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PLA begins more aggressive patrolling in Bhutan amid India-China face-off in Ladakh

Superpower India would crush China with its reserves. No one is a match for superpower India not even America :) Indians expect China to just hand over Tibet (where their water comes from) and scurry back to Beijing lol.
" central Bhutan"
lol the the Indians moving Chinas border by a few hundred km again

So what did Indians do in Bhutan again that sparks all these Indian fake reports diverting attention to China?
Where did that security pact with Bhutan go? For three years Indian posters were claiming that they stood up to the bully in Doklam and now we see village inside Bhutan with Modi ji and his cohort hiding behind screens.

India wanted to do to Bhutan what they did to Sikkim. :D :D:D
India boiling mad that with China, that India cannot chomp and munch on Bhutan the way they did to Sikkim.

I wait for the day (and may that day be soon) when China will return Sikkim to the people of Sikkim.:yay::yay::yay:
All of North India along with Sikkim will be part of China Hopefully.

I doubt that very much.

China will take back what was China and not more.

But countries like Sikkim and Kashmir be given back to the people there for them to determine their own future.

India is a basket case and best be left to Indians to ransack and despoil their own land.
All of North India along with Sikkim will be part of China Hopefully.
Bro, we only want what is ours. Sikkim can go back to Nepal or a separate country. We keep Zangnan but not the other North-East part of India. They can form their own country.
yindoo bakhts do you feel ashamed that your supreme coward siri Modi g has allowed china to annex your claimed lands without firing a bullet?
For XI India is a small problem, he is more focused on the Taiwan straits. For India the LAC issues are a matter of their entire existence.

A small problem where he had to move, what, close to 70,000 of his troops into the theater?
Keep the hegemony and such behavior up. We :usflag:encourage you(especially with your neighbors). Helps solidify that reputation. The quad will grow. :yes4:
Muricans have already spilled much of innocent blood in all around the world, better to have some sense now because everyone is tired of senseless american adventures.
Keep the hegemony and such behavior up. We :usflag:encourage you(especially with your neighbors). Helps solidify that reputation. The quad will grow. :yes4:
The Quad?
What is the Quad going to do?
Send a coalition intervention force to fight, like Operations Desert Storm in 1991 to "liberate " Kuwait from Iraq?
Will Japanese,Australian and Taiwanese troops come to Bhutan, fight China and die for India?
Or for that matter will the USA?
Is China just another "Iraq"?
Would love to hear some answers to the above questions. We are sure you have supreme confidence in your chanakyaniti
The Quad?
What is the Quad going to do?
Send a coalition intervention force to fight, like Operations Desert Storm in 1991 to "liberate " Kuwait from Iraq?
Will Japanese,Australian and Taiwanese troops come to Bhutan, fight China and die for India?
Or for that matter will the USA?
Is China just another "Iraq"?
Would love to hear some answers to the above questions. We are sure you have supreme confidence in your chanakyaniti

I agree with you. :yes4:

If only the Chinese listened to you and dismissed us as you have.

For some odd reason, they've had a huge issue with the Quad forming. We've been saying our ambitions in the Indo_Pacfic with our partners India/Japan/Australia should be on NO concern and is peaceful.

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