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Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

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:lol::lol: This is the beauty of Indian constitution every congressi dog can bark how much they want but still failed to put name of modi in charge sheet.

As I said paid media that means media belongs to both parties.

I am waiting for your answer for note of supreme court for cbi "a caged parrot"

You forget statement of Dogvijay Singh when Osama got killed?? Just google

What question did you ask? The supreme court is taking action; the CBI actions will be removed from any cloud put on it by mischief mongers. That is a good thing. What is your question?
If Indians hate Gandhi and disrespect him howcome you claim we will spare exhibiting the same for him to settle score?

I will repeat if killers of Gandhi got more sympathy from most of Indians today then its sad you guys are still communal in nature and side with extremist hindus

I cannot speak for all Indians, but I personally do not hate Gandhi. I do not hold him in great respect either to the extent generations of Indians have been conditioned into doing as the Father of the Nation thanks primarily to the party that inherited independent India and ruled her for much of her history. A convenient mutually acceptable totem.

Do you as a Pakistani think that we, you and I, are free citizens today because of Gandhi and Jinnah? I am sure seeing the number of posts you have against your name you cannot be as naive. In the end they both were champions for you. How could you lose?

If Godse did not have much or widespread sympathy at the time, shocked as the nation was by his act, he surely has a lot more today. And a lot more widespread.

And it is thanks to you and what we have experienced these past 7 odd decades that we see the relevance of his passions that drove him to that act of desperation that afternoon.
I cannot speak for all Indians, but I personally do not hate Gandhi. I do not hold him in great respect either to the extent generations of Indians have been conditioned into doing as the Father of the Nation thanks primarily to the party that inherited independent India and ruled her for much of her history. A convenient mutually acceptable totem.

Do you as a Pakistani think that we, you and I, are free citizens today because of Gandhi and Jinnah? I am sure seeing the number of posts you have against your name you cannot be as naive. In the end they both were champions for you. How could you lose?

If Godse did not have much or widespread sympathy at the time, shocked as the nation was by his act, he surely has a lot more today. And a lot more widespread.

And it is thanks to you and what we have experienced these past 7 odd decades that we see the relevance of his passions that drove him to that act of desperation that afternoon.

He got desperate to become a killer thats proves he was far far behind Gandhi in all traits.

A leader cant be a desparado and communal politician can be and thats what Godse proven.

Gandhi dint get desparate Jinnah dint get desparate to become killers. They were leaders and their proved it.

What question did you ask? The supreme court is taking action; the CBI actions will be removed from any cloud put on it by mischief mongers. That is a good thing. What is your question?

it is funny that if CBI is tool of Congress and IB/Police is tool of Modi and provided if Modi becomes a PM then all these three will be his tools so what will Modi supporters then say about CBI?

oh look CBI under modi declaring ishrat jahan as terrorist is ultimate truth.
He got desperate to become a killer thats proves he was far far behind Gandhi in all traits.

A leader cant be a desparado and communal politician can be and thats what Godse proven.

Gandhi dint get desparate Jinnah dint get desparate to become killers. They were leaders and their proved it.

Godse was no leader. He was the finger that pulled the trigger.
What question did you ask? The supreme court is taking action; the CBI actions will be removed from any cloud put on it by mischief mongers. That is a good thing. What is your question?

You said CBI working independently without any pressure... But what about note of supreme court??
Good plot by congress ....Congress CM's daughter hearing the case ,their own caged parrot investigating it ,
He got desperate to become a killer thats proves he was far far behind Gandhi in all traits.

A leader cant be a desparado and communal politician can be and thats what Godse proven.

Gandhi dint get desparate Jinnah dint get desparate to become killers. They were leaders and their proved it.

it is funny that if CBI is tool of Congress and IB/Police is tool of Modi and provided if Modi becomes a PM then all these three will be his tools so what will Modi supporters then say about CBI?

oh look CBI under modi declaring ishrat jahan as terrorist is ultimate truth

Ishrat Jahan's terrorist links were not qustioned in ongoing trial.. She looks innocent only in her pics rest is the history..

:) basically a rioter.

So giving respect to a rioter over a leader like Gandhi is a sordid boon

For you he may be whatever you call, but for us he is a hope. Hope against Secularists.
@ Joe Shearer .......you hypocrisy is not surprising.

On one hand you are pretending to shed tears for Ishrat but when you are given an opportunity to file FIR against all other 'murders' called encounter in congress ruled state of Maharashtra you refuse to do it. :lol

The best thing you could think of about Altamas Kabir is that he was Humayun Kabir's son :P ...........is that how the desperate congressi operate ? ....vote Rahul cuz he is Rajiv Ganhi's son. :lol: Somehow being son's of congress MP's make your 'secular' and even the CJ.

You are the slimy bastard who are evading Ammyy's questions.....not me. We are happy to face hypocrits face on......even if they are old stinks from kancha ilaiah school.
It is a pity that the most fundamental principle of our faith, tolerance and secularism, has been turned into a four-letter word by the Congress today. As they continue to polarize our society.

A secularist is no more no less than an appeasist. Which completely goes against the grain of true secularism of Hinduism for centuries.
It is a pity that the most fundamental principle of our faith, tolerance and secularism, has been turned into a four-letter word by the Congress today. As they continue to polarize our society.

A secularist is no more no less than an appeasist. Which completely goes against the grain of true secularism of Hinduism for centuries.

But we are responsible for our own loss

We choose congress again and again from nehru to rajeev and now that italian lady and her lazy son..
I am amused at the half-baked notion that the IB is independent in some magical way. It is dependent on the Home Ministry just as much as the CBI is, and works under the same pressures. We hear about it less than about the CBI, because its actions do not come into public view, whereas the CBI does.

Rajender Kumar's name has been excluded for two possible reasons. First, it has to be determined if he did more than passing on information. If he participated in the murder, he is an accessory to the fact. You are of course aware that subsidiary chRge sheets are permitted if additional information comes to light. That is the second factor, that it is wise to err on the side of caution, especially if a servant of the government is involved, and it is best to wait for sufficient evidence before mentioning a person's name on an FIR.

The point all along has been that this was four murders, NOT that any of the four were or were not LeT operatives. Please read my mails.

I am happy to leave bumptious public gestures to bumptious publicity seeking people, so @sankranti can file his own FIRs.

In any case whether they were terrosits or not should not be the descrition of some random BJP supporting forumers. That is for the courts to decide after looking at the evidence. The point is that if the police had the opportunity to take them alive (which they did) they should have and presented to court. Instead they just shot them dead. And that too, not in self defence- they just shot them.
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prove it how killing Gandhi was a patriotic act?

It put a full stop to the crocodile tears being shed for you and the sops being handed out. Money and material and other misc largesse. Like a dowry to a daughter being married off and going elsewhere.
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