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PLA budget to increase to US$130.6 billion


Oct 30, 2007
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Beijing will increase the budget of the People's Liberation Army by 10% to an estimated 792 billion yuan (US$130.6 billion) for 2014, reports our Chinese-language sister paper China Times.

China's national defense budget for 2013 was 720 billion yuan (US$118.7 billion), which ranked second in the world but was still dwarfed by the US$582.4 billion budget of the United States. Chinese analysts say the country's budget will be upped by about 10% this year and predict a consistent increase at this pace for the next five years to keep the defense budget steady at around 10% of total government expenditure.

The PLA will also reportedly continue to cut redundant staff and office expenses, but will increase equipment costs and training expenses. Expenditure on hi-tech equipment will be increased across the board for the PLA Ground Force, Navy and Air Force, though general equipment spending for the Ground Force will be slashed to compensate.

The PLA usually undergoes a major reform every six to 12 years and is set to commence a new round after Chinese president and Central Military Commission chairman Xi Jinping announced sweeping military and defense reforms last November in light of the country's new economic prowess, military goals and trends in modern warfare. Three previous rounds of personnel redundancies in 1985, 1997 and 2003 had cut around 1.7 million staff.

Additionally, there are plans to strengthen the PLA Navy by adding a new destroyer and detachment of frigates to each of its three naval fleets, as well as an amphibious landing craft and a supply ship detachment. The aviation force of the Ground Force will be expanded while the Second Artillery Corps will increase construction of cruise missiles.

China is also set to establish its newly announced national security commission at the upcoming annual "two meetings" of the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in Beijing next month. Analysts believe Beijing will continue to flex its military muscle this year in both the East China Sea and South China Sea, where it remains embroiled in territorial disputes with the Philippines and Japan among other parties.

PLA budget to increase to US$130bn in 2014|Politics|News|WantChinaTimes.com

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I have read anywhere between the same, to 300 billion, to 200 billion, to 180 billion, to 160 billion to 140 billion, to 120 billion, in just these two weeks.

I can conclude one thing, nobody knows what they are talking about, because other than the same and 300 billion, the rest are talking "official" figures. How can there be so many official figures. Especially when we haven't published it and on the Chinese forums, there's no talk on it.

So Foriegners are more informed than us, or the more likely fact, they are talking crap and with an agenda.

Chinese propaganda my ***, with the amount of lies the West spews, we should have been a liper that no one talks to and not the country that just hosted the British PM and became good friends with Russia, while also investing more in Africa than America and #1 trade nation.
I have read anywhere between the same, to 300 billion, to 200 billion, to 180 billion, to 160 billion to 140 billion, to 120 billion, in just these two weeks.

I can conclude one thing, nobody knows what they are talking about, because other than the same and 300 billion, the rest are talking "official" figures. How can there be so many official figures. Especially when we haven't published it and on the Chinese forums, there's no talk on it.

So Foriegners are more informed than us, or the more likely fact, they are talking crap and with an agenda.

Chinese propaganda my ***, with the amount of lies the West spews, we should have been a liper that no one talks to and not the country that just hosted the British PM and became good friends with Russia, while also investing more in Africa than America and #1 trade nation.

the discrepancy comes from the fact that china and the west dont agree on what exactly counts as a military budget. often, weapons R and D is considered a part of military spending in the west but in china is not counted as such. so when the CIA or who ever makes an estimate for china, they try to account for the discrepancies, but no one knows exactly what the numbers are so they essentially have to guess. but the often agreed on number that reports more western style accounting put china at about 18-2.1% of GDP which is nearly 200 billion
that isn't a lot for a country that size. China need at least 500b / year but the non hawks from cpc will not allow that to happen.
that isn't a lot for a country that size. China need at least 500b / year but the non hawks from cpc will not allow that to happen.

Until Japan fully rearms by getting rid of it's pacifist constitution, the libtards in the CPC will make sure the PLA budget is puny. Without money, PLA won't advance as fast as needed and without a powerful navy, China's strategic position is weakened. Because the sea lanes are controlled by the US Navy and the global fight for resources with countries like India will become intense.

Without a strong Navy and Airforce, a country will lose strategic position as their bargaining position is weakened. The libtards in the CPC don't understand this. They are more interested in buying property in the US and sending their children to the US.
Until Japan fully rearms by getting rid of it's pacifist constitution, the libtards in the CPC will make sure the PLA budget is puny. Without money, PLA won't advance as fast as needed and without a powerful navy, China's strategic position is weakened. Because the sea lanes are controlled by the US Navy and the global fight for resources with countries like India will become intense.

Without a strong Navy and Airforce, a country will lose strategic position as their bargaining position is weakened. The libtards in the CPC don't understand this. They are more interested in buying property in the US and sending their children to the US.

I think some CPC leaders need to take some Chinese history courses. In times of stability is when the military budget should be high, not the other way around.
the discrepancy comes from the fact that china and the west dont agree on what exactly counts as a military budget. often, weapons R and D is considered a part of military spending in the west but in china is not counted as such. so when the CIA or who ever makes an estimate for china, they try to account for the discrepancies, but no one knows exactly what the numbers are so they essentially have to guess. but the often agreed on number that reports more western style accounting put china at about 18-2.1% of GDP which is nearly 200 billion

I'm not talking what they think I'm saying official numbers. Regardless of how true it is, the Official number can only be one. How can there be disagreement on that.

Especially now we are still calculating the numbers, this is like saying we know how many voted in the president's election before all the votes are counted.
10% increase is a bit low. Even if the military budget follows the exact same GDP percentage, China would have about 7.5% growth and the projected inflation has to be 2.5% in order for military budget to only increase 10%. Personally I would guess between 10% to 11% if military budget/GDP ratio did not change.
I thought the Chinese announced there yearly defense budgets at the end of March each year?
Chinese should not worry that the military budget is too low.

China currently has a military budget of around 2% of GDP, when R&D is taken into account, and that is around 200 billion in nominal and 300 billion dollars in PPP.

300 billion PPP, is around the next 5 countries combined and half of the US budget.

Unlike the US, where the budget will likely fall a little in real terms over the rest of the decade, China will keep increasing with the 7-8% increase in GDP till at least around 2020.

By 2020, in PPP terms, the Chinese and US will be spending roughly the same in PPP terms.

The US will still remain more powerful due to it's accumulated military equipment, and slightly higher technology still then, but it will be the Chinese with the momentum for the next decade.
Chinese should not worry that the military budget is too low.

China currently has a military budget of around 2% of GDP, when R&D is taken into account, and that is around 200 billion in nominal and 300 billion dollars in PPP.

300 billion PPP, is around the next 5 countries combined and half of the US budget.

Unlike the US, where the budget will likely fall a little in real terms over the rest of the decade, China will keep increasing with the 7-8% increase in GDP till at least around 2020.

By 2020, in PPP terms, the Chinese and US will be spending roughly the same in PPP terms.

The US will still remain more powerful due to it's accumulated military equipment, and slightly higher technology still then, but it will be the Chinese with the momentum for the next decade.

Absolute nonsense. We don't spend enough on military, there has been reports that some high tech weapons have not been approved due to a lack of funding. The CPC thugs are more interested in sending their wives, mistresses and children on overseas trips and wasting tax payer money on expensive gifts. While the PLA is suffering due to a lack of funds. We should have a comparable spending on military to the US in terms of GDP. So when the Chinese economy overtakes the US economy, our military budget will be the same size or bigger than the US military budget.
Absolute nonsense. We don't spend enough on military, there has been reports that some high tech weapons have not been approved due to a lack of funding. The CPC thugs are more interested in sending their wives, mistresses and children on overseas trips and wasting tax payer money on expensive gifts. While the PLA is suffering due to a lack of funds. We should have a comparable spending on military to the US in terms of GDP. So when the Chinese economy overtakes the US economy, our military budget will be the same size or bigger than the US military budget.

You want China to increase military spending to 5% of GDP then?

China is still a developing country and has massive needs still to spend on infrastructure and civilian R&D as two examples.

The strength of a country cannot be measured just on the size of it's military.

Without a healthy civilian economy, the military strength cannot be maintained.
You want China to increase military spending to 5% of GDP then?

China is still a developing country and has massive needs still to spend on infrastructure and civilian R&D as two examples.

The strength of a country cannot be measured just on the size of it's military.

Without a healthy civilian economy, the military strength cannot be maintained.

So what do you think is more important that 95% of the GDP should go towards?
What is more important than national security?
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