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PLA Tibetan garrison's smart clean energy movable container baracks sitting on the very edge of Chinese Indian borders

Dirty and pathetic Western slandering against China doesn't stop PLA from killing 20 of you guys with barehands.
Common mate ,you guys took hours to kill 20 ,facing around 100 with 250-400 of your men .if it's Pakistan or Indian army in that situation none no of those 100 would have walked alive .and on top of that you guys still have to declare casualties on your side how pathetic.
No wonder you guys leave the posts and run when rebels attack your post during peace keeping missions under UN.
Common mate ,you guys took hours to kill 20 ,facing around 100 with 250-400 of your men .if it's Pakistan or Indian army in that situation none no of those 100 would have walked alive .and on top of that you guys still have to declare casualties on your side how pathetic.
No wonder you guys leave the posts and run when rebels attack your post during peace keeping missions under UN.
Do you enjoy this kick, lol..

Do you enjoy this kick, lol..

If you have still not understood,let me tell the gist of my post .Chinese are very good when the opposition is out numbered by huge margin or like the above from behind and not face to face
If you have still not understood,let me tell the gist of my post .Chinese are very good when the opposition is out numbered by huge margin or like the above from behind and not face to face
Take care of your soliders and don't let them freeze to death this winter, otherwise you guys will blame us again for your dying soldiers, last time they were killed by themselves by jumping into icy rivers trying to get away from PLA, if they were not so eager to run, probably PLA could provide them with some hot meals and comfortable accommodation for a couple of days.






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Dirty and pathetic Western slandering against China doesn't stop PLA from killing 20 of you guys with barehands.
This is an absolute classic :enjoy: ... easiest way to shut Indian trolls up is by videos and pictures, not words.
Common mate ,you guys took hours to kill 20 ,facing around 100 with 250-400 of your men .if it's Pakistan or Indian army in that situation none no of those 100 would have walked alive .and on top of that you guys still have to declare casualties on your side how pathetic.
No wonder you guys leave the posts and run when rebels attack your post during peace keeping missions under UN.
Because it took hours for the Indians to freeze to death ... one blow from a spiked club is enough to knock the Indian unconscious almost instantly. Even a single rock hit to the head was enough to end Col Babu's life. I used to play some baseball in my early days and I can tell you pitching the ball is not easy. The fact that Col Babu was ended with only one rock really shows that the PLA have mastered their rock throwing skills :enjoy: .
Take care of your soliders and don't let them freeze to death this winter, otherwise you guys will blame us again for your dying soldiers, last time they were killed by themselves by jumping into icy rivers trying to get away from PLA, if they were not so eager to run, probably PLA could provide them with some hot meals and comfortable accommodation for a couple of days.

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Ok mate what's stopping you from pushing the India army back and take your claimed land .
Ok mate what's stopping you from pushing the India army back and take your claimed land .
What's stopping you from avenging the past humiliating defeat by PLA if India is that powerful as you guys trying to claim.
Because of infrastructure and high mobility, China's border troops in Tibet are less than 10,000 (with a high probability of about 4,000), while India claims to be equipped with 2,000,000 people. War has never been a network keyboard, and supply and logistics are the actual needs. If 2,000,000 people are stationed until next year, how can they spend the long winter on the plateau? If a small-scale war really starts and India must be stationed for a long time, how much defense budget will India consume?
Indian barracks run
Because of infrastructure and high mobility, China's border troops in Tibet are less than 10,000 (with a high probability of about 4,000), while India claims to be equipped with 2,000,000 people. War has never been a network keyboard, and supply and logistics are the actual needs. If 2,000,000 people are stationed until next year, how can they spend the long winter on the plateau? If a small-scale war really starts and India must be stationed for a long time, how much defense budget will India consume?

I have nothing to add except I like the song in your sig.
Ok mate what's stopping you from pushing the India army back and take your claimed land .

You know the old saying, "choose your own battles to fight?" Well unlike india, who worships the white skinned zionists China is smart enough to pick where, when and how to engage the enemy. If China really wanted to, it would sweep through Ladakh like an winter storm. However, war isn't something to play with when 40% of the world's population is at stake. Perhaps it is true about you indians, you guys really don't respect life. It is quite apparent when the world sees poverty and destitution on alarming levels in india. The likes of which, one doesn't see anywhere else in the world.

In the last 15 years I have travelled through innumerous countries, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Bangladesh, india, Maldives, Iran, Lebanon, Turkey, Egypt, Italy, Morocco, Ecuador, Venezuela, Mexico and a lot more. And I have understood one glaring fact, that although there is poverty around the world, the kind of poverty there is in india, is unmatched in the world. You guys have a serious problem and what's worse, amongst your kind, there is hardly anyone who genuinely cares or does anything about it.

The indians I came across in india, are more obsessed with materialism. Obsessed with brands, obsessed with having fair skin, having Audis, Mercedes-Benz and sh!t like that. And although there is nothing wrong with wanting things. The level of your people's obsession is amplified ever more so, because rife poverty surrounds you. To the extent that basic human dignity is absent. Kinda like what you would see in California or Florida.
PLA new high tech cold proof uniform for Extreme Cold weather, powered by powerful heavy duty battery, can keep the soldiers warm and comfortable under the temperature of -40°C .

据媒体此前消息新一代防寒服是在西北可可托海边防连进行试穿试用的,这种黑科技防寒服采用主动加热式,取缔了原来使用热阻式, 通过增加材料的热阻以减少人体散热从而达到防寒的目的,而且这款防寒服不会因为厚度而影响士兵整体的行动能力,也就说士兵们即便穿着它,也可以保持身体的灵活性。




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This is an absolute classic :enjoy: ... easiest way to shut Indian trolls up is by videos and pictures, not words.

Because it took hours for the Indians to freeze to death ... one blow from a spiked club is enough to knock the Indian unconscious almost instantly. Even a single rock hit to the head was enough to end Col Babu's life. I used to play some baseball in my early days and I can tell you pitching the ball is not easy. The fact that Col Babu was ended with only one rock really shows that the PLA have mastered their rock throwing skills :enjoy: .
Rock throwing skills 😂
Should be part of international soldiers game
Because of infrastructure and high mobility, China's border troops in Tibet are less than 10,000 (with a high probability of about 4,000), while India claims to be equipped with 2,000,000 people. War has never been a network keyboard, and supply and logistics are the actual needs. If 2,000,000 people are stationed until next year, how can they spend the long winter on the plateau? If a small-scale war really starts and India must be stationed for a long time, how much defense budget will India consume?
India has been successfully painted into a corner. They need to make a move before beginning of November at the very latest. If they don't make a move, they are exposed as cowards with their bluff called.
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