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PLA Infrastructure at BLACK TOP HILL

That recent video is of last May.
And hats up to those Indian soldiers who maintained discipline though they were carrying guns and could hv opened fire up coward chini thug using sticks warped in barbed wire. That SOP has been discarded hence u see Chinis cribbing over warning shot fired from Indian troops.
YEAH, Indians should fire their guns.

At present, the Chinese are vastly outnumbered by the Indian forces and will be handicapped by not using firearms.
Luckily Indian Soldiers are SISSY LOW MUSCLE MASS, and the Chinese are so far able to offset this disadvantage in numbers.
It is best to use superior fire power for the Chinese to play to their advantage.

Low muscle mass makes Indians disease prone

"men had at least 3 kg less of skeletal muscle than Chinese and European men."

Another source from Youtube
Why Indians Have Low Muscle Mass-480.jpg

Soldiers from both countries look too skinny compared to Americans who are buff af.
I don't think this really matters. During World War II, the Japanese gave the US the hardest time in melee fighting even though the Japanese were much smaller and comparatively less muscular than their American counterparts. Even if you look at the Japanese or South Korean soldiers these days, they look more or less like Chinese soldiers, albeit in different combat outfits.

The Japanese soldier is on the far right.
If the war erupt, logistic support plays crucial role and will decide which side will win. And China clearly has far better logistic. Also they are moving from high plateau area in Tibet to frontlines in more horizontal routes while the Indians supplies have to move from foothill of Himalaya up to the mountains through valleys.

Indian supply routes that run in valleys and across rivers can be easily destroyed by heavy bombardment. And Chinese supplies from Tibet travel through mostly wide spread highland plain.

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If the war erupt, logistic support plays crucial role and will decide which side will win. And China clearly has far better logistic. Also they are moving from high plateau area in Tibet to frontlines in more horizontal routes while the Indians supplies have to move from foothill of Himalaya up to the mountains through valleys.

Indian supply routes that run in valleys and across rivers can be easily destroyed by heavy bombardment. And Chinese supplies from Tibet travel through mostly wide spread highland plain.

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If India had any logistics whatsoever (not even good logistics), then dozens of their wounded soldiers would have been immediately evacuated and not left to freeze to death overnight at Galwan. The Indians seem to have forgotten the most crucial aspect of warfare, which is supplying your troops. A lot of movements in war is precisely to destroy the supply lines of the enemy and thus his ability to wage war.
ridiculous stuff, unfortunate Indians will die in winter in the name of being "tough"

but as long as they are happy why should we worry about it
Napoleon attack Russian but was bogged down in Winter and his supply line was cut, he lost the war.

Hitler's Nazi German army attacked Russia and face same situation as Napoleon and he lost and retreated all the way to Berlin.

Indians on the 4,500m hill tops and ridges with-out permanent shelters and power supply will be in extreme dire states when the gush of sub-zero freezing wind start to bite in during Winter.
Napoleon attack Russian but was bogged down in Winter and his supply line was cut, he lost the war.

Hitler's Nazi German army attacked Russia and face same situation as Napoleon and he lost and retreated all the way to Berlin.

Indians on the 4,500m hill tops and ridges with-out permanent shelters and power supply will be in extreme dire states when the gush of sub-zero freezing wind start to bite in during Winter.
Whatever Napoleon faced in Russia is nothing like what the Indians have to face during the Himalayan winters ... Russian winters are cold but Himalayan winters are even colder. The extremely high altitude and very thin air just makes it more miserable. I think we are going to see a repeat of Siachen, where the Indian soldiers fell one by one due to inadequate winter preparations.
No because to Indians, bad news is fake news.
More Indian soldiers died in the winter than Kargil war
Soldiers from both countries look too skinny compared to Americans who are buff af.

Yet fact proved that, the { whitey VERMIN Murican * ( COWARD beyond Belief ) soldiers } are running away with TAIL between their Legs in KOREAN & VIETNAM war against severely under equipped and much smaller CHINESE & KOREAN & VIETNAMESE soldiers.
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