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PLA official casualty numbers of the Gallwan valley clash released today on PLA Daily.

Try harder, chink logics only work on Pakistani ... Even your russian pals don't believe you...

Try harder

Yeh, next time think more before coming over again... We don't want to make noodles out of Chinese boys. 45+ serving should be more than enough for you guys for next couple of years to remember
lol, TASS NUMBER also from India, fake newj supapawa
yea your Indian‘s inference(read delusion)can defeat fact,you win as always.
universal supapawa will be built by your mouth.
Well, you don't have answer to the questions. That is an easy way out.
I guess the real question is if the Indians are so confident that their version of the story is true, why so much butthurt over the PLA numbers and video? If it is something obviously dumb why spend all the time arguing about it?

What the undisputable facts actually are, now backed by video/photographic evidence:

1) Initial PLA contingent led by Commander Qi was small and mostly unarmed. Commander Qi and his interpreters didn't even wear helmet/protection. The Jawans, in contrasted, numbered in the hundreds and were heavily armed with rods and riot shields. This dispels the Indian B.S. that they were unprepared and ambushed.
2) When Babu was killd and the Indians were routed, they didn't even bother helping their commander and fellow soldiers and instead ran away from the field of battle. Contrast this with the "sissy" PLA who fought to the death and shielded eachother with their own bodies despite being heavily outnumbered.
3) If you listen closely to the night time battle part of the video, you can faintly discern the screams of the Jawans, which vaguely sounds like hogs led to the slaughter :D.
Can you tell me how many PLA injured in the clash? None of the cute members have answers. That is why I say shameless Bots without any opinion.
Let me tell you the true. Many PLA actually wanted to die at the battle but your Indian cower soldiers running like chicken when the reinforcement PLA arrived. Please next time , Indian don't run. If you like to run, you should join Olympic to win some 100 meter running metal. I bet Indian soldiers can beat Chinese soldiers in the running field.
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(CNN)China has revealed that four of its People's Liberation Army (PLA) soldiers were killed during a bloody hand-to-hand battle with Indian troops on the two countries' disputed border high in the Himalayas in June 2020.
The two sides fought with fists, stones, and nailed-studded bamboo poles, in what was the deadliest border clash between the two nuclear-armed neighbors in more than 40 years. New Delhi previously said at least 20 Indian soldiers died during the brawl in the Galwan Valley area.

On Friday, China's official army newspaper, PLA Daily, said a battalion commander, Chen Hongjun, and three soldiers -- Chen Xiangrong, Xiao Siyuan and Wang Zhuoran -- had died in the "fierce struggle" defending the border, and were given posthumous awards.

An award was also given to Qi Fabao, the regimental commander from the PLA Xinjiang Military Command, who was seriously injured in the clash, according to the report. PLA Daily did not reveal the soldiers' ranks.

According to the PLA Daily report, "foreign military" troops violated an agreement with China and crossed the border into the Chinese side to set up tents. The report also claimed that when Qi led a few PLA soldiers to negotiate, the Indian side deployed more soldiers in an attempt to force the Chinese troops to concede.

China and India have blamed each other for the skirmish.

A source in the Indian military previously told CNN that the dispute started over a Chinese tent that was constructed the night before the clash. Indian troops, according to the source, tore it down. The next day, Chinese soldiers armed with stones and bamboo sticks with nails returned, the source said, and attacked unprepared Indian troops. CNN is unable to independently confirm this account of events.

In comments posted to an official Chinese Defense Ministry social media account Friday, spokesperson Ren Guoqiang accused India of "distorting the truth, misleading international public opinion and slandering the Chinese officers and soldiers in the frontier forces." He said that China "kept a high degree of restraint in order to maintain ties between the two countries and militaries and worked to cool down the situation."

Chinese state media published a report on the incident to "clarify the truth," Ren added.
Disputed border
India and China share a 2,100 mile-long (3,379-kilometer) border in the Himalayas, which in places is poorly defined and hotly disputed. Both sides claim territory on either side of it.
The June 2020 clash erupted near Pangong Tso, a strategically important lake located some 14,000 feet (4,267 meters) above sea level, which spans an area stretching from the Indian territory of Ladakh to Chinese-controlled Tibet, in the greater Kashmir region where India, China and Pakistan all claim territory.

In 1962, India and China went to war over this remote, inhospitable stretch of land, eventually establishing the Line of Actual Control (LAC), the de facto border straddled by Pangong Tso. However, the two countries do not agree on the LAC's precise location and both regularly accuse the other of overstepping it, or seeking to expand their territory. Since then, they have had a history of mostly non-lethal scuffles over the position of the border.

In September, the two countries agreed to stop sending more troops to the border, following an escalation in tensions between New Delhi and Beijing. The situation was temporarily resolved, with the two sides engaging in several rounds of talks.

But another "minor" face-off erupted between the two sides in January, according to the Indian Army, though it said that "was resolved by local commanders as per established protocols."
On February 10, China's Defense Ministry said the two countries had started to disengage along the south and north shores of Pangong Tso after reaching an agreement with India.

According to satellite images, China has withdrawn troops, dismantled infrastructure and vacated camps along the disputed border.

Satellite photos taken on January 30 by US-based Maxar Technologies showed a number of Chinese deployments along Pangong Tso. In new images taken on Tuesday, dozens of vehicles and building structures had been removed, leaving empty land.
Let me tell you the true. Many PLA actually wanted to die at the war but your Indian cower soldiers running like chicken when the reinforcement PLA arrived. Please next time , Indian don't run. If you like to run, you should join Olympic to win some 100 meter running metal. I bet Indian soldiers can beat Chinese soldiers in the running field.

They run so fast that they literally died crashing into the rocks and crags. Even headless chickens have better sense than that. The ones who surrendered like good little boys got warm beds, hot baths, a delicious meal, and most importantly stayed alive.
I guess the real question is if the Indians are so confident that their version of the story is true, why so much butthurt over the PLA numbers and video? If it is something obviously dumb why spend all the time arguing about it?

What the undisputable facts actually are, now backed by video/photographic evidence:

1) Initial PLA contingent led by Commander Qi was small and mostly unarmed. Commander Qi and his interpreters didn't even wear helmet/protection. The Jawans, in contrasted, numbered in the hundreds and were heavily armed with rods and riot shields. This dispels the Indian B.S. that they were unprepared and ambushed.
2) When Babu was killd and the Indians were routed, they didn't even bother helping their commander and fellow soldiers and instead ran away from the field of battle. Contrast this with the "sissy" PLA who fought to the death and shielded eachother with their own bodies despite being heavily outnumbered.
3) If you listen closely to the night time battle part of the video, you can faintly discern the screams of the Jawans, which vaguely sounds like hogs led to the slaughter :D.
The only thing any civil individual is "butthurt" about is:

Why a "superpower" hid the video and the numbers for nine months?

Is it hiding something MUCH BIGGER which may be "revealed" after another nine months? A possibility which cannot be denied. You agree?
Let me tell you the true. Many PLA actually wanted to die at the battle but your Indian cower soldiers running like chicken when the reinforcement PLA arrived. Please next time , Indian don't run. If you like to run, you should join Olympic to win some 100 meter running metal. I bet Indian soldiers can beat Chinese soldiers in the running field.

Indian Army is armed and 20 died. No PLA died or injured ? That is what you want us to believe ?
you seems like a partner to the TV journalist.. stuck with this piece of news and post it everywhere.. or may be you had an inperson experience of the similar nature..

either way, come up with something else next time, this news is way beyond its utility for you ..
Just pointing out your pedophile nature nomatter how much you Indians try to hide it
Indian Army is armed and 20 died. No PLA died or injured ? That is what you want us to believe ?

Let's examining how Indian soldiers do in a battle.


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