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PLA 20 Years Behind U.S. Military: Chinese DM

20 years lead seems a lot, yet in fact it boils down to only a small cluster of key tech which is not that hard to catch up for a country like China that is in her exponential growth trajectory.

On the other hand, the fact that U.S. is fastly dumbing down on IQ front will make it certain that it will become a white-minority society by 2046 – mere 30 odd years from now during which American average IQ would drop to about 95 from current 98.

This “tiny” 3-point IQ drop due to the demographic change will nonetheless have a HUGE impact on numerous fronts including military.

That means the current American percentage of IQ >120 would drop to only 4.8 from current 7.1 in the mean time!

In light of the fact that it takes about 90 IQ to just maintain an advanced Western society. 95 IQ would appear, well honestly speaking, pathetic for robust military innovations down the pipe. In contrast, China’s roughly 105 would have 10 points advantage, so commanding that it could be decisive in most cases.

This is even before “Affirmative Action” kicking in when most “empowered” Gonzales, Patels, da Silvas and Fulanis who occupy numerous American high/mid/low military command posts unmatched by their competence levels would further reduce its military advantages, particularly in key areas of effective strategy planning, logistics, discipline and frontline fighting … that means in the near future, the US will have less chances to perform a brillant war from A to Z like 1991 Iraq War, despite its relatively more advanced hardware.

Recent military experiences helps, yet against vastly inferior opponents, not much, as what's point to let Usain Bolt run more high school level finals for "practice" except burning him down?

Furthermore, the said experiences will become much less meaningful when serve against quasi-statue quo opponents such as China.

As long as China doesn’t do extraordinary stupid things to keep its corruption and economy in check, it will trump the U.S. in most major conflicts ( hypothetically speaking) in about 30 years time, with recent battle experiences or not.

20 years lead seems a lot, yet in fact it boils down to only a small cluster of key tech which is not that hard to catch up for a country like China that is in her exponential growth trajectory.

On the other hand, the fact that U.S. is fastly dumbing down on IQ front will make it certain that it will become a white-minority society by 2046 – mere 30 odd years from now during which American average IQ would drop to about 95 from current 98.

This “tiny” 3-point IQ drop due to the demographic change will nonetheless have a HUGE impact on numerous fronts including military.

That means the current American percentage of IQ >120 would drop to only 4.8 from current 7.1 in the mean time!

In light of the fact that it takes about 90 IQ to just maintain an advanced Western society. 95 IQ would appear, well honestly speaking, pathetic for robust military innovations down the pipe. In contrast, China’s roughly 105 would have 10 points advantage, so commanding that it could be decisive in most cases.

This is even before “Affirmative Action” kicking in when most “empowered” Gonzales, Patels, da Silvas and Fulanis who occupy numerous American high/mid/low military command posts unmatched by their competence levels would further reduce its military advantages, particularly in key areas of effective strategy planning, logistics, discipline and frontline fighting … that means in the near future, the US will have less chances to perform a brillant war from A to Z like 1991 Iraq War, despite its relatively more advanced hardware.

Recent military experiences helps, yet against vastly inferior opponents, not much, as what's point to let Usain Bolt run more high school level finals for "practice" except burning him down?

Furthermore, the said experiences will become much less meaningful when serve against quasi-statue quo opponents such as China.

As long as China doesn’t do extraordinary stupid things to keep its corruption and economy in check, it will trump the U.S. in most major conflicts ( hypothetically speaking) in about 30 years time, with recent battle experiences or not.


Another nonsense Chinese IQ this and that :hitwall:
Another nonsense Chinese IQ this and that :hitwall:

Speeder 2 raises a lot of interesting and valid points that make for an interesting discussion. But Indian trolls would rather talk about India to do XX by 20YY. The most pointless posts ever like Russian Yakhont (Brahmos) to capture XX% of world from
ZERO today.

The highest IQ Americans don't serve. Jewish-Anerican participation in the US military is next to zero (not counting the chicken hawks like Perle, Wolfowitz, etc. screaming for war all the time.)
Another nonsense Chinese IQ this and that :hitwall:

You have my sympathies, really, but if you abuse yourself by hitting a wall in such a brutal manner whenever encountering something beyond the reach of your maxi. comprehension, my dear poor fellow, I fear that what’s inside may drop to the level of 70s in no time. :woot:
Speeder 2 raises a lot of interesting and valid points that make for an interesting discussion. But Indian trolls would rather talk about India to do XX by 20YY. The most pointless posts ever like Russian Yakhont (Brahmos) to capture XX% of world from
ZERO today.

The highest IQ Americans don't serve. Jewish-Anerican participation in the US military is next to zero (not counting the chicken hawks like Perle, Wolfowitz, etc. screaming for war all the time.)

What is there in his post except that other people (except white & Chinese) low IQ? His post was pretty racial
You have my sympathies, really, but if you abuse yourself by hitting a wall in such a brutal manner whenever encountering something beyond the reach of your maxi. comprehension, my dear poor fellow, I fear that what’s inside may drop to the level of 70s in no time. :woot:

You don't have to worry about my comprehension. I know where I stand. Posting such racial things...certainly is not a great IQ...growup
As long as China doesn't do extraordinary stupid things, it will trump the U.S. in most major conflicts ( hypothetically speaking) in about 30 years time, with recent battle experiences or not.
Says who? Lame argument. In 30 years time you may probably be just where the US of A is today. In 30 years the U.S isn't going to stagnate waiting for the world to catch up!

And heck, you seem oblivious to the U.S top secret military programs being undertaken by their Black Projects which as a U.S medic who was once privy to what's going on there, said that the black military projects are so far ahead that it would seem to most that the technology is akin to what you see in 'Star Trek'!! Their technology is at least 100 years ahead of mainstream science! (If you want more details, let me know).

So there! Don't be too uppity that China would be at par with the US of A in 20 or 30 years time. You can never catch up! It's impossible!
Says who? Lame argument. In 30 years time you may probably be just where the US of A is today. In 30 years the U.S isn't going to stagnate waiting for the world to catch up!

And heck, you seem oblivious to the U.S top secret military programs being undertaken by their Black Projects which as a U.S medic who was once privy to what's going on there, said that the black military projects are so far ahead that it would seem to most that the technology is akin to what you see in 'Star Trek'!! Their technology is at least 100 years ahead of mainstream science! (If you want more details, let me know).

So there! Don't be too uppity that China would be at par with the US of A in 20 or 30 years time. You can never catch up! It's impossible!

All Chinese here represent themselves only. Chinese black projects are also very advanced.
On the other hand, the fact that U.S. is fastly dumbing down on IQ front will make it certain that it will become a white-minority society by 2046 – mere 30 odd years from now during which American average IQ would drop to about 95 from current 98.

This is even before “Affirmative Action” kicking in when most “empowered” Gonzales, Patels, da Silvas and Fulanis who occupy numerous American high/mid/low military command posts unmatched by their competence levels would further reduce its military advantages, particularly in key areas of effective strategy planning, logistics, discipline and frontline fighting … that means in the near future, the US will have less chances to perform a brillant war from A to Z like 1991 Iraq War, despite its relatively more advanced hardware.


Are you saying that white people are the superior race over others in America. Even over yourself?
20 years lead seems a lot, yet in fact it boils down to only a small cluster of key tech which is not that hard to catch up for a country like China that is in her exponential growth trajectory.

On the other hand, the fact that U.S. is fastly dumbing down on IQ front will make it certain that it will become a white-minority society by 2046 – mere 30 odd years from now during which American average IQ would drop to about 95 from current 98.

This “tiny” 3-point IQ drop due to the demographic change will nonetheless have a HUGE impact on numerous fronts including military.
That means the current American percentage of IQ >120 would drop to only 4.8 from current 7.1 in the mean time!

In light of the fact that it takes about 90 IQ to just maintain an advanced Western society. 95 IQ would appear, well honestly speaking, pathetic for robust military innovations down the pipe. In contrast, China’s roughly 105 would have 10 points advantage, so commanding that it could be decisive in most cases.

This is even before “Affirmative Action” kicking in when most “empowered” Gonzales, Patels, da Silvas and Fulanis who occupy numerous American high/mid/low military command posts unmatched by their competence levels would further reduce its military advantages, particularly in key areas of effective strategy planning, logistics, discipline and frontline fighting … that means in the near future, the US will have less chances to perform a brillant war from A to Z like 1991 Iraq War, despite its relatively more advanced hardware.

Recent military experiences helps, yet against vastly inferior opponents, not much, as what's point to let Usain Bolt run more high school level finals for "practice" except burning him down?

Furthermore, the said experiences will become much less meaningful when serve against quasi-statue quo opponents such as China.

As long as China doesn’t do extraordinary stupid things to keep its corruption and economy in check, it will trump the U.S. in most major conflicts ( hypothetically speaking) in about 30 years time, with recent battle experiences or not.


Where to begin. Even countries that score low in IQ will have people of high intelligence and high IQ's occupy top positions such as doctors, teachers, engineers...ect. Which bring us back to the subject at hand, even if a country such as the US has a drop in national IQ due to, perhaps, an influx of immigrants that have poor language skills and thus do not choose to peruse higher education it does not mean the military will be effected or that the people in question are mentally deficient.

If we, for instance, look at the designers of weapons systems we will see that they are all intelligent and educated individuals, obviously the people that score low on IQ tests are not going to be the people that work for Lockheed, General electric or Boeing. With a population of over 300 millions and some of the top schools in the world, not to mention the sheer number of schools the top defense contractors will have no problems finding qualified people to come work for them.

Even countries such as Israel with an IQ of 94 and a small population produce world class technology both civil and military, and have defeated multiple Arab armies while attacked simultaneously--and the reason for this is? Surely by your logic this is not possible yet it is reality.

even people that man weapons systems have to pass training and certifications, often times there is even minimum education qualifications involved. Pilots, for instance, have to have a minimum of a Bachelors and the competition is tough, even someone with a PHD will not be guaranteed that they will beat out someone with a Bachelors or that they will pass basic training. Many other positions that are less competitive still require a high amount of intelligence. Further, you may have someone of average or even slightly bellow average IQ stare at computer screen all day listening for echoes but because that is their specialty they are extremely proficient at what they do.
Are you saying that white people are the superior race over others in America. Even over yourself?

where did i say that?

America is still white-majority today which is what I focus on just like i would be talking about black people, mainly, if the topic in hand were Nigeria.

---------- Post added at 02:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:43 AM ----------

Where to begin. Even countries that score low in IQ will have people of high intelligence and high IQ's occupy top positions such as doctors, teachers, engineers...ect. Which bring us back to the subject at hand, even if a country such as the US has a drop in national IQ due to, perhaps, an influx of immigrants that have poor language skills and thus do not choose to peruse higher education it does not mean the military will be effected or that the people in question are mentally deficient.

If we, for instance, look at the designers of weapons systems we will see that they are all intelligent and educated individuals, obviously the people that score low on IQ tests are not going to be the people that work for Lockheed, General electric or Boeing. With a population of over 300 millions and some of the top schools in the world, not to mention the sheer number of schools the top defense contractors will have no problems finding qualified people to come work for them.

Even countries such as Israel with an IQ of 94 and a small population produce world class technology both civil and military, and have defeated multiple Arab armies while attacked simultaneously--and the reason for this is? Surely by your logic this is not possible yet it is reality.

even people that man weapons systems have to pass training and certifications, often times there is even minimum education qualifications involved. Pilots, for instance, have to have a minimum of a Bachelors and the competition is tough, even someone with a PHD will not be guaranteed that they will beat out someone with a Bachelors or that they will pass basic training. Many other positions that are less competitive still require a high amount of intelligence. Further, you may have someone of average or even slightly bellow average IQ stare at computer screen all day listening for echoes but because that is their specialty they are extremely proficient at what they do.

Well, where to begin? What’s the impact of global tempreture rising by a tiny “neglectable” 1 degree? I’am sure global warmists could lecture you the consecuences of that non-stop for an entire month just for a starter. Surely on average 1 degree rise doesn’t reflect the reality that many, I mean many many, places in the world could be actually unchanged or even colder, just as if even the US could still keep on producing and attracting many top talents. Regardless, the average matters a lot : no country sends her best weapon desinger into a war but average soilders using average weapon in their average formations/battle plans, and hardware is only one of many factors that affect the outcome of a war. In fact if weapon design capability is the only, or even the leading, factor, then Papua New Guinea or Congo perhaps could become the new King of Warfair if they manage to acquire some top line weapon designs with a full bag or two of diamonds.

This is because you somewhow overlook the domino impact since society is a “chain” rather than disconnected “dots” like what your numerous “scenarios” illustrated. One needs not only top line weapon designers whom the US probably won’t lack, but also top line sub contractors, sub sub contractors (for even the nails ), together with military planners and funtionaries at all levels … -- an entire value chain. whenever one (or more dots ) is inferior/wrong, the whole chain gets affected. The concept of “average” ( being IQ, achievement, education level, or being discipline, attitude, etc., or whatever) precisely measures the likelyhood that some particular dot ( or many dots) would likely to go wrong vis-à-vis the opponent hence it handily serves as a general yet quite accurate indicator of what is going on with the full picture.

True, if you search harder enough , you could almost definately find some or even many with IQ>140 in populous places like India, Indonesia or Negeria, let alone the US. But does that matter? What’s your point?

Surely I “may have someone of average or even slightly bellow average IQ stare at computer screen all day listening for echoes but because that is their specialty they are extremely proficient at what they do”, but what if one has a higher IQ guy ( or freaking eight of them! ) with better training sitting in the same chair? The whole point is about comparison.
Well, where to begin? What’s the impact of global tempreture rising by a tiny “neglectable” 1 degree? I’am sure global warmists could lecture you the consecuences of that non-stop for an entire month just for a starter. Surely on average 1 degree rise doesn’t reflect the reality that many, I mean many many, places in the world could be actually unchanged or even colder, just as if even the US could still keep on producing and attracting many top talents. Regardless, the average matters a lot :

In other words you have no rebuttal so you start talking about global temperature in a futile attempt to link it to IQ and military.

no country sends her best weapon desinger into a war

Since when did is say weapons designers fight wars?

average soilders using average weapon in their average formations/battle plans, and hardware is only one of many factors that affect the outcome of a war.

This is wrong, every war is different, there is no such thing as an average formation or average battle plan. The battle plan is dependent on the opponent and the available information on that opponent. An air force may pave the way followed by the main thrust of an army, that army may be complimented by another army group at location X if and when the enemy decides to retreat or regroup, this army may not be supported by MLRS's or tanks, and commanders, generals, squad leaders ect are always changing their tactics and strategies based on the changing battlefield. The operation may involve special forces that have their own objectives, even Afghanistan has seen Drones, electronic warfare aircraft, and stealth bombers as well as special forces such as Navy Seals, Green Berets and intelligence officers from the CIA, FBI and NSA, none of the above weapons systems or organizations are average, not even close.

In fact if weapon design capability is the only, or even the leading, factor, then Papua New Guinea or Congo perhaps could become the new King of Warfair if they manage to acquire some top line weapon designs with a full bag or two of diamonds.

The only problem is that these fighters have some rusted machine guns and RPG's, more importantly they do no even know how to fire their weapons properly, there are plenty of videos showing these fighters firing their weapons from the hips or dancing while firing their weapons, some even openly taunt their opponents while iradically firing their weapons. Sadly, even Iraqi regular soldiers or police would defeat those pathetic fighters. New kings of warfare? I think not.

This is because you somewhow overlook the domino impact since society is a “chain” rather than disconnected “dots” like what your numerous “scenarios” illustrated. One needs not only top line weapon designers whom the US probably won’t lack, but also top line sub contractors, sub sub contractors (for even the nails ), together with military planners and funtionaries at all levels … -- an entire value chain. whenever one (or more dots ) is inferior/wrong, the whole chain gets affected. The concept of “average” ( being IQ, achievement, education level, or being discipline, attitude, etc., or whatever) precisely measures the likelyhood that some particular dot ( or many dots) would likely to go wrong vis-à-vis the opponent hence it handily serves as a general yet quite accurate indicator of what is going on with the full picture.

All is wishful thinking, your chain and dominos theory is nothing more than a theory, are you saying that sub contractors that create components for a weapons system will somehow be low in IQ? Even companies that produce simple products such as light bulbs, screws or screw drivers have engineers design the product--all people that earn a degree have high IQ's, over a 100 easily. You will not find a company that has high school drop outs design their products, nor will you find an engineer that is low IQ since their degree requires them to complete challenging courses including mathematics, these courses can be challenging for many people even with high IQ‘s. Furthermore you act as if the designers of a weapons system choose subcontractors at random, obviously that is not the case. You also act as if there is only one or a few subcontractors to choose from when in reality there are dozens, hundreds or even thousands of subcontractors to choose from. Moreover, there is no rule that says you can't hire subcontractors from overseas.

True, if you search harder enough , you could almost definately find some or even many with IQ>140 in populous places like India, Indonesia or Negeria, let alone the US. But does that matter? What’s your point?

My point was that the top or elite members of society are engineers, doctors ect and they all have high IQ's, even in countries with low average IQ's. That is my point.

Surely I “may have someone of average or even slightly bellow average IQ stare at computer screen all day listening for echoes but because that is their specialty they are extremely proficient at what they do”, but what if one has a higher IQ guy ( or freaking eight of them! ) with better training sitting in the same chair? The whole point is about comparison.

When you have someone onboard a submarine monitoring enemy submarines and listening to echoes they are specialists, these specialist have to pass training, tests, certifications ect. Moreover, all candidates go through the same training, are we clear? It is not like one sonar specialist received his sonar training at Harvard and the other received his from a small college; both receive their training from the same source. Say there are two sailors, one with an IQ of 95 and the other with an IQ of 140, there is no guarantee that the sailor with the higher IQ will do a better job. The sailor with the higher IQ can have worse hearing, vision, he may be too easily distracted or he simply may not be as good as the sailor with average intelligence at dissevering different signals. There are many people with high IQ's that are not great at many things, my sister has an IQ of over 140 but this does not mean she is great at everything. In fact have you ever heard of people with mental deficiencies that are gifted in certain areas? Of course the sailors that monitor echoes are by no means mentally deficient but it just shows that some people whether it be mentally deficient ones or ones with average IQ’s can excel at certain tasks.
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