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Pindi Metro Bus concerns


Sep 7, 2010
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Metro Bus concerns

THERE is little doubt that we need Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) systems for our major cities. With an ever-growing population, increased urbanisation, and the decreasing space for further expansion of intra-city road networks, the need for MRT will greatly increase in the years to come. As such, the initiatives by the federal and provincial governments in recent years are indeed a welcome sight.

Given our limited financial and physical resources, however, governments must opt for MRT systems that are efficient, sustainable, and environment-friendly. In terms of efficiency, projects must be cost-effective, while offering the widest possible coverage to the public.

An excessively costly MRT will invariably mean that commuters will end up paying higher fares. At the same time, the projects must have support from the local public to ensure long-term sustainability.

A project that is forced on a city without public discourse is less likely to sustain itself in the long run as compared to one that is developed with broader public consensus. Not least, learning from the senseless road expansion of the last two decades, and keeping in mind the ever-increasing pollution in many cities, governments must ensure that MRTs do not cause unnecessary environmental damage.

In this context, the Rawalpindi-Islamabad Metro Bus Project is an example of how not to build an MRT. The Islamabad section of the project has been started in haste without seeking any input from the local people. As a result, the shortcomings are evident.

The proposed route conveniently ignores the bulk of potential commuters along the Islamabad Expressway and Kashmir Highway. The Metro Bus project is reported to cost around Rs44 billion. In comparison, a 2012 feasibility study by the Asian Development Bank gave an estimate of Rs4bn for a bus-based metro project in Islamabad. The proposed project is, on the face of it, highly inefficient in terms of coverage and cost. The only beneficiaries are likely to be the private contractors involved in the project.

When protests started against the proposed project, the government, rather than initiating public debate, simply increased the speed of construction. This raises questions not just about the transparency of the project, but also about its long-term sustainability.

The problem is compounded by the fact that the CDA, the statutory body responsible for development work in the capital, has been completely sidelined while the project is being supervised by its Rawalpindi counterpart. Exactly who will be responsible for running the project after its completion is unknown.

Another major drawback of the project is the environmentally reckless manner in which it is being constructed. The Islamabad master plan envisions green belts along the sides of the major roads to provide crucial breathing spaces for the city. This green belt feature is an integral part of Islamabad’s character and defines what the city means to its residents.

Despite that fact that bus lanes were incorporated on all major roads during 2004-2005, the government seeks to eat up the green belts housing thousands of trees to make new lanes for the Metro Bus. Interestingly, the government did not even bother to undertake a proper environmental impact assessment or clearance from the EPA before initiating the project.

An alternative to the Metro Bus envisions the running of fast-moving buses along the Islamabad Expressway (Rawat-Faisal Mosque), Kashmir Highway (New Airport to Bani Gala), and Jinnah Avenue (F-11-Parade Ground) by converting the existing left-most lanes into dedicated bus lanes, dotted with minimalist-design bus stations. The passengers between Rawalpindi and Islamabad could switch at the Faizabad Interchange.


In the second phase, the routes could be extended to include the Ninth Avenue (IJP Road to Shaheen Chowk) and Seventh Avenue (Aabpara to Daman-i-Koh Chowk). It does not take rocket science to figure out that such a grid network would offer better coverage at a low cost, be more sustainable, and cause absolutely no harm to the environment, all the while remaining within the limits of the master plan. In the long term, the buses could eventually be replaced with fast moving trams.

This is just one of the several alternative proposals that exist. More important than a particular proposal is the right of the public to debate the efficiency, sustainability and environmental friendliness of any MRT system. Sadly, the government does not agree.

Perhaps this is why last week, Asad Umar and Mushahid Hussain, two opposition parliamentarians, had to approach the Supreme Court on behalf of the residents of Islamabad. One can only hope that the government will review its decision and encourage public debate before initiating such important projects.

The writer is a legal affairs professional based in Islamabad.
Ye saali green belts khani hain kia ???

Ghreeb awaam choti choti hiace buses kay dhakkay kha kha kai thak gai hai aur Shah saab ko green belts ki pari hai.

Is chawal ko itna tou pata nahi hai kai there's no other way for these buses to reach the very important stops without utilizing the space taken by these dammed green belts. agar kabhi shah saab nai public transport use ki hou tou pata chalay na.

The middle class spends a huge part of their incomes on cabs just because the public transport isn't worth traveling in.

Khuda kai waastay kaam honay dou. kuch kar nahi satktay tou bakwaas tou na karo.
Oh please Potians shut up now... you guys are more concerned about the green belts then the public transport... It take hours to travel just few kilometers and in Summer you can't imagine how people feels in small hiace full of people and long traffic jams... let them build Metro... in the future these tracks of metro can be used for Light trains can't you guys see that... if u guys have so much concerns over metro bus why you didn't react before the work start.... Now that the work is in progress you guys want to delay the project and make trouble for people nothing more... and 1 more thing the green belts on the 9th avenue had no trees there were just plants and grass..... so stop this shit and do some work in KPK instead of crying on rigging and Metro...

Ye saali green belts khani hain kia ???

Ghreeb awaam choti choti hiace buses kay dhakkay kha kha kai thak gai hai aur Shah saab ko green belts ki pari hai.

Is chawal ko itna tou pata nahi hai kai there's no other way for these buses to reach the very important stops without utilizing the space taken by these dammed green belts. agar kabhi shah saab nai public transport use ki hou tou pata chalay na.

The middle class spends a huge part of their incomes on cabs just because the public transport isn't worth traveling in.

Khuda kai waastay kaam honay dou. kuch kar nahi satktay tou bakwaas tou na karo.

Well said.... or yeh un green belts pe ro rhy hain jin pe trees they bhi ni just some plants and grass.... yeh chahte hain k Pindi me ghar or shops gira dein green belts sai salamat rhein
As some who ACTUALLY has to travel on Wagons from Pindi to Isloo, I find it hilarious that people are opposing this project!

Also, wait till they make 11th Av, NO one will remember the "Green Belt"
@Leader , all you need to do is to look at response from @ryzvonusef to see what sort of policy is being followed by PTI.

What did I write just two days ago? PTI will pay more for its opposition to this project than PML-N for its hurry to complete Metro project.

PML-N has way more experience completing civil projects on time and then to use publicity to get votes. Question is, does PTI want to be perceived as an anti-development party, like PPP? I know there is a world of difference between PPP and PTI, but before IK can say 'But...' such a perception would be cast in people's minds.

IK needs to shake up core decision-making team of PTI and make it egalitarian. In other words PTI needs to look at development from Rawalpindi's perspective, not from the heights of Islamabadi disdain.

PTI made a lot of noise about 'Jangla' Bus when Metro was under construction. Then, before the elections he said that when PTI comes to power, it would continue the project. Now we are seeing PTI leadership cadres questioning the development of Metro in twin cities.

Sophisticated PTI leadership may give as many explanations as it wants, people will have a certain perception before long.

I am done with my tilt towards PTI. Unless I see some really serious soul-searching in PTI, I am not prepared to support it in opposition to PML-N. Today's PTI makes PML-N look good. Tomorrow PTI would look bad in people's minds. Just you watch...
One of the biggest problem is the idea that PTI is some how infallible.

I've presented evidence that Asad Umar was "less than honest" with his 4 Billion figure. (Hint, the ADB report doesn't mention that figure ANYWHERE)

I was immensely saddened to read this since I expected better from him. Why did he need to lie? Did he think we can't Google? Or that we can't read English?

I've also be surprised by the sheer negativity of the PTI ilk against the project throwing all common sense and transport science for hyperbole.

I hate to say this, but the reek of "Burger Party" was self evident in their claims. Their daily commute is based on PRIVATE transport, hence they have no clue how the wagon she-bang works :D

Claims like that we don't NEED a transport system, that a few buses would be sufficient, that ALL green belts would be razed to the ground, that Islamabad would suddenly wilt, wither and die, that Islamabad's master plan was being ruined, that money was better spent elsewhere, that we have better needs...

I started wondering if I lived in the same twin cities as them! There was a time when I walked to murree road, take #1 to Poly Clinic and walk all the way Saudi-Pak, just to save money. In Ramazan! These people haven't walked a mile to save their lives!

Frankly, they wanted a lush "skytrain" and were disappointed by the far more economical but far less sexy Articulated Buses...


Of course, PML-N had to go and select that utter egg Hanif Abbasi, to run it, he couldn't defend this project to save his shirt!
All these Projects are a great idea. Pakistani Public deserves these conveniences. My only opposition is when PMLN uses these Project to SIPHON OFF CHAI PANI money. Contracts are awarded to Foreign Firms with huge padding for KICKBACKS which are transferred to NOORA LEAGUE ACCOUNTS overseas.

Think about why these Projects cost 3 to 4 times of what they should cost. The Project Allocation should be a TRANSPARENT PROCESS and there should be a Public debate on why Projects are costing Pakistani Taxpayer a bundle.

This is the main reason why Nawaz Sharif's main focus are these Projects when he comes to Power. He is not interested in running the Government and does not deliver good Governance.

Zardari on the other hand makes his money on Defence Contracts.
@Leader , all you need to do is to look at response from @ryzvonusef to see what sort of policy is being followed by PTI.

What did I write just two days ago? PTI will pay more for its opposition to this project than PML-N for its hurry to complete Metro project.

PML-N has way more experience completing civil projects on time and then to use publicity to get votes. Question is, does PTI want to be perceived as an anti-development party, like PPP? I know there is a world of difference between PPP and PTI, but before IK can say 'But...' such a perception would be cast in people's minds.

IK needs to shake up core decision-making team of PTI and make it egalitarian. In other words PTI needs to look at development from Rawalpindi's perspective, not from the heights of Islamabadi disdain.

PTI made a lot of noise about 'Jangla' Bus when Metro was under construction. Then, before the elections he said that when PTI comes to power, it would continue the project. Now we are seeing PTI leadership cadres questioning the development of Metro in twin cities.

Sophisticated PTI leadership may give as many explanations as it wants, people will have a certain perception before long.

I am done with my tilt towards PTI. Unless I see some really serious soul-searching in PTI, I am not prepared to support it in opposition to PML-N. Today's PTI makes PML-N look good. Tomorrow PTI would look bad in people's minds. Just you watch...

Rightly said - If PTI didn't revisited her attitude and policies than after all this rise there will be free fall.

Problem with PTI is that contrary to their claims it's as much undemocratic party as are others - They can't tolerate difference of opinion. Most of their activists are not worth debating as first thing they do is resort on personal attacks and bad mouthing.
All these Projects are a great idea. Pakistani Public deserves these conveniences. My only opposition is when PMLN uses these Project to SIPHON OFF CHAI PANI money. Contracts are awarded to Foreign Firms with huge padding for KICKBACKS which are transferred to NOORA LEAGUE ACCOUNTS overseas.

Think about why these Projects cost 3 to 4 times of what they should cost. The Project Allocation should be a TRANSPARENT PROCESS and there should be a Public debate on why Projects are costing Pakistani Taxpayer a bundle.

This is the main reason why Nawaz Sharif's main focus are these Projects when he comes to Power. He is not interested in running the Government and does not deliver good Governance.

Zardari on the other hand makes his money on Defence Contracts.

Sir, I think your observations are flawed. The cost of building Lahore's Metro had just one item that could be questioned. That was steel, which is not a regular item. All other material is controlled and its cost can be freely calculated. There was no corruption beyond usual profit margins; nothing like 2x -3x cost escalation as you have mentioned. I can not get into a debate about the hows and whys of steel pricing, but I doubt if there was any serious corruption. I inquired a bit and found that despite reservations, there was no big deal about steel usage. At most some favored person might have gotten a contract. But let me state again that there probably was not a 2x - 3x anything like you have suggested.

About Twin cities' Metro, the cost escalation has to do more with building future capacity and upgradeability into the design. Sound urban planning principles mandate that higher cost be accepted today to avoid a much more costly redesign and restructuring later.

You may differ with me sir, but that is fine. I have noticed that you are very much biased against PML-N, and always find the negative / pessimistic / cynic angle on whatever they do. It is difficult to take your statements on their face-value. I understand your emotions, but you really should find something to appreciate every now and then. All the parties are mixed bags at this point, with PPP being worse than others.

PML-N's mode of operation is much different. It has to do with benefiting from real-estate price escalation that results from these projects. I very much doubt that they actually steal from contracts. At best they might pull strings to award contracts / sub-contracts to cronies. But the quality and pace of work is not compromised. I live in Lahore, and I can attest to that.
Sir, I think your observations are flawed. The cost of building Lahore's Metro had just one item that could be questioned. That was steel, which is not a regular item. All other material is controlled and its cost can be freely calculated. There was no corruption beyond usual profit margins; nothing like 2x -3x cost escalation as you have mentioned. I can not get into a debate about the hows and whys of steel pricing, but I doubt if there was any serious corruption. I inquired a bit and found that despite reservations, there was no big deal about steel usage. At most some favored person might have gotten a contract. But let me state again that there probably was not a 2x - 3x anything like you have suggested.

About Twin cities' Metro, the cost escalation has to do more with building future capacity and upgradeability into the design. Sound urban planning principles mandate that higher cost be accepted today to avoid a much more costly redesign and restructuring later.

You may differ with me sir, but that is fine. I have noticed that you are very much biased against PML-N, and always find the negative / pessimistic / cynic angle on whatever they do. It is difficult to take your statements on their face-value. I understand your emotions, but you really should find something to appreciate every now and then. All the parties are mixed bags at this point, with PPP being worse than others.

PML-N's mode of operation is much different. It has to do with benefiting from real-estate price escalation that results from these projects. I very much doubt that they actually steal from contracts. At best they might pull strings to award contracts / sub-contracts to cronies. But the quality and pace of work is not compromised. I live in Lahore, and I can attest to that.

I am biased against all Parties who are involved in Corruption. The reason why you hear me criticizing PMLN only is because they are the ones in Power right now. Two years ago I criticized PPP only because they were at the helm of affairs back then,

Now you may argue that that everybody is Corrupt and I would have to agree with you.

But that does not mean that I would want to lower the bar. As a Citizen, I have the right to demand accountability and Transparency from my Government. I also have a right to demand Corrution free good governance.

I think everyone who is involved in Public Service has to be prepared to be Accountable and maintain Transparency.

See people like you are always saying to me Prove that these people are Corrupt which is like placing the cart in front of the horse so to speak. They are the Civil servants and they have to prove they are not Corrupt. They do not get , correction, they should not get " Presumption of Innocence ".

Because they are in Civil Service, they should be the ones to prove that the wealth they have amassed is not ill gotten money.

Which means they have to Account for their Wealth. Nawaz Sharif as well as Asif Zardari have their Billions stashed away in Foreign Countries and they ask others to invest in Pakistan. That is the ultimate hypocrisy.

Do you honestly believe Nawaz Sharif can Account for all of his Wealth. I know I can account for every penny that I have , which may not be much but is still accountable.

Do you believe that from a measly small time Junkyard Operation of " Ittefaq Foundry " to present day Billions came from legitimate enterprise. If you do I own the Brooklyn Bridge I would like to sell to you at a pretty decent Price.

I think there is a whole generation or two that have been raised with this kind of Environment and they think this is Normal.

I get people in your age bracket ask me " What is the big deal " ?

I don't understand how our values got so warped and what we would have to do to get back to the normal track.
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I am biased against all Parties who are involved in Corruption.

Now you may argue that that would be everyone and I would have to agree with you.

But that does not mean that I would want to lower the bar.

I think everyone who is involved in Public Service has to be prepared to be Accountable and maintain Transparency.

See people like you are always saying to me Prove that these people are Corrupt which is like placing the cart in front of the horse so to speak. They are the Civil servants and they have to prove they are not Corrupt. They do not get , should not get " Presumption of Innocence ".

Because they are in Civil Service, they should be the ones to prove that the wealth they have amassed is not ill gotten money.

Which means they have to Account for their Wealth. Nawaz Sharif as well as Asif Zardari have their Billions stashed away in Foreign Countries and they ask others to invest in Pakistan. That is the ultimate hypocrisy.

Do you honestly believe Nawaz Sharif can Account for his Wealth.

Do you believe that from a measly small time Junkyard Operation of " Ittefaq Foundry " to present day Billions came from legitimate enterprise. If you do I own the Brooklyn Bridge I would like to sell to you at a pretty decent Price.

I think there is a whole generation or two that have been raised with this kind of Environment and they think this is Normal.

I get people in your age bracket ask me " What is the big deal " ?

I don't understand how our values got so warped and what we would have to do to get back to the normal track.

Sir, you are making presumptions about my age. I was reading newspapers when Bhutto was removed.

You are right in that none of our politicians, except perhaps IK can account for their wealth. But mass disqualifications would mean martial law, the mother or all our ills to begin with. That is why one has to be flexible with a view to achieving Scandanavian standards. I am certainly not advocating lowering the bar, I am merely pointing out that hardly anybody could qualify if we have unrealistic standards. All this does is lead to pervasive cynicism which is actually a bigger problem, in my view. Just casually saying that 2x or 3x corruption is the norm is a gross overstatement. What that says about us? If we are not quite dead yet, then we are certainly conspiracy theorists par excellence.

Finding problem where none exists is paranoia. Justice demands that proof be given. Assuming everyone to be guilty is not only unjust but borders on arrogance fed by a surfeit of self-righteousness.

The purpose of electoral cycles is to steadily clean the system. If despite successive cycles, corruption still persists, then the people deserve their rulers. That is divine justice - and I have no problem with that.
Sir, you are making presumptions about my age. I was reading newspapers when Bhutto was removed.

You are right in that none of our politicians, except perhaps IK can account for their wealth. But mass disqualifications would mean martial law, the mother or all our ills to begin with. That is why one has to be flexible with a view to achieving Scandanavian standards. I am certainly not advocating lowering the bar, I am merely pointing out that hardly anybody could qualify if we have unrealistic standards. All this does is lead to pervasive cynicism which is actually a bigger problem, in my view. Just casually saying that 2x or 3x corruption is the norm is a gross overstatement. What that says about us? If we are not quite dead yet, then we are certainly conspiracy theorists par excellence.

Finding problem where none exists is paranoia. Justice demands that proof be given. Assuming everyone to be guilty is not only unjust but borders on arrogance fed by a surfeit of self-righteousness.

The purpose of electoral cycles is to steadily clean the system. If despite successive cycles, corruption still persists, then the people deserve their rulers. That is divine justice - and I have no problem with that.

What I have quoted you is the basis of all democracies.

You think that the US presidents do not have to account for their wealth ?

You think any head of a state in any Democratic European Country will entertain a joker like Nawaz Sharif even for a day as their head off State who has all his wealth hidden away out of the Country . ( or Asif Zardari for that matter ).

What we have is not a Democracy , it is a sham and a Farce.

I would prefer an honest Dictatorship over this Farce any day.

I don't think we understand the essence of Democracy or are prepared for it.

What I fear is a Bloody Revolution in the making and I hope we as a Country will survive that.

This Democracy BS is not working for the ordinary man.

The special interest people for whom this lame and farcical democracy is working for, will be running for cover very soon.

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