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PLA budget to increase to US$130.6 billion

So what do you think is more important that 95% of the GDP should go towards?
What is more important than national security?

China's nuclear arsenal provides it's security now. The US thinks that the Chinese can destroy it and won't mess with it.

You think that if the Chinese increase military spending to 5% of GDP then China will be more secure? You are wrong as then the Japanese and Indians would also spend more to compensate. This would have the affect of hurting the civilian economy of China without any increase in relative strength.
China's nuclear arsenal provides it's security now. The US thinks that the Chinese can destroy it and won't mess with it.

You think that if the Chinese increase military spending to 5% of GDP then China will be more secure? You are wrong as then the Japanese and Indians would also spend more to compensate. This would have the affect of hurting the civilian economy of China without any increase in relative strength.

Chinese economy is way bigger than either Japanese or Indian economies. Civilian economy should be run by private sector(not through government money), we are talking about government money here. More money means more high tech weapons and in great numbers, this not only makes Chinese mainland secure but increases China's leverage in the geopolitical chess game. Right now we are at the mercy of the US military if they decide to cut off all energy to China because US Navy is too powerful.
Chinese economy is way bigger than either Japanese or Indian economies. Civilian economy should be run by private sector(not through government money), we are talking about government money here. More money means more high tech weapons and in great numbers, this not only makes Chinese mainland secure but increases China's leverage in the geopolitical chess game. Right now we are at the mercy of the US military if they decide to cut off all energy to China because US Navy is too powerful.

You fail to take into account that the Chinese military technology is currently inferior to the US.Greater spending will not help reduce the gap any quicker.

China's best chance of credibly threatening the US Navy in the next decade may be it's upcoming Type-095 SSN. Given the around 1 billion dollar cost of each, China can build several with future projected spending each year anyway, and will quickly(~2020) have enough to really threaten the US Navy in Asian waters
You fail to take into account that the Chinese military technology is currently inferior to the US.Greater spending will not help reduce the gap any quicker.

China's best chance of credibly threatening the US Navy in the next decade may be it's upcoming Type-095 SSN. Given the around 1 billion dollar cost of each, China can build several with future projected spending each year anyway, and will quickly(~2020) have enough to really threaten the US Navy in Asian waters

Greater military spending won't help reduce the technology gap? :lol:
So then we must reduce military spending since more money on military obviously makes no difference.

$1 billion for Type 095 SSN means there is less money for other important projects and R&D. The more advanced the technology, the more each unit costs to produce. Cheap weapons are technologically inferior thus you don't need much money to mass produce them.

Money is everything in military power. Just ask the USSR. They had all the talent, but their rigid economic system collapsed due to socialism and they ran out of money.

Bottom line is that even India has a stronger Navy and Air Force than China. This is a fact. Unless we start increasing the military budget, everyone and their dog will surpass us.

The PLA is severely underfunded, this is a very well known fact by the Chines netizens.
So what do you think is more important that 95% of the GDP should go towards?
What is more important than national security?

if facing imminent invasion, then more makes sense, but right now, there is no threat to the mainland, china has long past that point, additional military spending now is only for research and power projection, mainly into the near seas. so basic national security has been achieved. so what comes after security, its prosperity. the Average chinese person is still fairly poor, growing the economy is number 1 priority, and thusly should receive the most support. with the economy growing, the military will come naturally as well. there is no need to rush, china is only growing stronger and its potential enemies are only getting relatively weaker.
if facing imminent invasion, then more makes sense, but right now, there is no threat to the mainland, china has long past that point, additional military spending now is only for research and power projection, mainly into the near seas. so basic national security has been achieved. so what comes after security, its prosperity. the Average chinese person is still fairly poor, growing the economy is number 1 priority, and thusly should receive the most support. with the economy growing, the military will come naturally as well. there is no need to rush, china is only growing stronger and its potential enemies are only getting relatively weaker.

US Navy controls all the sea lanes. Until that leverage is removed, China is still not safe. To build up the Navy, considerable amount of money is required. Navy and Air Force is still very weak. Japan has a stronger Navy than the PLAN.
US Navy controls all the sea lanes. Until that leverage is removed, China is still not safe. To build up the Navy, considerable amount of money is required. Navy and Air Force is still very weak. Japan has a stronger Navy than the PLAN.

you are right, the sea lanes are a major weakness and even the PLA has openly admitted that. a considerable amount of money is needed if they want to fix that problem. however any work towards a solution is long term, the USN is extremely strong, to try and match them in the near term is pointless and a complete waste of money. you can buy 80 destroyers now, but china is still behind in technology, why would china spend a tons of money on destroyers now and get ships that are not as good as the USN? like i said, china can afford to wait, there is no imminent threat and the economy is growing faster than any major nation. in 25 years, china can spend that same money and get ships of far superior quality.
you are right, the sea lanes are a major weakness and even the PLA has openly admitted that. a considerable amount of money is needed if they want to fix that problem. however any work towards a solution is long term, the USN is extremely strong, to try and match them in the near term is pointless and a complete waste of money. you can buy 80 destroyers now, but china is still behind in technology, why would china spend a tons of money on destroyers now and get ships that are not as good as the USN? like i said, china can afford to wait, there is no imminent threat and the economy is growing faster than any major nation. in 25 years, china can spend that same money and get ships of far superior quality.

China will also have to compete for resources with countries like India and other countries. A strong military is needed for that too. Not just the US Navy.
China will also have to compete for resources with countries like India and other countries. A strong military is needed for that too. Not just the US Navy.
my point still stands. china is growing faster than any of those countries and china isnt under threat of attack by any of them, there is no need to rush.
my point still stands. china is growing faster than any of those countries and china isnt under threat of attack by any of them, there is no need to rush.

We can never rest until those mass murdering Yankee terrorists are kicked out of Asia forever and the spine of the Yankee empire is dismantled into the scrapheap of history.
informed than us, or the more likely fact, they are talking crap and with an agenda.
Chinese propaganda my ***, with the amount of lies the West spews, we should have been a liper that no one talks to and not the country that just hos
You want China to increase military spending to 5% of GDP then?

China is still a developing country and has massive needs still to spend on infrastructure and civilian R&D as two examples.

The strength of a country cannot be measured just on the size of it's military.

Without a healthy civilian economy, the military strength cannot be maintained.
5% of China's GDP is 460billion $, 130billion $ is only 1.4% of China's GDP
$1 billion for Type 095 SSN means there is less money for other important projects and R&D. The more advanced the technology, the more each unit costs to produce. Cheap weapons are technologically inferior thus you don't need much money to mass produce them.
Greater military spending won't help reduce the technology gap? :lol:
So then we must reduce military spending since more money on military obviously makes no difference.

$1 billion for Type 095 SSN means there is less money for other important projects and R&D. The more advanced the technology, the more each unit costs to produce. Cheap weapons are technologically inferior thus you don't need much money to mass produce them.

Money is everything in military power. Just ask the USSR. They had all the talent, but their rigid economic system collapsed due to socialism and they ran out of money.

Bottom line is that even India has a stronger Navy and Air Force than China. This is a fact. Unless we start increasing the military budget, everyone and their dog will surpass us.

The PLA is severely underfunded, this is a very well known fact by the Chines netizens.

What does India have that can take on the Type-052Cs in the Chinese Navy?

What does India that can take on the Type-093 SSN in the Chinese Navy?

China has 600 4th generation fighters whereas India has 300 4th generation fighters

No, greater military spending will not reduce the technology gap as China is not currently short of R&D funds. Just like a woman cannot make a baby quicker than 9 months, China will have to go through the painful trials of developing it's own core technology. It will get there around circa 2030 to equal the US in military technology.

Just allow the roughly 300 billion budget(PPP) growing at 7-8% a year to allow China to match and eventually surpass the US in military power.
my point still stands. china is growing faster than any of those countries and china isnt under threat of attack by any of them, there is no need to rush.
In times of peace prepare for war.

What does India have that can take on the Type-052Cs in the Chinese Navy?

What does India that can take on the Type-093 SSN in the Chinese Navy?

China has 600 4th generation fighters whereas India has 300 4th generation fighters

No, greater military spending will not reduce the technology gap as China is not currently short of R&D funds. Just like a woman cannot make a baby quicker than 9 months, China will have to go through the painful trials of developing it's own core technology. It will get there around circa 2030 to equal the US in military technology.

Just allow the roughly 300 billion budget(PPP) growing at 7-8% a year to allow China to match and eventually surpass the US in military power.

Quit fooling. yourself. China is no Bangladesh. China need to spend more on military. @hypersonicmissile is correctin stating the CPC would rather spend money on mistresses and buy overseas properties than increasing r&d for military.
What everyone also seems to forget, is that a vast proportion of the US defense budget goes in maintaining and running its 100's of military overseas bases, and paying for the upkeep of its 10,000's of troops abroad.
China's military budget, currently doesn't have this millstone around its neck.
I'am sure that in terms of weapons produced each year, China and the US are closer than people think!
This is measured in USD rather than yuan. Given how low yuan's value is compared to USD, China's military budget is WAY higher than this. :yes4:
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