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PLA Infrastructure at BLACK TOP HILL

Which clashes? Where u attacked our soldiers with sticks warped barbed wire like street thugs and didn't even dare make ur own casually figures public except admit that ur forces suffered losses and Globat times editor sheepishly suggesting dead would be honored at a proper time.
You soldiers and officers fell into the icy rivers trying to get away from PLA, we didn't kill them, they were drowned so bascially they killed themselves.
Which clashes? Where u attacked our soldiers with sticks warped barbed wire like street thugs and didn't even dare make ur own casually figures public except admit that ur forces suffered losses and Globat times editor sheepishly suggesting dead would be honored at a proper time.
Yes, and you killed 56 of PLA dead generals, no one can come close to what you achieved, killing people who had long been dead.
Soldiers from both countries look too skinny compared to Americans who are buff af.
Can this Indian rat who made the video also show us the conditions of the Indian forward posts? :D

Did this chap watch the recent video where PLA is beating the "tough" Indian soldiers into submission? :sarcastic:
Asian American soldiers look buff too. So probably has to do with nutrition and workout.
American diet is whack out of portion sizes. That said, compared to their US counterparts, even Asian Americans in USA are slimmer. Actually being very slim is desired in Asian cultures. Being fat or even buff is considered as lazy. Japan comes to mind. Being "buff" or having more muscles is more an obsession in west. East Asia obsesses on facial features, skin tone, absence of any deformity or marks. Asians tend to also tend to do well in sports as well. In terms of conditioning, Asian prefer more functional (like excelling in sports) than aesthetics (having muscles and general shape of body).
Soldiers from both countries look too skinny compared to Americans who are buff af.
American soldeirs are overweight,chinese are more lean muscled with much less body fat ratio,indians actually have the most body fat deposit in average,even though they aren't as big .
But I doubt special ops members of america are as big & buffy as their average soldier. Special ops forces needs to be lean and quick and not too big.
Chinese soldiers are ideal for modern gun warfare
Honestly those drones are overrated and mostly PR value. If it comes to it, they can be easily shot down. India has a long experience in supplying troops in even a more inhospitable frontier of Saichen. It is at much higher altitude than eastern Ladakh.

Ehhhhh, there are less than 25k troops on both sides of saichin. The supply of those troops in saichin is different. This was developed over the last 25 years and still is limited in its scope.
so moving those logistics chain, the lower habitats Will take years!

hence the scope and scale of the operation is different moreover none of this exists today

American soldeirs are overweight,chinese are more lean muscled with much less body fat ratio,indians actually have the most body fat deposit in average,even though they aren't as big .
But I doubt special ops members of america are as big & buffy as their average soldier. Special ops forces needs to be lean and quick and not too big.
Chinese soldiers are ideal for modern gun warfare
Their special forces operators are even more buff than regular soldiers
Did this chap watch the recent video where PLA is beating the "tough" Indian soldiers into submission? :sarcastic:
That recent video is of last May.
And hats up to those Indian soldiers who maintained discipline though they were carrying guns and could hv opened fire up coward chini thug using sticks warped in barbed wire. That SOP has been discarded hence u see Chinis cribbing over warning shot fired from Indian troops.
That recent video is of last May.
And hats up to those Indian soldiers who maintained discipline though they were carrying guns and could hv opened fire up coward chini thug using sticks warped in barbed wire. That SOP has been discarded hence u see Chinis cribbing over warning shot fired from Indian troops.

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