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Please pray for my father maghfirat

My commiserations, sir.

I understand, come January it will be one year since my father passed away too, also because of cardiac arrest.

Among other things I remember my father daily bringing chicken "chichade" ( offal ) for our three baby cats. He brought that without fail.
Absolutely, keep that tradition going friend.

My late uncle said to me long back - son do help everyone but never expect anything in return.
Dear members
My beloved father passed away from stroke on 15 December.
Please pray for his maghfirat.
Inna lillahe wa inna elaihe rajeoun. To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return. Sad to hear the news. May Allah make the journey through the grave and/barzakh easy for him, lighten and widen his grave and grant him Jannah Al firdaus. Ameen.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilahi rajeoon
May Allah grant you and your family sabr

(I have typing this phrase so often these days, my spell check now expects it) :(
Dear members
My beloved father passed away from stroke on 15 December.
Please pray for his maghfirat.

I pray Allah grant him heaven, it is never easy to lose a loved one, especially a parent. My lose was 14 years ago.

I do not know how old you are, but as a brother my advice is to take care of other members of your family at this time, your father's soul will be happy. And,it also helps one deal with your own grief.

Stay blessed, stay strong.
Dear members
My beloved father passed away from stroke on 15 December.
Please pray for his maghfirat.

I prayed for him when he was unwell bro and I am very saddened by his passing. May Allah bless and bring light to him in the afterlife.
I hope your family is being comforted at this time, Allah all give you patience.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un

having lost both my parents there is no easy way of saying it but it will hurt like a bitch, nothing anyone can and will say is going to make a difference, you will get sick and tired of people coming to you asking "kaisay huwa" aka chaska party

at the end of the day mairay bhai only time will heal it, he is totally dependent on your namaz and duwa's now
Agree .
Among other things I remember my father daily bringing chicken "chichade" ( offal ) for our three baby cats. He brought that without fail.
My father also used to raise cats in his last days.
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