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PLA rehearsing India attack

Götterdämmerung;2329425 said:
A dead child is a dead child. It doesn't matter the reason. It could be starvation, child labour and affiliated accidents, inadequate healthcare, etc. They are all horrible deaths!

Yes, indeed. Only the number is blown 100 times

---------- Post added at 08:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:48 PM ----------

Believe me if we both take the EQ test the result still the same China 105 india 86

There are EQ tests available online. Take it and post it here. I will believe your claim then
Yes, indeed. Only the number is blown 100 times

Despite its drastic economic advances in the last two decades, India still accounts for 20% of the world's child mortality. Of the 26 million children born in India each year, nearly 2 million still die before age 5. Half of those deaths occur within a month of birth from preventable causes like malnutrition, diarrhea and pneumonia. Forty-eight percent of India's children under the age of 5 are chronically malnourished and 22% of India's babies are born with a low birth weight. India's rate of underweight children is three times higher than Ethiopia's.

Read more: Is India Doing Enough to Reduce Child Mortality? - TIME
What i dont understand is why indian just couldnt accept the result and move on, keep on argueing wont change the score of these tests.

I am not arguing who has more IQ here. One poster claimed a huge number of child deaths in India. I chided him and CD came in with a old article.

See even here your supposed high IQ didnt help you to figure out whats happening.
Why are we talking about IQ when this is about China attacking Indians? This thread is totally derailed.
What i dont understand is why indian just couldnt accept the result and move on, keep on argueing wont change the score of these tests.

Read this buddy:

Borderline intellectual functioning is a categorization of intelligence wherein a person has below average cognitive ability (an IQ of 71–85), but the deficit is not as severe as mental retardation (70 or below). This is technically a cognitive impairment.

Borderline intellectual functioning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
the fatal weakness of India is that their capita lNew Delhi is too close to the border area,within the striking distance of all modern weapons and can be easily overrun by the enemies from higher grouds to its north.

I beg to differ.

The fatal weakness of India is its system, the copy/pasted British political system married with Indian local social soil, that fails the Indian.

If they keep with the failing system, it doesn't matter how far their capital is from China.

---------- Post added at 08:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 PM ----------

Completely wrong. :lol:

Learn to read please, you even quoted the chart just now but you didn't read it. China has a LOWER dependency ratio than India, and this will continue at least until 2030, even in the worst case scenario that no changes are made to the one-child policy.

This is precisely how "illiteracy", "undereducated" mean.
China is pressure cooker. It will burst at once.
Couple things enough

1. USA stops buying for 3 months.
2. One update statement to US Treasury database will wipeout all imaginary wealth.

---------- Post added at 06:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:35 AM ----------

Götterdämmerung;2329459 said:
Like how you guys incessantly boost incredible India?

Yes. India is incredible. It is fact. We advertise also.
China is pressure cooker. It will burst at once.
Couple things enough

1. USA stops buying for 3 months.
2. One update statement to US Treasury database will wipeout all imaginary wealth.

---------- Post added at 06:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:35 AM ----------

Yes. India is incredible. It is fact. We advertise also.

Did you see the fights on Black Friday? Imagine no goods on the shelf for three months! There would be civil war in the US. :lol:

Maybe you guys should start to become credible. :lol:
Götterdämmerung;2329473 said:
Did you see the fights on Black Friday? Imagine no goods on the shelf for three months! There would be civil war in the US. :lol:

Maybe you guys should start to become credible. :lol:

Thats why there are ghost cities. USA households have largest chinese junk. They are fed up now. Every house has couple of tvs and computer. Nothing to buy. The effect will be on china in couple of years.
China is pressure cooker. It will burst at once.
Couple things enough

1. USA stops buying for 3 months.
2. One update statement to US Treasury database will wipeout all imaginary wealth.

Hahaha, ten years ago the USA could have stopped us easily. But they didn't want to.

Now exports make up only 25% of the Chinese economy, and exports to America make up only 14% of that.

We have already proved that we can continue to grow even if world exports collapse, like already happened in the 2008 Credit Crunch. Even though global exports fell through the floor, we still managed to grow at near double-digits.

And even today, America continues to feed our economy with hundreds of billions of dollars a year in trade and investments. And trade looks to increase even further in the future.

Not to mention the fact that the USA is also the largest source of external funding for the Pakistani Army... :azn:
Not possible.

Tomorrow they will say, we will not "claim" New Delhi, if you give up Kolkata.

China never had anything to do with Aksai Chin. (neither Arunachal Pradesh, but that's a different matter).

1. Aksai Chin was never a part of China.
2. Even the old Tibet, never had any claim on Aksai Chin. (Read about Tibet-Sikh wars).
3. Aksai Chin was one of China's land grab, and they should've vacated that in 1962 itself.

Aksai Chin is a key thorn that hinders peaceful relations between India and China.

And China pays more for these bad relations .... than India.
In diplomatic circles, China is a pariah. It's almost at war with the World.

It's for China to introspect about its actions, not only in Aksai Chin, but also in South China Sea, Senkaku Islands etc.

Aksai Chin had never been in Indian map until later 1950s.

China will never give up Aksai Chin, as this is strategically so important to put India under surveillance and to make Xizang and Xinjiang connected. So you'll never get it. 1962 war proved how important Aksai Chin is. Indian soldiers, as described by Chinese then PM Zhou Enlai, was picked up by Chinese rifle one by one like live target.

I don't think China want a whole of AP, that is miss-interpretation. China wants Tawang, as this is religiously important to Tibet (Xizang).
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