahs,:rofl:

You can go and cry river in front of whole world to prove your innocence and peacefullness.:lol:

We are not acting we are reacting and whole world is reacting.
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