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Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

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@ Joe Shearer .......you hypocrisy is not surprising.

On one hand you are pretending to shed tears for Ishrat but when you are given an opportunity to file FIR against all other 'murders' called encounter in congress ruled state of Maharashtra you refuse to do it. :lol

The best thing you could think of about Altamas Kabir is that he was Humayun Kabir's son :P ...........is that how the desperate congressi operate ? ....vote Rahul cuz he is Rajiv Ganhi's son. :lol: Somehow being son's of congress MP's make your 'secular' and even the CJ.

You are the slimy bastard who are evading Ammyy's questions.....not me. We are happy to face hypocrits face on......even if they are old stinks from kancha ilaiah school.

He is not Humayun Kabir's son, he is his nephew. The point was that he is from a family known for its patriotism and its integrity. Humayun Kabir, incidentally, was not a Congress MLA or MP. He is known for his scholarship and his secular views. But your kind of street scum is hardly likely to know that. The entire family has been in public service, or in education. Unlike your nameless, anonymous character assassination.

As for filing FIRs, nobody filed an FIR about Ishrat Jahan from the public. It was the police who did. So if you are so into it, go do it yourself! Your anxiety to show up the Congress should be incentive enough.
If this guy Joe Shearer had not only served India as army men, I would have wished he be blown up by the rest of three terrorists accompanying that w*ho**.
So just feel happy and content for what you have got at a moment before nationalist hindu fever sweeps threw India after your regular pinnings in Kashmir.

This thread is about fake encounter and killing of 4 people by Modi govt not about kashmir
A Man and Co involved in killing of Gandhi is patriot to Indians is sorry state of affairs.

I dont have anything against him but i do respect Gandhi as opposed to him.

You Just read your Signature..................You will get the answer..........
If this guy Joe Shearer had not only served India as army men, I would have wished he be blown up by the rest of three terrorists accompanying that w*ho**.

Wonderful how all these patriotic he-men are obsessed with the gender of one of the victims, and with her morals.

Shows their moral levels and their squalid standards of discourse. Not to mention giving us an insight into their retarded social consciousness.

If this guy Joe Shearer had not only served India as army men, I would have wished he be blown up by the rest of three terrorists accompanying that w*ho**.

What have you done for your country, by the way?
This thread is about fake encounter and killing of 4 people by Modi govt not about kashmir

IB of India knows better whom to shoot and whom not to shoot, wait for final verdict of judges before terming it as fake encounter.
He is not Humayun Kabir's son, he is his nephew. The point was that he is from a family known for its patriotism and its integrity. Humayun Kabir, incidentally, was not a Congress MLA or MP. He is known for his scholarship and his secular views. But your kind of street scum is hardly likely to know that. The entire family has been in public service, or in education. Unlike your nameless, anonymous character assassination.

As for filing FIRs, nobody filed an FIR about Ishrat Jahan from the public. It was the police who did. So if you are so into it, go do it yourself! Your anxiety to show up the Congress should be incentive enough.

Who the fcuk cares as to who fathered Kabir. I am more bothered about terrorists sympathizers sneaking in as Judges.

As to Humayun Kabir ....he was most certainly a two time congress MP from Basirhat, west bengal. But your kind of slimy scum was expected to know that. He was also Civil Aviation and Education Minister.

You can continue to kiss up to the elite. That is what your kind is good at......as to filing FIR, I have no problems with encounter killings of Terrorists. It is you who is running up and down in pdf shedding crocodile tears for them.
Wonderful how all these patriotic he-men are obsessed with the gender of one of the victims, and with her morals.

Shows their moral levels and their squalid standards of discourse. Not to mention giving us an insight into their retarded social consciousness.

What have you done for your country, by the way?
I pay taxes honestly and am serving as Team manager in one of the S/W development companies.
What have you done for your country, by the way?

Who you are to ask one this question to any one?? Even PM has no right to ask such question

I dint expect you will gone such low :angry:

I just quoted it to you, and you send me the source. Read the second paragraph of my post; can't you read simple English?

That simply proves that how CBI is working for congress ..

CBI is congress pet dog and no one in India believes on CBI any more.
So just feel happy and content for what you have got at a moment before nationalist hindu fever sweeps threw India after your regular pinnings in Kashmir.

This thread is about fake encounter and killing of 4 people by Modi govt not about kashmir
Yet to prove its fake and one more thing "Fake encounter of terrorists".

The fakness of this yet another encounter is smelled by many at Indian side whereas the word "terrorists" is yet to be proven also.

And this is not the first fake encounter. there are several to Indian police credit
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