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PLA begins more aggressive patrolling in Bhutan amid India-China face-off in Ladakh

US will never come openly in support of India, most it will do is hand over some toys at extortionate prices. China's expansion is India's loss, we will fully support China in its current endeavor.

you have no option other than supporting china , if you don't support them ,they will order you to return the 1 billion rupee, which you took to return to saudi arab which you took to repay to IMF which you took to repay older loans ,
you have no option other than supporting china , if you don't support them ,they will order you to return the 1 billion rupee, which you took to return to saudi arab which you took to repay to IMF which you took to repay older loans ,
Our FRIENDSHIP with China is beyond your comprehension, it has always been a mutual affair.
Our FRIENDSHIP with China is beyond your comprehension, it has always been a mutual affair.
The ignorance of our "friendly neighbors " of history of the Sino-Pak relationship is amusing :
In the early 1960s, China was under brutal sanctions, denied a membership of the United Nations , was under a US naval blockade on its east coast and had a huge military buildup of the Soviet Union threatening its Western borders. A drought had resulted in a failure of the harvest and food stocks were depleted and the threat of famine loomed.
It was then that Pakistan defying international sanctions sent food to China. Pakistan also sent medicines, fruit, & sugar and whatever else it could send . The quantities were small and the assistance was almost symbolic but China appreciated and remembered Pakistan's help.
More importantly this was a time when China was under the threat of military aggression from both the Soviet Union, USA and India. China's air space in the east was under constant violation by the ROC Air Force. It's coastal islands always under attack by ROC special forces .
With the Soviet Union cutting off China's access in the west, the only countries with open borders with China were North Korea and Pakistan. North Korea itself was under a heavy threat with constant air space violations by South Korean aircraft , special forces raids by US and South Korean forces and sporadic shelling. There was also Vietnam but that country was itself divided into North and South and in a state of a disastrous war.
Pakistan remained China's only ally that was militarily strong enough to hold its borders; specifically the region of Kashmir under its control which bordered China.
It was then that Pakistan took a historic step of adjusting its borders with China, ceding territory to enable the building of roads and communications links. which was to a mutual advantage against a common enemy. An engineering challenge and feat, the Karakoram highway was first intended as a basic link between Pakistan and China crossing the mountains.
The Karakoram Highway has blossomed as the CPEC today far beyond anything either China or Pakistan had envisaged at that time.
With a $20 b trade, military interoperability, co-development of military hardware, and development of the port of Gwadar, the Pakistan China relationship continues to grow .
It all started with a few symbolic bags of rice, and some army surveyors in the cold icy heights of the Karakoram range shaking
hands 60 years back.
It was the most strategic decision Pakistan could ever have made. Likewise for China this link up has far reaching consequences for its economic, and diplomatic outreach to the Persian Gulf countries and the security of its energy supplies.
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Our FRIENDSHIP with China is beyond your comprehension; it has always been a mutual affair.

It's a transactional relationship. Plenty of times, they have left you in the lurch. They wrote a statement about you needing to control homegrown terrorists in the BRICS summit a few years back. They voted to keep you in FATF and continue to do so. They voted to designate a top terrorist in Pakistan to be blacklisted in the UN after Pakistan requested china to instead keep vetoing it at the UNSC. They charge an enormous cost on CPEC. They never give you any real AID in times of need.

It's a transactional relationship.
All i can say you guys will never learn.
Why would we need to be jealous? You are free to have your relationship. Like your right to have your opinion, just not to the facts.
Why is our "friendly neighbor " concerned what is the relationship between China and Pakistan? Could some enlightened persons from across our eastern borders kindly explain?
Our FRIENDSHIP with China is beyond your comprehension, it has always been a mutual affair.

will you explain how different was your saudi friendship from china friendship . how it is different from master slave relation ?
I agree with you. :yes4:

If only the Chinese listened to you and dismissed us as you have.

For some odd reason, they've had a huge issue with the Quad forming. We've been saying our ambitions in the Indo_Pacfic with our partners India/Japan/Australia should be on NO concern and is peaceful.

Nobody is dismissing you.
Who can dismiss killers of millions of innocent and defenceless people!

Nope. America and Americans should be taken seriously.
Trump should be taken seriously.
Seriously to destroy America.
Lets hope he act on the advice of declaration of "Martial Law".
USA should taste some of its own medicine.

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