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Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

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One man whose only claim to fame is that he killed the man who gave India her freedom and led her people to a better future. You're as much of an @$$hole as he is. Future generations will always remember that he was as full of BS as you are.

no they won't I remember during my school days he was heavily demonized in our history books and I grew up hating him but thanks to dotcom boom most of us know the real story of him, the idiot who he killed and many other idiots sharing his last name who I grew up respecting but consider them a bunch of ***holes now after whatever I read about them from neutral point not from our congress made history textbooks filled with all that bapu and chacha nehru BS
One man whose only claim to fame is that he killed the man who gave India her freedom and led her people to a better future. You're as much of an @$$hole as he is. Future generations will always remember that he was as full of BS as you are.

I AM the future generation he was referring to. ANd even today, SIXTY YEARS after he did his 'heroic' act, most people think he's an @$$HOLE. The only ones rooting for him are a handful of nutjobs like you.

Yeah...words of a prophetic @$$hole

Using invective hardly makes you seem intelligent or do much for the reputation of our generation on an international forum. How old are you man? I am 19 and part of this generation as well. And I surely do not think Godse is an a-hole. Please do not speak for all of us.

And Gandhi did not win us our freedom. Stop being a naive puppy. The fact that England was out for the count after WWII did. And that she was in no position to fight another 400 million very agitated Asians.
Ditto as above bro. Lets debate the post and not the poster please.

Its hard to call out people over the internet. For all you know, Joe could be a 19 year old transsexual sitting in New Jersey. Let us not go overboard in attempting to 'play by the rules'. It kind of reminds me of the time when Prithviraj Chauhan let Muhammad Ghori go only to have him come back and destroy Delhi. (and the decline of Hinduism in preset day India)

One who does not learn from history is destined to repeat it.

I am very much for Identifying the poster and the post. Know your opponent.

Almost ALWAYS Anti Hindu propaganda and Denigration of Hinduism comes from christians and to a much smaller extend by muslims. Then there are these odd balls like joe. (a relic of the leftist past)
Its hard to call out people over the internet. For all you know, Joe could be a 19 year old transsexual sitting in New Jersey. Let us not go overboard in attempting to 'play by the rules'. It kind of reminds me of the time when Prithviraj Chauhan let Muhammad Ghori go only to have him come back and destroy Delhi. (and the decline of Hinduism in preset day India)

One who does not learn from history is destined to repeat it.

I am very much for Identifying the poster and the post. Know your opponent.

Almost ALWAYS Anti Hindu propaganda and Denigration of Hinduism comes from christians and to a much smaller extend by muslims.

I know Joe. Leave it man, just don't get personal. Yeh hamara ghar ya nukkad nahin hai. Kuch samjho kaun padh raha hai aur unko kitna maza aa raha hai. And yes, I am Hindu too.
There are many questions unanswered:
1. Why would IB mislead the Gujrat police? IB is a central body where as Gujrat police is state. How come both have the same intelligence?
2. David Headly's testimony that Ishrat Jahan is a LeT operative is being ignored WHY??
3. Why was Ishrat Jahan and co. targeted?? Why not others??

As far as CBI is concerned, their reputation is worse then IB. They are a bunch of government puppets.

You missed one more - How come LET website claimed Ishrat as a martyr?
Using invective hardly makes you seem intelligent or do much for the reputation of our generation on an international forum. How old are you man? I am 19 and part of this generation as well. And I surely do not think Godse is an a-hole. Please do not speak for all of us.

And Gandhi did not win us our freedom. Stop being a naive puppy. The fact that England was out for the count after WWII did. And that she was in no position to fight another 400 million very agitated Asians.

I am a year older than you( hope its enough to fulfill the criteria of being part of future generation set buy guynextdoor2 :P) and I share your belief wrt godse and freedom movement :)
I know Joe. Leave it man, just don't get personal. Yeh hamara ghar ya nukkad nahin hai. Kuch samjho kaun padh raha hai aur unko kitna maza aa raha hai. And yes, I am Hindu too.

You misunderstand. Its never personal.

As for others who are reading and enjoying .....why bother ? End of the day this is just a anonymous internet propaganda forum. If they want to draw the wrong conclusion ....let them. Its all the more better that way ;)
None of the so called future generation of India like to use their national currency father as their avatar and Pakistanies do it in swarms, that tells one a lot about one's love or respect for that homosexual gandhi.
:lol: ... you are pretty eager to appropriate the future.

Sixty Years back everybody thought he was the 'bad man', today as you yourself admitted, only a slight majority think that of him. In a few more years Not many will have a jaundiced view of history. The Future is yet to be written :azn:

They will be free of congress propaganda and will judge facts for what they are.

:lol: ....... your desperation is showing. Dont you have a girlfriend or wife to get rid of that frustration ? :devil:

No- in the 1940ss, 50s & 60s there were more people who had mainline presence to the ideology that Godse adhered to. As of 2013, that no. along with the people who are supposed to 'admire' him has actually gone down. Every now and them some attention seeking a$$hole will write some play or article trying to get some publicity. After that it dies down.
Its hard to call out people over the internet. For all you know, Joe could be a 19 year old transsexual sitting in New Jersey. Let us not go overboard in attempting to 'play by the rules'. It kind of reminds me of the time when Prithviraj Chauhan let Muhammad Ghori go only to have him come back and destroy Delhi. (and the decline of Hinduism in preset day India)

One who does not learn from history is destined to repeat it.

I am very much for Identifying the poster and the post. Know your opponent.

Almost ALWAYS Anti Hindu propaganda and Denigration of Hinduism comes from christians and to a much smaller extend by muslims. Then there are these odd balls like joe. (a relic of the leftist past)

Ishrat Jahan kind of ppl are modern day Gori and Ghaznavi. If we leave them they will destroy India.. The aim of Gori and Ishrat was same.. But this time PrithviRaj is vigilant , this time PrithciRaj will not let go Gori.

Having said That I am still stick to my claim that "She was terrorist", "it was not fake encounter."
None of the so called future generation of India like to use their national currency father as their avatar and Pakistanies do it in swarms, that tells one a lot about one's love or respect for that homosexual gandhi.

He did more for the country than the hindu right wing every did. The hindu right wing is solely and completely responsible for dividing the country. It was the threat that people like you will get mainline presence that made the demand for Pakistan strident. It is people like you who prove jinnah right.

Using invective hardly makes you seem intelligent or do much for the reputation of our generation on an international forum. How old are you man? I am 19 and part of this generation as well. And I surely do not think Godse is an a-hole. Please do not speak for all of us.

And Gandhi did not win us our freedom. Stop being a naive puppy. The fact that England was out for the count after WWII did. And that she was in no position to fight another 400 million very agitated Asians.

I most definitely not 19. And I am now mildly concerned about the rotten eggs in the 'nextish' generation of mine.
He did more for the country than the hindu right wing every did. The hindu right wing is solely and completely responsible for dividing the country. It was the threat that people like you will get mainline presence that made the demand for Pakistan strident. It is people like you who prove jinnah right.

Then I guess it was the Hindu hard right fringe in Pakistan that led to 5 wars and 26/11 after that as well right?
IB of India knows better whom to shoot and whom not to shoot, wait for final verdict of judges before terming it as fake encounter.

IB did not shoot anybody, nor does it have the duty or role of shooting anybody. Get your facts straight.

Earlier the slogan was why isn't this becoming a charge sheet?
Then it became why isn't presented to a court? Now it is let us wait for the judge's verdict?

Where was all this punctilious observation of the law when it came to unarmed captives?

Who the fcuk cares as to who fathered Kabir. I am more bothered about terrorists sympathizers sneaking in as Judges.

As to Humayun Kabir ....he was most certainly a two time congress MP from Basirhat, west bengal. But your kind of slimy scum was expected to know that. He was also Civil Aviation and Education Minister.

You can continue to kiss up to the elite. That is what your kind is good at......as to filing FIR, I have no problems with encounter killings of Terrorists. It is you who is running up and down in pdf shedding crocodile tears for them.

Oh dear, we are losing it, aren't we? So now we know that you are not the innocent you pose to be, that you know exactly what your facts are, that you distort them only to make your phony cases.

Hilarious to see you leap at the bait.
I pay taxes honestly and am serving as Team manager in one of the S/W development companies.

And that qualifies you to pass opinions about the country's laws, and to propose they be broken at the will of servants of the state who turn rogue.
Then I guess it was the Hindu hard right fringe in Pakistan that led to 5 wars and 26/11 after that as well right?

Ohh, so the fact that they started all wars should absolve you of the crimes that you have commited against this country? Jinnah never said I'm dividing this country because of Gandhi he said, if I don't divide this country, hindu extremists and ideologues (people like You will definitely come to power and definitely treat muslims as third class citizines. He was DAMN right about that. If instead of congress the BJP had been in power, there would have been systematic discrimination of muslims in a united India. It is the stated stand of the BJP. Hindu right wing and people like you are enough proof that his fears were not misplaced. And the only reason why he can be said wrong is because the people of India have always rejected you, kept you out of power and never given you a mainstream role. Thank you for all your contributions in dividing and burning this country. That's all you've done till now.
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