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PLAAF & PLANAF H-6 Long Range Bomber thread

It's my assumption that after mounting the air launched DF-21 ASBM under its belly, H-6N won't be able to mount further YJ-12/YJ-18 under its wings due to limited payload. In that case, is it really worth having the capability to mount a single ASBM rather than 6 supersonic YJ-12/YJ-18 ASM?
part of strike package other H-6 would carry other arsenal deem necessary as per mission requirement.... it's not that only 1 H-6N would fly with with only 1 DF-21 .....
H-6 made its maiden flight on December 24, 1968.

Via @航空工业 from Weibo
Extract from Huitong's Chinese Military Aviation:-
It was also speculated that a single large ballistic missile could be carried externally underneath the fuselage in a semi-recessed fashion and it could be a DF-21D AShBM variant (dubbed CH-AS-X-13 by the western intelligence, range ~3,000km) against American aircraft carriers.

And today's photo post on suspected DF-21D on a carriage behind an H6:-


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