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PLA official casualty numbers of the Gallwan valley clash released today on PLA Daily.


Mar 4, 2018
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United States
Thanks to KushigumoAkane's head up and TemStar of Sino Froum's post and translation. China just release the casualties numbers with the names and ranks of the PLA soldiers martyred against the Indians troops during the Gallwan valley clash on front page PLA Daily today.

Total 4 Deaths plus the battalion commander seriously injured. I guess the agreement of the disengagement between the PLA and Indian troops are final and official. That's why the information is out.



祁发宝, regimental commander, was in charge of the negotiation (he had only a few men with him at the time) and thus the initial fighting, seriously injured

陈红军. battalion commander
陈祥榕, trooper
These two were involved in breaking the encirclement, KIA

肖思远, trooper
Broke out of the initial encirclement then went back to help, KIA

王焯冉, trooper
Drowned while trying to save others during the reinforcement
Highest respect to our fallen, even a hundred enemies death can not compensate our young men.
Please edit the word "martyred" to "sacrificed".
@WebMaster, @waz and other mods, please monitor this thread, this is not a place for the filth and trash talks.
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The earlier thread was locked.

Now China officially reports the death toll as 4 . They are Chen Hongjun, Chen Xiangrong, Xiao Xiyuan and Wang Zhuoran (non combat death), Commander Colonel Qiu Fabao seriously injured.

The skirmish started when Indians intruded, led by Colonel Babu. When a few forward PLA patrol asked to Indian to retreat, Indian started assaulting.

By killing 3 Chinese and critically injuring a PLA Colonel, this explains why PLA reinforcement wanted Colonel Babu dead.

why didn't pla kill them all?

should've totally annihilated the indians.

next time, definitely
Wang Zhuoran (non combat death)
Wang Zhuoran drowned in a river on the way to reinforcement.

Why India was the invader, not China

1, Timing

1) The standoff started from April 2020. When China was in Covid-19 lockdown. Most factories were shut down. Most people had to stay at home. Many roads were blocked. The whole country was in pause. Meanwhile Inida had not been affected by the virus yet. Note: Before standoff occurred, the invader needs 1-2 months to make plans, prepare resources and deploy troops. So the real start time for the invader is actually February or March. When China was in most dangerous covid time.

2) China was under USA fierce attacks in every aspects except war. On the other hand, Trump visited India on Febrary 24, 2020.

Conclusion: This is the worst timing for China to start a new frontline with India.

2, History

1) From 1959 - 1961 China was in big famine. At the same period of time, China-Inida border tension rose and finally led to 1962 border war.

2) June 2017 Doklam, more than 200 Indian soliders crossed undisputed border to prevent road building on China's side. The standoff was solved peacefully. India didn't get any punishment for crossing border. The Indian colonel who led this action got promted. Which I believe leads to >20 Indian soliders died clash in 2020----- 615 incident. In which another Inidian army wanted to repeat Doklam success in Ladakh.

3, Public sentiment

1) The 1962 defeat has been haunting Indians forever. They have serious victim sentiment and desire for revenge. On the other hand, most Chinese don't care this war so much and are not interested in changing the status quo with India.

2) After 615 incident, Modi said to public that no Chinese soldier had entered India's territory. The result is: All Indians called him "surrender Modi". Strangely no one even cared if he was telling the truth or not.
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Four Chinese soldiers, who were sacrificed during a border confrontation in June 2020, were posthumously awarded honorary titles and first-class merit citations, the Central Military Commission (CMC) announced on Friday.

The CMC unveiled names and stories of the martyrs for the first time to commemorate their sacrifice for defending national sovereignty and territory. Chen Hongjun was awarded the honorary title of "hero" for defending national territory. Chen Xiangrong, Xiao Siyuan and Wang Zhuoran were awarded first-class merit citations.

Qi Fabao, a colonel who led the soldiers, was seriously injured during the clashes. Qi was conferred with the honorary title of "hero colonel."

Take enemy casualities and add a zero
Take Indias casualities times two
Use the higher of both if the latter number is 10 or higher, otherwise the latter
= Indias claims of enemy casualities
This looks again BS story.
Following two things are not adding up
1. No one from PLA died during reinforcement fight ?
2. IA did not call for reinforcement ?

Give it up man. Official figures are out

You managed to kill one after losing four

Not bad for a Supa puwa 2020

It is still better than 27 February 2019 where you lost 6 for killing zero. We all can see improvement
So brawl occurred during a talk !!! I hope we can get more details as it is a serious violation of ethics.
Did India fire at us during flag meeting ever? or pretext of any meeting?
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This looks again BS story.
Following two things are not adding up
1. No one from PLA died during reinforcement fight ?
2. IA did not call for reinforcement ?
Whatever number on the China side is <20, Indians won't be happy. Maybe you should read Reuters reporting about that night of clash. Dead Indian soldiers had to be fished out of the river next morning. Indian soldiers got wounds on their neck and head from death certificate seen by Reuters reporter.

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