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Pig Fat in Pakistani Chips

I dont use soap.Please share some info on Shower Gels:D

Ok a Shower Gel has:


Button line no pigs fat!!:P Certifide by jeypore :smokin:
It is ok to use love16:victory:
Yes he is correct. I'll just add a little more though. The ides is to cut the two jugular veins and not disturbing the spinal cord (no decapitation) in the process. Animal dies due to the loss of the blood not due to the death of the brain (as in the case of so called non-halal ways). So during the whole process, as much blood leaves the body because the brain and the heart are functioning until the very end.

Well brother you left me no room to add as you already cover most of it. If I may supplement you by including following fact. The reason it done this way because Islamic way of the ‘Zabiha’(slaughter) animal does not feel pain because swift cutting(Must use sharp knife) of vessels of the neck disconnects the flow of blood to the nerve of the brain responsible for pain. Thus the animal does not feel pain even though the animal appears to struggle, shake and kick, not due to pain, but due to the contraction and relaxation of the muscles deficient in blood and due to the flow of blood out of the body. It may deceive the eye which look cruel and inhumane but actuality Islamic way of slaughter is less painful and less suffer to the animal than western method (kosher can be acceptation).

In addition to this, some Ulema (actually majority of them) also argue that the animal is not considered halal until he is sacrificed while facing him towards the Mekkah and saying Allah's name (Allah O' Akbar) during the process of cutting the jugular veins.In my opinion though, not every animal is for sacrifice, hence this rule may not be applicable to the non-sacrificing animal (for everyday consumption). For instance, there are rules on the quality of the animal that is going to be sacrificed, such as it should have both the horns intact, both they eyes functioning, no limp or other visible disability etc. But for animals for regular consumption, there are no such requirements. Hence, I think (Allah knows better) that it is not important to sacrifice the animal for everyday consumption like we sacrifice the Sacrificial animals. Just cutting the two jugular veins and letting as much blood flow out of the body should be sufficient.

Another thing is there is a big difference between Halal and Zabiha. A goat is Halal no matter how it was killed, but a dog is haram even if it was killed by cutting the jugular veins. So buying meat just by looking at the label ‘halal’ doesn’t mean the meat actually came from ‘Zabiha’ animal. But we can only go so far, and Allah knows and forgives. This is not a big problem (still is though) in Islamic countries, but in non-Islamic countries, we can only make all the efforts possible and let rest on the mercy of Allah.

We are allow to eat meat for regular consumption slaughter by Jews and christian (Ahle Kitab) if Halal isn't available in non-Islamic land because they are people of the book (ahle kitabi) and the way the slaughtering has been explained to all of them including Muslim in the Taurat however over the years slaughtered meat by the Christians is totally commercialized and they don't regard for naming Allah(almighty) at all and they eat pork thus this type of commercialized meat is forbidden whereas Jewish meat (Kosher) is still good to eat(if halal isn't available) as they don't eat pork and they slaughter their animal traditionally accordance with Taurat. Animal slaughter by Atheists, Hindu, or Buddhists are forbidden under any circumstances(no offense).
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Skywalker i found no code on pringles chips i looked for 5 minutes to find it could not lol.. I never eat outside never had in my life eat a bit outside in Canada only Arabian food and restaurants or and Pakistani ones....
ahsanshaheen/skywalker then there might be possibility since vegetable oil is expensive and they use pig fat then we must also not rule out our government importing cheap pig fat using in verity of stuff in Pakistan:) how about that now most ppl here will disagree question is why would some of you disagree?? now this means we stop using shaving cream, tooth paste and other stuff?? some of the other stuff posted in this thread i checked them i did not find any codes on them not a single one so i call it half baked news..So tomorrow we all use muswak lol... so the milk we use in tea has pig milk as well mixed now u'll innovate this news as well soon lol comon do be so narrow minded i agree nothing should be eaten outside in burger king mcdonald and whatever cuz i never..
can i ask a question?
why is the Islamic way of killing(chicken) different from the other non-islamic ways?
like the use of poison gases and electricity..?

Islamic way slaughter animal is better than non-Islamic method because it's less painful to animal and also meat remains fresh for a longer time due to deficiency of blood in the meat as compared to other methods of slaughtering as you mention.

Muslim Method of Slaughtering Animals

"Muslim Method of Slaughtering animals is better"
.... Scientific reasons as to WHY this is......

Many allegations have been made that the muslim manner of slaughtering is not humane to animals. However, professor Schultz and his colleague Dr. Hazim of the Hanover University, Germany, proved through an experiment using an electroencephalograph (EEG) and electrocardiogram (ECG) the "Muslim manner of slaughter is THE most humane method of slaughter" and captive bolt stunning (a western practice) causes severe pain to the animal. The results surprised many.

Experimental Details:
1. Several electrodes were surgically implanted at various points of the skull of all animals, touching the surface of the brain.
2. The animals were allowed to recover for several weeks
3. Some animals were slaughtered by making a swift, deep incision with a sharp knife on the neck cuutting the jugular veins, cartoid arteries of both sides, the trachea and oesophagus. (The muslim halal method)
4. Some animals were stunned using a captive bolt pistol humane. ( the western method)
5. During the experiment, EEG and ECH were recorded on all animals to record the condition of the brain and the heart during the course of slaughter and stunning.

Results and Discussions:

The Muslim Method
1 The first three seconds from the time of islamic slaughter as recorded on the EEG did not show any chage from the graph before slaughter, thus indicating the animal did not feel any pain during or immediately after the incision.
2. For the following 3 seconds, the EEG recorded a condition of deep sleep - unconsciousness. This is due to a large quantity of blood gushing out from the body.
3. After the above mentioned 6 seconds, the EEG recorded zero level, showing no feeling of pain at all.
4. As the brain message (EEG) dropped to szero level, the heart was still pounding and the body convulsing vigorously ( a reflex action of the spinal cord) driving maximum blood from the body. This resulted in hygenic meat for the consumer.

The western method by C.B.P. Stunning
1. The animals were apparently unconscious soon after stunning.
2. EEG showed severe pain immediately after stunning.
3. The hearts of the animal stunned by C.B.P. stopped beating earlier as compared to those of the animals slaughtered according to the halal method. This meant more blood stayed within the meat. This in turn is unhygenic for the consumer

Reference: Voices Magazine April/May 2003

Ahmed's World of Islam - Online: Muslim Method of Slaughtering Animals

Islam is a faultless religion. :cheers:
TruthSeeker i saw news that kid had a gun in hand while on his way to school would it hurt Lol
Dear publisher of this fake topic off pig fat in Lays masala potato chips
Please provide me your e mail address so that i can send you halal certificates from Saudi Arabia regarding lays chips ingredient E631 and please avoid posting such kind of propaganda only on the behalf of some miss information’s

If any one other than this publisher need these certificates please write me on this email address I will provide you immediately

Please Muslim brothers and sisters kindly change our lives through some practical working not by only blaming others
My dear brother and sisters, Are you know that only due to these multinational companies a great number of Pakistani peoples getting good life standards and economy of Pakistan or becoming more strengthen day by day other wise you all well knows about Pakistani business mans what they provide to their employees and to this Pakistan only hide their incomes and making frauds in tax payments ( I am talking about major community not for all some business mans in Pakistan are doing well)

So please open your eyes and do the right things (May God bless us)


Muhammad Umar Shafique
Disodium inosinate
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from E631)

Disodium inosinate (E631), chemical formula C10H11N2Na2O8P, is the disodium salt of inosinic acid. It is a food additive often found in instant noodles, potato chips, and a variety of other snacks. It is used as a flavor enhancer, in synergy with monosodium glutamate (also known as MSG; the sodium salt of glutamic acid) to provide the umami taste.

In the US, comsumption of added 5'-ribonucleotides averages 4 mg per day, compared to 2 g per day of naturally occuring purines. A review of literature by an FDA committee found no evidence of carcinogenicity, teratogenicity, or adverse effects on reproduction.[1]

As it is a fairly expensive additive, it usually is not used independently of glutamic acid; if disodium inosinate is present in a list of ingredients but MSG does not appear to be, it is possible that glutamic acid is provided as part of another ingredient or is naturally occurring in another ingredient like tomatoes, Parmesan cheese or yeast extract. It is often added to foods in conjunction with disodium guanylate; the combination is known as disodium 5'-ribonucleotides.

Disodium guanylate
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Disodium guanylate (E627), also known as sodium 5'-guanylate and disodium 5'-guanylate, is the disodium salt of the flavor enhancer guanosine monophosphate (GMP). Disodium guanylate is a food additive and is commonly used in conjunction with glutamic acid (monosodium glutamate, MSG).

As it is a fairly expensive additive, it is not used independently of glutamic acid; if disodium guanylate is present in a list of ingredients but MSG does not appear to be, it is likely that glutamic acid is provided as part of another ingredient such as a processed soy protein complex. It is often added to foods in conjunction with disodium inosinate; the combination is known as disodium 5'-ribonucleotides.

Disodium guanylate is produced from dried fish or dried seaweed and is often added to instant noodles, potato chips and other snacks, savoury rice, tinned vegetables, cured meats, and packet soup.

Nutritional Information
Disodium guanylate is not safe for babies under twelve weeks, and should generally be avoided by asthmatics and people with gout, as guanylates are metabolized to purines [1]. Since it is often produced from fish, vegans and vegetarians may wish to avoid it unless the product is specifically labelled Vegan/Vegetarian. Such labels require the use of non-animal derived sources, such as seaweed or yeast.

Guanosine monophosphate
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Guanosine monophosphate, also known as 5'-guanidylic acid or guanylic acid and abbreviated GMP, is a nucleotide that is found in RNA. It is an ester of phosphoric acid with the nucleoside guanosine. GMP consists of the phosphate group, the pentose sugar ribose, and the nucleobase guanine. Guanosine monophosphate is produced from dried fish or dried seaweed.

Guanosine monophosphate in the form of its salts, such as disodium guanylate (E627), dipotassium guanylate (E628) and calcium guanylate (E629), are food additives used as flavor enhancers to provide the umami taste. It is often used in synergy with disodium inosinate; the combination is known as disodium 5'-ribonucleotides. Disodium guanylate is often found in instant noodles, potato chips and snacks, savoury rice, tinned vegetables, cured meats, and packet soup.

As it is a fairly expensive additive, it is usually not used independently of glutamic acid or monosodium glutamate (MSG), which also contribute umami. If inosinate and guanylate salts are present in a list of ingredients but MSG does not appear to be, it is likely that glutamic acid is provided as part of another ingredient, such as a processed soy protein complex (hydrolyzed soy protein), autolyzed yeast or soy sauce.
Monosodium glutamate
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about the chemical compound. For its use in food flavouring and health concerns, see glutamic acid (flavor). For glutamic acid in general, see glutamic acid.

Monosodium glutamate, also known as sodium glutamate and MSG, is a sodium salt of the non-essential amino glutamic acid. It is used as a food additive and is commonly marketed as a flavour enhancer. It has the HS code 29224220 and the E number E621. Trade names of monosodium glutamate include Ajinomoto, Vetsin, and Accent. It used to be predominantly made from wheat gluten, but is now mostly made from bacterial fermentation; it is acceptable for celiacs following a gluten-free diet.[1][2][3][4]

Although traditional Asian cuisine had often used seaweed extract, which contains high concentrations of glutamic acid, MSG was not isolated until 1907. MSG was subsequently patented by Ajinomoto Corporation of Japan in 1909. In its pure form, it appears as a white crystalline powder; when immersed in water or saliva, it rapidly dissociates into sodium cations and glutamate anions (glutamate is the anionic form of glutamic acid, a naturally occurring amino acid).

Production and chemical properties
MSG is normally obtained by the fermentation of carbohydrates, using bacterial or yeast species from genera such as Brevibacterium, Arthrobacter, Microbacterium, and Corynebacterium. Yields of 100 g/litre can be prepared in this way. From 1909 to the mid 1960s, MSG was prepared by the hydrolysis of wheat gluten, which is roughly 25% glutamic acid. Glutamic acid is one of the least soluble amino acids, which facilitates its purification.[5]

Like the sodium salts of other amino acids, MSG is a stable colourless solid that is degraded by strong oxidizing agents. It exists as a pair of mirror image stereoisomers (enantiomers), but only the naturally occurring L-glutamate form is used as a flavour enhancer.

The Ajinomoto company was formed to manufacture and market MSG in Japan; the name 'Ajinomoto' means "essence of taste". It was introduced to the United States in 1947 as Ac'cent flavor enhancer.[6]

Modern commercial MSG is produced by fermentation[7] of starch, sugar beets, sugar cane, or molasses. About 1.5 million tonnes were sold in 2001, with 4% annual growth expected.[8] MSG is used commercially as a flavour enhancer. Although once associated with foods in Chinese restaurants, MSG is now used by most fast food chains and in many foodstuffs, particularly processed foods.[9][not in citation given]

Examples include:
Pre-prepared stocks often known as stock cubes or bouillon cubes.
Condiments such as barbecue sauce and salad dressing.
Canned, frozen, or dried prepared food
Common snack foods such as flavoured potato chips and flavoured tortilla chips.

Seasoning mixtures
Only the L-glutamate enantiomer has flavour-enhancing properties.[10] Manufactured MSG contains over 99.6% of the naturally predominant L-glutamate form, which is a higher proportion of L-glutamate than found in the free glutamate ions of naturally occurring foods. Fermented products such as soy sauce, steak sauce, and Worcestershire sauce have levels of glutamate similar to foods with added MSG. However, glutamate in these brewed products may have 5% or more of the D-enantiomer.[10]
The information i have copied here is from Wikipedia as you can see in the text. Just spreading some news when you are even unclear abt it is a sin....dont know when people understand this!.
E Numbers Not Suitable for a Halal Diet - Explore E Numbers (UK)

The topic has been addressed quite nicely in that link.

The information i have copied here is from Wikipedia as you can see in the text. Just spreading some news when you are even unclear abt it is a sin....dont know when people understand this!.

Wikipedia is a collection of publicly edited articles and therefore not reliable for information regarding anything controversial. Despite mass protest, Wikipedia still has not removed the drawings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from the Wikipedia page on him; therefore, as an organisation, it is not known to care for Muslim sentiment.
Dear All,
This chapter is now closed as this is proved that Lays is free from any kind of pig fat please see this link

Dear All,
This chapter is now closed as this is proved that Lays is free from any kind of pig fat please see this link


Hmmmmmm...that depends on whether or not you trust Pepsi.

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