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PL-15 export version data officially released by China

i was talking about real missile not those whom press and sound chal chaiyaaa chaiyaan :lol: i mean real countries whom produce misisle US/CHINA/RUSSIA /EU

Reality means something else in Pakistan. 3 test are already done khan saheb. Astra MK1 with 110 km range is ready inducted.
Who told you about 250-350km range. Are you out of your mind. Some media speculations was 200km maximum but most of the experts believed it to be closer to 150 which infact is the case. Aim120d is believed to be around 140km which PAF loved to have. Current Chinese bvrs (sd10)which paf operates are around 70 km so PL15 export version will be double in range, a huge quantum leap.

Also Chinese officially releasing pl15 data suggesting that the missile is about to be exported and we all know pretty much to which country. It also give, j10c with pl15, export theory to Paf more credibility.
It is numbers of Pakistani and Chinese members who did it.
This is how these cheap Indians are.

We said from day 1 PL-15 is around 150km range and some person confused it with PL-2x and claimed 200km+ then some other idiot says 300km. I keep correcting these members but no one listens.

Then Indians say hey look your 300km missile range is 150km so must be 10km LOL cheap Indian minds.

From day 1 the range never changed and proven now. Just because Indians listen to garbage information and believe garbage, when garbage is proven wrong, they have the stupidity to call you on it when it was them who believed garbage. It works for and against them but these pink dots are too dumb to understand.

Provider of this garbage information are Chinese and Pakistani members.
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PL-15 export version data officially released by China

PL-15 export version has a range of 145km, a length of 3996mm, a diameter of 203mm and a total weight of 210kg. It adopts strapdown inertial navigation + bidirectional data link correction + Beidou Satellite Guidance + terminal active radar guidance.

View attachment 780488

If I was Pakistan, I'd use PL-15's obviously. But, I'd get ToT based SD-10 "ER" close to PL-15 range and either license manufacture it, or, get involved with the project similar to the JFT. The same 125-145 km (let's pretend the future "ER" range for upgraded SD-10) should also be mass produced as future SAMS.
Reality means so.ething else in Pakistan. 3 test are already done khan saheb. Astra MK1 with 110 km range is ready inducted.

It is numbers of Pakistani and Chinese members who did it.

Provider of this garbage information are Chinese and Pakistani members.

Show me one long term Chinese member who is not Indian false flagger like Tai Chen guy who said this. You cannot.

You lose again Indian.
Who told you about 250-350km range. Are you out of your mind. Some media speculations was 200km maximum but most of the experts believed it to be closer to 150 which infact is the case. Aim120d is believed to be around 140km which PAF loved to have. Current Chinese bvrs (sd10)which paf operates are around 70 km so PL15 export version will be double in range, a huge quantum leap.

Also Chinese officially releasing pl15 data suggesting that the missile is about to be exported and we all know pretty much to which country. It also give, j10c with pl15, export theory to Paf more credibility.

Read here:

Know yourself who bluffs here.
If I was Pakistan, I'd use PL-15's obviously. But, I'd get ToT based SD-10 "ER" close to PL-15 range and either license manufacture it, or, get involved with the project similar to the JFT. The same 125-145 km (let's pretend the future "ER" range for upgraded SD-10) should also be mass produced as future SAMS.

Pakistan is likely to obtain not the export version PL15, but the original PL15. The Pakistanis have a precedent for acquiring the original PLA Weapons.
For example, what China sells to Iran, Venezuela and other countries is the export version of C802A anti-ship missile. However, Pakistan obtained the original CM802B anti-ship missile.
We have constantly been saying PL-15 range is 150km. Some Pakistani members have continued to use some 300km number in the past, confusing it with PL-2x.

Remember than BVR missiles in the past were around 70km range using similar max range measuring as modern ones. PL-15 and AIM-120D are both around 140 to 160km or thereabouts. Meteor is the same.

Long range missiles have poorer hit probability and require very powerful radars to guide until they can use seekers. So they are more suited for larger and slower targets since long range missiles are also larger and heavier unless we are talking about staged long range air to air missiles.

Around 150km is top end BVR missile at the moment that is not considered long range air to air missiles which often PL-15 is said as one on this forum for some reason. I guess poor information keep getting promoted by some members.

Indians thinking PL-15 is 300km after some members saying it is not PL-15's fault lol... anyway it is 70km better at least than R-77 used in India and better than any Indian missile since Indian missiles are all we will want to have something like this sir.

Also remember PL-15 has been used and in service for more than half a decade already while Indians still working on their BVR missiles.

You are making wrong statements all over the place!! AMRAAM D is well over 100 miles in range. That means, in km's, it may be around 200 km's (150 miles or so). Secondly, these next generation missiles have active AESA radars built-in. Once they get into NEZ, it's very difficult to fool these missiles. The missile has to run out of gas, or explode hitting a decoy, ground or laser, but it's not going to "forget" about it's target.
Reality means so.ething else in Pakistan. 3 test are already done khan saheb. Astra MK1 with 110 km range is ready inducted.

It is numbers of Pakistani and Chinese members who did it.

Provider of this garbage information are Chinese and Pakistani members.
ohh bhai mafi de do tumhary missile ka aptman ker diya :D
Pakistan is likely to obtain not the export version PL15, but the original PL15. The Pakistanis have a precedent for acquiring the original PLA Weapons.
For example, what China sells to Iran, Venezuela and other countries is the export version of C802A anti-ship missile. However, Pakistan obtained the original CM802B anti-ship missile.

I would be shocked if Pakistan didn't get the original weapon. What benefit there is to be probably the ONLY real Chinese ally, if they can't even get the original weapon for their security? Take a look at Israel, the US provides almost the same version of US weapon systems to Israel.
Surya is getting sucked into the typical Indian “game changer” mindset until their next failure. The list is endless. A few I remember include Su 33, the Kaveri, the Tejas, the INSAS, the ARJUN, the Sitara.

They can’t help it. The inferiority complex which drives this bluster is embedded in their DNA.
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Reality means so.ething else in Pakistan. 3 test are already done khan saheb. Astra MK1 with 110 km range is ready inducted.

It is numbers of Pakistani and Chinese members who did it.

Provider of this garbage information are Chinese and Pakistani members.
Shows the standards Indians have for information.

Waiting for physics defying numbers on Astra and whatever other missile you guys come up with. Meanwhile the MKi keep flying with R-27ERs bought from ex Ukranian and Russian stock since the derby never panned out and the Tejas is still deciding whether it grew up to be a real FOC fighter or not.
**** this third class alibaba discount edition export missile, just buy a regular PL-15/PL-2X and paint it in Pakistani colours like we have with some of our BMs. No one will notice 8-)
Phat gye is ke loooooool
You are making wrong statements all over the place!! AMRAAM D is well over 100 miles in range. That means, in km's, it may be around 200 km's (150 miles or so). Secondly, these next generation missiles have active AESA radars built-in. Once they get into NEZ, it's very difficult to fool these missiles. The missile has to run out of gas, or explode hitting a decoy, ground or laser, but it's not going to "forget" about it's target.

AIM-120D published range is >160km. PL-15 Export range is claimed as 145km. Take what you will but these are all around double the BVR missiles like early R-77 and Aim-120 and PL-12 and so on.

What I'm trying to say is that PL-15 I constantly said in the past as 150km to tell people here that it is not 300km.

Some Pakistani memebrs in the past CONSTANTLY say 300km 300km 300km. And cheap Indians come out to say look it is 150km. This is not the PL-15's fault since it has always been a BVR missile of 2010 to 2020 era when it started service. Around the same as modern equivalents introduced in that time.

145km range indicated for export model is certainly going to be minimum as well. They will never announce real range of PLAAF PL-15 just like USAF will never say real range of AIM-120D.

There are just stupid and confused memebrs on this forum who have constantly been saying the word 300km for PL-15 and as much as some good members correct them, many realize but some still say 300km.

300km for a BVR missile is unrealistically long.

And Surya being the cheap Indian who will use this Pakistani member errors of claiming 300km for a BVR missile is going low to say look you said 300km and it's 150km. Not caring he is just taking incorrect information which was only promoted by clueless memebrs and then measuring PL-15 against that impossible number.

PL-15 from day 1 hinted range was around 150km. This is even for PLAAF used ones but 150km is assuming as minimum range just like cruise missile range even though CJ-10 can go far further than 2000km is still specification wise stated as >1500km.
I would be shocked if Pakistan didn't get the original weapon. What benefit there is to be probably the ONLY real Chinese ally, if they can't even get the original weapon for their security? Take a look at Israel, the US provides almost the same version of US weapon systems to Israel.

I'm just saying that Pakistan has a precedent for obtaining the original PLA Weapons. I can't guarantee that Pakistan can obtain the original PL15. Because I have no definite news.
But now that PL15 has been licensed for export, Pakistan will certainly get it right away.
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