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PLA could blockade India with just 10 submarines: Sina


Sep 20, 2014
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The People’s Liberation Army Navy could block India’s western and eastern coasts with just 10 submarines in the event of conflict in the Indian Ocean, according to the Sina Military Network website on June 2.

An article published last year claimed that a single attack submarine deployed to the Bay of Bengal or Arabian Sea could threaten the entire operations of the Indian Navy. It could even challenge the INS Vikramaditya, the former Russian aircraft carrier commissioned in 2013. This is a primary mission why India decided to build two additional carriers with the assistance of the United States, the piece said.

With the Indian Navy also adding more submarines to its fleet, the Sina Military Network concluded that the PLA’s three Type 091 Han-class, four Type 093 Shang-class and two Type 095 attack submarines are not sufficient for a total blockade of the subcontinent. However, it said it would not be necessary for the PLA Navy to block the country’s southern waters that are closer to the coast of Africa. In this case, about 10 attack submarines could suffice.

India has eight primary naval bases but only the three located in Mumbai, Karwar and Visakhapatnam are used for actual military operations. This being the case, the article said that even six nuclear-powered attack submarines are needed to block India’s major naval bases completely with two covering each base.

PLA could blockade India with just 10 submarines: Sina | idrw.org
India should have started building up submarines a decade ago, wth with kongrass:guns:
An article published last year claimed that a single attack submarine deployed to the Bay of Bengal or Arabian Sea could threaten the entire operations of the Indian Navy

Was this piece written by the Chinese pdf member who claimed China could send submarines into India through Brahmaputra river. :lol:

It could even challenge the INS Vikramaditya, the former Russian aircraft carrier commissioned in 2013. This is a primary mission why India decided to build two additional carriers with the assistance of the United States, the piece said.

An Aircraft carrier to counter submarines? no wonder they are yet to learn alot about carrier operations.
I don't think it would be possible even with 20 subs. Orions and anti-sub corvetes of IN are very capable of detecting and destroying those lurking subs. Towed sonars to be acquired in near future will be death knell for subs.

One more thing , US would gladly give us the co-ordinates of PLA subs.

Any guess how many subs or depth charges would it require to bloke choke points between IOR and SCS ??
I don't think it would be possible even with 20 subs. Orions and anti-sub corvetes of IN are very capable of detecting and destroying those lurking subs. Towed sonars to be acquired in near future will be death knell for subs.

One more thing , US would gladly give us the co-ordinates of PLA subs.

Any guess how many subs or depth charges would it require to bloke choke points between IOR and SCS ??
we have Poseidon not orion
Not exactly possible with 10 chinese quality subs,

But if china deploys 18 advance Russian subs,
Then we could be looking at trouble
Karmorta class, P-8I, Krivak class, Akula, Scorpene, latest anti-submarine tech from US, Russia, France, Germany , Israel and India all went down in front of chinese junks!!!

Is mirjuana so cheap in china???!!! :lol:

Forget everything else.... this is US navy's next generation anti-submarine warfare tool in service with India. Who will defy it? Sina? I think even John Cina has more IQ than this guy.

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