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PLAAF to Fly 5th Generation Fighter

The time frame for the first flight, absolutely sounds correct.

If this thing is going have canards, then i believe it will be most likely this concept. No matter what others say if it is a photo-shop or what so ever, i personally believe its the real Mock-up, and the actually thing will be very similar to it.

the concept pic



looks to big to be a fighter!:what:

definitely if its gonna be twin engined and stealth, it has to be big just like raptor, pakfa and fa-35. By the way if it proves to be this design, then i will better then pakfa, design wise, absorbing more stealth features. I am not talking about capabilities.


That plane looks amazing.

Defo better then the PAK FA looks wise.

Cant comment on Chinease Engine Radar and inflight weapons technology though...
definitely if its gonna be twin engined and stealth, it has to be big just like raptor, pakfa and fa-35. By the way if it proves to be this design, then i will better then pakfa, design wise, absorbing more stealth features. I am not talking about capabilities.

Does look nice. However, the conards will be a big problem for frontal rcs, and rcs is nogated by other factors besides shape, Russia has managed to get the rcs of the SU-47 down to 0.3 dispite the SU-47's fsw, round intakes, conventional stabs, SU-27 nose, and conards.

Of course this is just concept art, and little can be said about rcs just by looking at an aircraft. During the development of the F-117 the Americans couldn't get the geometry correct an till they found Petr Ufimtsev's formulas, so just because an aircraft has what appears to be the "right shape" doesn't mean it has the optimal geometry.

BTW I just noticed several trolls that were bashing the pak fa, why not bash the J-XX?
BTW I just noticed several trolls that were bashing the pak fa, why not bash the J-XX?

I would like you to quote a single post of mine as troll, bashing Pakfa, rather i would like you quote all of my posts regarding Pakfa and lets see if i bashed it or I praised it. In-fact I believe you may find me chasing off some trolls.

Secondly JXX is not something Made In Pakistan, it is exclusively china's Secrete project, will just acquire them, good or bad, this is our hope against our adversaries, and we will cling to it.

So you are more then welcome to bash it, if you like it. On the contrary even if you don't, you will find plenty of trolls bashing it, that's a must, if its a defense and discussion forum.


I would like you to quote a single post of mine as troll, bashing Pakfa, rather i would like you quote all of my posts regarding Pakfa and lets see if i bashed it or I praised it. In-fact I believe you may find me chasing off some trolls.

I wasn't talking about you, sir.

Secondly JXX is not something Made In Pakistan, it is exclusively china's Secrete project, will just acquire them, good or bad, this is our hope against our adversaries, and we will cling to it.

So you are more then welcome to bash it, if you like it. On the contrary even if you don't, you will find plenty of trolls bashing it, that's a must, if its a defense and discussion forum.

I'm not here to bash anything. I just wanted to say that an aircraft's rcs is difficult to tell just by looking at it, and compairing a prototype aircraft to fan art and coming to the conclusion that the pak fa has inferior stealth is just not rashinal.
I'm not here to bash anything. I just wanted to say that an aircraft's rcs is difficult to tell just by looking at it, and compairing a prototype aircraft to fan art and coming to the conclusion that the pak fa has inferior stealth is just not rashinal.

you are right, first its not known, how close the real thing would be to these concepts, secondly even if it is similar to it, it doesn't guarantee, batter stealth capabilities, but surely looks better and more cleaner, and thats why i said it may better then Pakfa design wise, and not to compare their capabilities. These were my gut feelings, which may be totally wrong. BTW, I truly believe J-10 has better design then SUs, again i am not mentioning their capabilities but just their design features.


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