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PLA Navy J-35 stealth carrier borne fighter made its maiden flight this morning in Shenyang.

Bro, whats the latest news about type 003? Any launch date? Please make a separate thread for the type 003. Heard the launch is this year but so far no news from CDF.

Still in full swing bro :D Expected to be launch in Spring 2022, after Chinese new year.

Lucky we are born in this era :enjoy:

Sometimes, I'm update the Construction of Type 003 Aircraft Carrier in this thread

Not likely in 2021. Only one electromagnetic catapult has been installed so far and a second is being installed. After installation but also for testing, diagnosis. Most likely 2022. April 23rd is Navy Day. Maybe on that day.

The Middle EMALS Catapult (almost) Completed, with the Portside EMALS Catapult already begun

From what is being developed for the J-35, A F-35B style unmanned drone could be developed for the Type 076 light carriers. Even hobbyists are making working F-35B drones. Without a human inside, it leaves more room for fuel, making the F-35B style design more viable. Wouldn’t be surprised if the US navy develops something like this first.

Just something interesting I saw

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J-35 Stealth Naval Fighter & KJ-600 Carrier AWACS CG from Iron Eagle
(Images via wb/钢铁机机)

There is No J-31.

There is only FC-31, then from there getting Developed further to be Navy version as J-35 & Air Force version as J-21
What do you think the Air Force J-21 will look like? Probably Similar to the second design (FC-31V2) in the following tweet rather then the naval J-35 (third design), right?

In another thread, it is reported Global times says the PLAAF will get 400 J-20. How many J-21 do you think the PLAAF will go for?

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