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Play national anthem in all cinemas before film screening: Supreme Court

another retarded move

oh please, these labels are getting old, first demonetization and now this are the sort of things you'd expect from an authoritarian communist regime.

It is funny how these hyperbole nationalists blame everything on the left. An earthquake happens somewhere and the left is guilty.
This is absurd.

What next ? National anthem before every meal ??

Bro, how often do you as a common man get the opportunity of being gathered in the same place with 500+ countrymen? What is wrong if we stand and sing our anthem? I stand and my kids do the same when the anthem is played on TV. I do not find it stupid at all.
How come it's hyper nationalism? It's just stand when the Anthem is played for 2 minutes I believe. I believe 99% of people love it when the Anthem is played and they sing along. In fact one should stand if Anthem of any country is played at an event or elsewhere, it's good manners. When you don't insult somebody else's National Anthem why the hell would you insult your own.

Stop exaggerating man. You know that your country won't be disrespected if you don't stand up at the beginning of every movie and sing the national anthem. It is all between your head. This is indeed hyper nationalism on steroids. You won't find such extreme nationalism elsewhere. It is absurd and beyond abnormal.
oh please, these labels are getting old, first demonetization and now this are the sort of things you'd expect from an authoritarian communist regime.

Bro, the Supreme Court passing a judgement has nothing to do with a political party or regime. As an Indian surely you would know about the Constitutional fire-walling of the Judiciary, the Legislature, and the Executive??
Stop exaggerating man. You know that your country won't be disrespected if you don't stand up at the beginning of every movie and sing the national anthem. It is all between your head. This is indeed hyper nationalism on steroids. You won't find such extreme nationalism elsewhere.

Of-course the country won't be disrespected. But other people used to get offended which has lead to fights in the past. The people had an excuse that there was no law or no authority had ever stated that not standing up amounts to disrespect. Now the court has given clear direction which I believe is good.
It is funny how these hyperbole nationalists blame everything on the left. An earthquake happens somewhere and the left is guilty.
We have a problem with people worshiping authority here, these guys wont criticize the government even when it's barging into our everyday lives and imposing crap. I also agree 100% with your previous post on the national anthem being played on official government functions vs the movies. Sports is also something when it is and should be played, people representing the country etc but at the movies ??? beyond absurd, total DPRK style move. The government should not be dictating to the public like this, its another matter however if hall owners and private businesses wish to do so.

Bro, the Supreme Court passing a judgement has nothing to do with a political party or regime. As an Indian surely you would know about the Constitutional fire-walling of the Judiciary, the Legislature, and the Executive??
it is a branch of the government, yes ?

shit move by modi govt followed by a retarded big brother action by the court.

this feels like communist hell.
One needs to have annual holidays to laugh on this decision.
This is so stupid......
You cannot force respect into someone, it simply cannot be done....
The Supreme Court should focus on more important things.....
This is so stupid......
You cannot force respect into someone, it simply cannot be done....
The Supreme Court should focus on more important things.....

Nobody is forcing respect, don't want to stand remain freaking outside the theater when the Anthem is played. Let's other sing it with pride instead of people like you creating a ruckus by moving around and talking.
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