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Play national anthem in all cinemas before film screening: Supreme Court

Starting from my college days, I have never stood for Indian national anthem within the boundaries of Tamil Nadu. Next time will I be arrested?
Nationalism is something you are supposed to embrace yourself not shoved down your throat.
Starting from my college days, I have never stood for Indian national anthem within the boundaries of Tamil Nadu. Next time will I be arrested?
Any specific reason?
Any specific reason?

Yes. I have not stood up for Indian national anthem from my college days because Tamil Nadu is separate country. Historically TN was never ruled from north (except for about 12 years under Mugals) until the British rule.
Yes. I have not stood up for Indian national anthem from my college days because Tamil Nadu is separate country. Historically TN was never ruled from north (except for about 12 years under Mugals) until the British rule.

And I am the President of India.

Which country recognises TN as a seperate country? Does it have diplomatic relations with any other country? Who is the President/PM of TN?

Just by saying TN is a separate country does not make it so.
Not very mature decision. Instead compulsory national anthem should be in schools ad colleges and may be office's
How come it's hyper nationalism? It's just stand when the Anthem is played for 2 minutes I believe. I believe 99% of people love it when the Anthem is played and they sing along. In fact one should stand if Anthem of any country is played at an event or elsewhere, it's good manners. When you don't insult somebody else's National Anthem why the hell would you insult your own.

We indians normally give respect to other nations even when we travel and live in alien lands.

But now the situation in Republic of India is like this , that patriot Indians have to be silent in the name of international conventions and let EU citizens to conitue with thier racist attitude towards the Indian nation and they can do this even inside Republic of India and those who are sitting in UNSC doesnt say any thing.

Now our cinema halls will be full with the foreigners similar like our bollywood industry who earn millions and are EU citizens.

I think national anthem in Cinema halls is not a correct thing.

Bollywood industry members have to understand that they should stop casting foreigners in the films from those nations who doesnt understand our foreign policy and have trade relations with those nations who are working against Republic of India.

We Indians have to understand that this would be the patriotism from the bollywood industry.

How many fugutives are being hosted in EU nations who work around the clock against Republic of India.

How come it's hyper nationalism? It's just stand when the Anthem is played for 2 minutes I believe. I believe 99% of people love it when the Anthem is played and they sing along. In fact one should stand if Anthem of any country is played at an event or elsewhere, it's good manners. When you don't insult somebody else's National Anthem why the hell would you insult your own.

I have saw that Indian nation is not being respected nor the Indian flag, Indian Anthem in EU nations and citizens of those countries are flooding Republic of India and are been giving employment by the Indian companies aboard.

Indian Film industry has become a source of remittiance for citizens of EU nations and in EU countries , indian citizens doesnt get employment and there is hell of racial, social and job discrimination against Citizens of Republic of India.
Yeah. Everyone on the internet is Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Thing about liberals. Usually small specoed mice. Personal observation.

Shall we agree to keep personal observations out of this? Consider this an invitation.
Shall we agree to keep personal observations out of this? Consider this an invitation.

Thing about specoes though is that they get bigger with age.

Sadly they tend to remain liberal and falling (as opposed to just leaning) to the left for the rest of their natural lives.
Thing about specoes though is that they get bigger with age.

Sadly they tend to remain liberal and falling (as opposed to just leaning) to the left for the rest of their natural lives.

You are to be congratulated on the timing of your post. Since it is a waste of energy to respond to the irrational with a rational argument, it is good enough to cite these amusing coincidences as reflective of the quality of these bletherings.
You are to be congratulated on the timing of your post. Since it is a waste of energy to respond to the irrational with a rational argument, it is good enough to cite these amusing coincidences as reflective of the quality of these bletherings.

You confuse me. I cannot decide whether you are squirting me with your acid pen or someone else.
You confuse me. I cannot decide whether you are squirting me with your acid pen or someone else.

The honest reply is that I have nothing to do with your confusion. Unkind, perhaps, but honest.
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