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PLO: 56 Palestinians killed, 897 injured since peace talks began


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
PLO: 56 Palestinians killed, 897 injured since peace talks began | Maan News Agency

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Israeli military forces have killed 56 Palestinians and injured 897 since the resumption of peace negotiations with Israel in July, the Palestine Liberation Organization said Tuesday.

"Israeli violations of international law and human rights continued unabated. Rather than demonstrate goodwill during this period, Israel has done the opposite, with the aim of derailing the US peace efforts led by Secretary of State Kerry," a PLO statement said.

There have been over 500 settler attacks on Palestinian civilians and their property in the occupied West Bank and Israeli forces have arrested over 3,000 Palestinians in 3,767 military raids.

Israel has also begun work on 10,509 housing units in illegal settlement while simultaneously demolishing 146 Palestinian homes, the PLO said.

The numbers did not include 15-year-old Yousef Nayif Yousef Shawamrah Abu Akar, who was shot and killed by Israeli forces on Wednesday in the southern West Bank.

Witnesses said the victim had been foraging for local plants when he was shot, but the army claimed he and two others had been vandalizing the security fence.

Peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians were relaunched in July under the auspices of the United States after nearly three years of impasse.

Israel's government has announced the construction of thousands of housing units in illegal settlements since peace talks began.


This is for those who tell us Israel isn't the problem and Hamas's resistance policy is. @Yzd Khalifa
56 killed in almost a year. Much less than killed in Syria in 1 average day. Mostly terrorists like 3 PIJ musketeers who were killed last week or Darwin awards who try climbing on security fence.
Many of these are active terrorists. No sane person considers them as part of civilian casualties.

Secondly, there's already a sticky thread for 'palestine' . Could you keep your daily multiple threads about every balcony we build and every time someone in Israel sneezes, in there please. You're clogging up the forum.
56 killed in almost a year. Much less than killed in Syria in 1 average day. Mostly terrorists like 3 PIJ musketeers who were killed last week or Darwin awards who try climbing on security fence.

You keep pointing to Syria, that's a clear deflection. Most killed were innocent civilians and mostly based in the West Bank.

Many of these are active terrorists. No sane person considers them as part of civilian casualties.

Secondly, there's already a sticky thread for 'palestine' . Could you keep your daily multiple threads about every balcony we build and every time someone in Israel sneezes, in there please. You're clogging up the forum.

Prove what you claim, this is typical of Israelis to brush off everything and justify their actions, you guys are unreal.


This is whom you gave a think tank to, just look at his post. @Aeronaut @Developereo
It seems Israelis are always on the defensive these days, and in a moronic way too. But, that's good, more people are becoming informed about the immoral occupation and it seems on many online forums more people are becoming at the least anti occupation. The Israelis resort to propaganda catch lines and other dirty tactics which actually only increase resentment against them. Only places online where it's pro Israel are right wing forums run by right wing Jewish administrators who ban anybody who even says they wish for a two state solution. Those extremists think they can live off propaganda for so long.

Looking forward to seeing the Palestinians go to the UN to get world action against the pariah state and it's occupation. Maybe they'll finally stop murdering Palestinian children. Let's have hope people.
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