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Please remember my father in your prayers

Dear brother,

I'm sorry for your loss. May he rest in eternal peace. I think you should be happy to know he lived a good life, and he's surely in a much happier place right now.

Losing relatives is never easy. But that's life. Your role is to take care of your family and stand by their side through thick & thin.

please pray for my father, docter has diagnostic hepatitas c today, my mom and my loving ant already passed away in just short period of time i have one brother and two sister they are younger then me and we need him a lot more now, i did not sleep yet thinking and praying from him all night

inshallah your father will get well soon even before u know it
I would also like to pray for the poor girl a mother of two a daughter and a sister iam sure you guys have heard the news if its been posted already then iam sorry . Nj Pakistani male planned the plot with help of his sidkick gf to have wife killed she is now gone very sad and sick in general and specially in this holy of ramazan guys please pray for her soul i was really sad to hear this news what kind of sick ,coward and jerk would do such a thing just give the poor girl a divorce he didn't have to kill her i hope this coward pays for what he did here on earth and in hell ... anyhow may ALLAH have mercey on her soul and may blessed in heaven my prayers are with her and her kids and family AMMEN.
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