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PLA banner in Ladakh says 'You are in China' but Govt insists no intrusion

What a farce caption.Impoverished vulture pokes the Dragon would have made a much better sense reflecting ground reality.

You must be so proud about your country.

I somehow missed out that BD became Bangladesh Autonomous Region of the Peoples Republic of China
Shameless "a cold desert but India claims it as per the 1941 British claims", as your logic, China can claims whole India since it as per the 1900 British claims
India can claims US since it as per the 1700 British claims, including Australia, Canada, and all the Former British colony

Seriously you need to develop your comprehension skills. Reread the post and understand what I am stating.

It was India who struck the first blow here by setting up fixed posts (bunkers) on the LAC, a violation of our tacit agreement.

If you were not prepared to play hardball then why make the first move?

Cd - i think we are oing in circles here.
The question is of Mcdonald line which runs on the Karakoram Range - China's strategic interest is north of this range - in the Akshai Chin - the Karakoram highway which connects Xinjiang with West Tibet. For India, Akshai Chin is nothing - a cold desert but India claims it as per the 1941 British claims. So it makes sense for China to have this territory.

The issue is south of Karakoram Range - So perceptions does not matter - I feel it is unfair on part of Chinese and I want Indian government to play hardball and use force if necessary. There is no other option here for Government of India.

According to Brit claim Aksai Chin was Chinese territory
According to Brit claim Aksai Chin was Chinese territory

Brits changed their position as per their convenience. Akshai Chin rightfully belongs to China. But the current tussle is south of Akshai Chin and this tussle is not needed for China.

Armies of both nations used to cross into each others lands as usual but there was never any objections. Then, Indian Army decided to pull a sly one and quietly built a permanent structure in that area.

In retaliation, the Chinese setup 4 tents near the structure. India then reinforced their structure by also setting up their tents nearby. China today, upped the anti by setting up the 5th tent there and scared Indians are now offering to withdraw... and the War of the Tents continues.

For further details on this Indian military blunder, follow this thread: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian-defence/248520-china-india-first-broke-tacit-thats-why-pla-made-tent.html

Thanks for clarify the complex situation. When did India made the original incursion?
You must be so proud about your country.

I somehow missed out that BD became Bangladesh Autonomous Region of the Peoples Republic of China

@Koovie, off topic are you on twcenter? I think I saw someone with that handle on it, wonder if it is you.

On topic, man this border issue is stupid, solve it already.

Since this is just about border security and interests, either China pays india for the land.

China and India agrees to transfer this land to a third country and sign a pact for that country to remain neutral in any future conflict.

Or China agrees to give the border to India in exchange for Indian support on South China Sea.

India gives this land to China in exchange for Chinese support on UN security council and a host of other organizations.

Something like that where both country wins.
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Shameless "a cold desert but India claims it as per the 1941 British claims", as your logic, China can claims whole India since it as per the 1900 British claims
India can claims US since it as per the 1700 British claims, including Australia, Canada, and all the Former British colony

But Chinese claim their territories based on some fabricated ancient map. You words sounds really bizarre. :omghaha:
Thanks for clarify the complex situation. When did India made the original incursion?
Actually that map is an Indian lie. There is 20 km between China and India's LAC lines. India is pretending half of it is undisputed, then later they will move the line another 10 km and say PLA is in Indian undisputed territory. Now PLA is ready to punish these treacherous animals and it's not likely India will survive this war.
Actually that map is an Indian lie. There is 20 km between China and India's LAC lines. India is pretending half of it is undisputed, then later they will move the line another 10 km and say PLA is in Indian undisputed territory. Now PLA is ready to punish these treacherous animals and it's not likely India will survive this war.

Fire the first bullet then.
Thanks for clarify the complex situation. When did India made the original incursion?

Don't know but most likely Indian military planners must've assumed China was too distracted by the South China Sea confrontations that such a sneaky move by the Indians will go unnoticed by the Chinese. It was a cheap low blow, a military blunder by the Indians and now they're paying for it.

I say, Chinese response to humiliate India is 100% justified. This is the only language they understand.
Don't know but most likely when Indian military planners must've assumed China was too distracted by the South China Sea confrontations that such a sneaky move by the Indians will go unnoticed by the Chinese. It was a cheap, low blow military blunder by the Indians and now they're paying for it.

I say, Chinese response to humiliate India is 100% justified. This is the only language they understand.

How come no Indians are disputing this assertion. It make me feel that your original post above is the fact that they cannot refute. Did you just debunked the whole Indian media?
no need. india is already like a chicken with head chopped off. just look at your media and your leaders jumping up and down., while chinese side so far has been very quiet. that tells a lot :lol:

My nation's soldiers take their job seriously and that is a good enough reason for me and my country to feel safe. Your soldiers are pitching tents now, where were they when our soldiers were pitching concrete bunkers in your territory. And to rub more salt on you wounds those bunkers are still there. Go pitch some tents over there.
where were they when our soldiers were pitching concrete bunkers in your territory. And to rub more salt on you wounds those bunkers are still there. Go pitch some tents over there.

it's all their plan. let you completed the constructions, then make you demolish it. you know you will do it :lol:
How come no Indians are disputing this assertion. It make me feel that your original post above is the fact that they cannot refute. Did you just debunked the whole Indian media?

Their own media is now trying to save their own military's humiliated response by using such words as, "talks", "meetings", "negotiations", "withdrawing", etc., etc.

Looks-like India desparately wants the status quo to return as soon as possible.

China hasn't built any permanent structure there as of yet, the moment they do, a permanent Chinese military base is going to follow. I think Indians are coming to grips with the fact that this incident is just way too close to the Siachin Glacier region where Pakistani troops are stationed on the other side. Indians troops can pretty much be surrounded, sandwiched this way by both Pakistani and Chinese troops.
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