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Pig Fat in Pakistani Chips

err...alright what about Pringles?!!!
Don't tell me it contains pig fat too...I cant imagine a life without pringles:cry:

Beta don't worry these members talking of Halal or haram and how Animals are slaughtered have no idea how its done. All big companies know that there buyers look for all in one I have seen it first hand so don't worry and eat it.
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I eat Lays daily in school.Lay's are tasty :D..I don't think it contains Pig Fat's because otherwise Mullah's would burn Lay's production factory :D.
thank god i am in saudi .even there is fat i love chips and popcorn who i pass my time without these.
The soap is made from tallow, which predominately made from Pigs tallow!!! Oh, I feel really, really fresh now!!!!:D
Didn't your mothers teach you?

What you don't know won't hurt you!


PS, never eat in a French or American "soul food" restaurant, either....
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Hmm...It seems that another War of Independence of 1857 is paving its way!:rofl:

During Survival Course 1960 we eat a lot of things if I and my course would have gone into a debate of halal or haram all 19 of us would have died.

Sir Murad, did they make you eat snakes and rip chicken necks with your teeth? Because they did make us do it!
Please do not confuse allowance of eating haram under extreme circumstances for the survival with eating haram just for the sake of eating. It looks like we have even gone worst than the Hindus and Jews who at-least proudly follow their religious dietary restrictions.

Being Muslim, we should make every effort to avoid doing things from which Allah and his Rasool has asked us to refrain.

I often invite my non-Muslim friends, but never ever offer any food that is not allowed in their religion. One of my close friends is a Hindu Pandit from Bihar, the wife is from Banaras. Both do not observe hindu dietary restrictions but I always make them eat vegetables and grains:devil:. If I do not respect their religion, they'll not respect mine.
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