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PLA begins more aggressive patrolling in Bhutan amid India-China face-off in Ladakh


Sep 26, 2018
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As the India-China face-off in eastern Ladakh continues, the People's Liberation Army has begun patrolling more aggressively in Bhutan, government sources said.

Chinese PLA troops have entered into central Bhutan several times in recent months, particularly in mid-September.

On one occasion, a PLA patrol, led by an officer came to the Bhutanese army post of Pasamlung, spoke to soldiers and photographed themselves holding the Chinese flag in front of the post.

Another patrol pushed further inside, up to Guru Lakhang, right up to an old temple. They wrote CHINA on the walls of the temple, nearly ten km inside Bhutan.

Even on Bhutan's western border, there are reports of Chinese activities, including the construction of roads and bridges and military accommodation, including barracks. This is along the Langmarpo Chu and the Amo Chu.

There has been some PLA air activity as well. Helicopters and UAVs have been spotted in the Doklam area and the Jampheri Ridge, a little distance away.

What is also of concern is that in late-September, Dasho Letho Tangbi, the secretary of International Boundaries of the Bhutanese government was stopped by PLA troops recently when he was on a familiarisation visit to Orola, in the border areas. This was in Bhutanese territory. A surprised Bhutan government has protested to Beijing.

The Chinese have also been stopping Bhutanese patrols. In the past, Bhutanese patrols used to go up to Damalung, but the Chinese are blocking the area, sources said.

When asked about the specific cases of obstruction by the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the aggressive patrolling, a Bhutanese government official refused to comment.

On one occasion, a PLA patrol, led by an officer came to the Bhutanese army post of Pasamlung, spoke to soldiers and photographed themselves holding the Chinese flag in front of the post.

Another patrol pushed further inside, up to Guru Lakhang, right up to an old temple. They wrote CHINA on the walls of the temple, nearly ten km inside Bhutan.

Keep the hegemony and such behavior up. We :usflag:encourage you(especially with your neighbors). Helps solidify that reputation. The quad will grow. :yes4:
Keep the hegemony and such behavior up. We :usflag:encourage you(especially with your neighbors). Helps solidify that reputation. The quad will grow. :yes4:

Hindutva extremist India is a threat to all south Asia

All South Asia supports China in keeping India on a leash and under control

There are 600 million muslims in South Asia at risk from hindutva extremism

How many Uighurs are there?

China is helping us beat and humilate hindutva India

Our interests are clear, help China beat and bring down a hindutva India and support Indian Muslims rather then embrace propaganda against China
Modi ji and his cohort hiding behind screens.
Modi has no answers for China, even if they land in Delhi he will remain in the state of denial.
There are 600 million muslims in South Asia at risk from hindutva extremism

How many Uighurs are there?

China is helping us beat and humilate hindutva India

Our interests are clear, help China beat and bring down a hindutva India and support Indian Muslims rather then embrace propaganda against China

Effectively to be read as..."China, I'll give you 1 million Muslims in China to kill if you, Chinese, eliminate 1 billion Hindus"-?

An Indian PR company should seriously pay you big bucks and sign up you as the quintessential poster boy :no:
Effectively to be read as..."China, I'll give you 1 million Muslims in China to kill if you, Chinese, eliminate 1 billion Hindus"-?

An Indian PR company should seriously pay you big bucks and sign up you as the quintessential poster boy :no:

Were not too fussed with propaganda against China

But the utility of a Chinese boot across hindutva extremist India's throat is priceless

All South Asia needs China to control hindutva fanaticism
US will never come openly in support of India, most it will do is hand over some toys at extortionate prices. China's expansion is India's loss, we will fully support China in its current endeavor.

I'm going to level with you straight. Your ability to spend day and night obsessing over a potential India-china war and spending hours daily finding multiple articles on this topic is unparalleled. However, I find your understanding of basic principles on what is actually real and what is childish banter by keyboard warriors to be wanting. Let me attempt to explain further.

1. The US will come in if there is an all-out war. It is absolutely a security concern for us IF there is an all-out war. HOWEVER, please read this part carefully- there will never be an all-out war between China and India. Maybe short skirmish, but never a full-on war. Those that pontificate about such things coming to fruition daily are just lowly and ordinary keyboard warriors.

2. In the case of a short skirmish, the US can help India in more ways than just 'some toys.' The BECA, COMCASA, and LEMOA agreements give India the right to our intelligence, communications interception, encryption, monitoring, logistics, and satellites on everything we have on China. That itself is a huge advantage for India over China. It would be best if you never underestimate the power of logistics and intelligence in a war. HELL, signing all 3 allowed us to sell Predator drones to India.

3. If there is an all-out war between India-China, Pakistan will not in any meaningful way interfere because an all-out war would mean the QUAD would also get involved, especially if you jump in with both feet.

So my friend fool's nightmare, I'd suggest you continue with your daily postings of the India-china situation, where the reality is India has China by the balls, by owning the peaks creating a Doklum 2.0. But I get it; China doing a shooting exercise 7 miles away is exciting news for you to share...:whistle:

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