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Play national anthem in all cinemas before film screening: Supreme Court


Nov 11, 2009
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NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court (SC) on Wednesday ordered that the national anthem must be played in all cinema halls across the country before a film is screened and that everyone present must stand to pay respect to it.

"People now-a-days don't know how to sing national anthem and people must be taught. We must respect national anthem," the top court said.

The apex court also said that the along with the anthem the national flag should also be show on the movie screen.

The Centre and states have been given 10 days to implement the court's order. The Centre said it will circulate the order to all states' chief secretaries and will also publish it in the electronic and print media.

Further, the SC said the national anthem must not be played on entertainment TV shows as it cannot be commercially exploited. of national anthem is allowed. There should not be any dramatisation while singing and playing the national anthem either.

The anthem must not be printed on an "undesirable place" either.


I believe that settles it then, another slap for left liberals and so-called intellectuals
NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court (SC) on Wednesday ordered that the national anthem must be played in all cinema halls across the country before a film is screened and that everyone present must stand to pay respect to it.

"People now-a-days don't know how to sing national anthem and people must be taught. We must respect national anthem," the top court said.

The apex court also said that the along with the anthem the national flag should also be show on the movie screen.

The Centre and states have been given 10 days to implement the court's order. The Centre said it will circulate the order to all states' chief secretaries and will also publish it in the electronic and print media.

Further, the SC said the national anthem must not be played on entertainment TV shows as it cannot be commercially exploited. of national anthem is allowed. There should not be any dramatisation while singing and playing the national anthem either.

The anthem must not be printed on an "undesirable place" either.


I believe that settles it then, another slap for left liberals and so-called intellectuals

The libtard, Aaptard and khangressi brigades will prolly stop going to movies now .... :D
Why what is wrong is expecting someone to respect symbols of unity and pride of their own country?

LOL Play the national anthem in every cinema hall before a movie begins? Don't tell me that this is the new norm. This is beyond stupid.

The same can be said of your blasphemy laws .. Taking asinine to different level all together .. If I were you, I'd rather not comment.

Our blasphemy laws are based on British rule. Get your facts right. We know how righteous and good your country is. As for not speaking. I'll speak whenever I want. Do something about it if you can.

LMAO Now stand up and sing the anthem. You are disrespecting the national anthem. Every time you login into PDF stand up and sing the national anthem. LMAO
LOL Play the national anthem in every cinema hall before a movie begins? Don't tell me that this is the new norm.

No it's already played but there was a debate that if someone doesn't want to stand when the Anthem is played does that amount to insult and opinions were divided on the same
LOL Play the national anthem in every cinema hall before a movie begins? Don't tell me that this is the new norm.

Our blasphemy laws are based on British rule. Get your facts right. As for not speaking. I'll speak whenever I want. Do something about it if you can.

Ooooo "British Rule" .... Really?? Wherein "British rule" ? :D

@Centurion2016, you gotta see this
No it's already played but there was a debate that if someone doesn't want to stand when the Anthem is played does that amount to insult and opinions were divided on the same

That's crazy hyper nationalism at display. No, it is not insulting when one is forced to stand up and sing the anthem at the beginning of every movie. It would be insulting if someone didn't stand up at an official gathering where the national anthem is supposed to be a norm.
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No it's already played but there was a debate that if someone doesn't want to stand when the Anthem is played does that amount to insult and opinions were divided on the same

You are correct. But I do not know if it was played in all states?? Standing up or not on Indian soil is of course non-negotiable. Anyways junta would make fools stand or leave. This way at least the police and courts will have an easier time. The media and miscellaneous -tards not so much.
That's crazy hyper nationalism at display. No, it is not insulting when one is forced to stand up and sing the anthem at the beginning of every movie. It would be insulting if someone didn't stand up at an official gathering.

How come it's hyper nationalism? It's just stand when the Anthem is played for 2 minutes I believe. I believe 99% of people love it when the Anthem is played and they sing along. In fact one should stand if Anthem of any country is played at an event or elsewhere, it's good manners. When you don't insult somebody else's National Anthem why the hell would you insult your own.
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