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Pictures of Iran before 1979

State and religion should always be separate from one another. Religion should be one's personal issue and the govt should have no role in it.
There was no "morality police" back then (or shall we say "liberal police" lol). People lived the way they wanted. Too liberal or too conservative means nothing when people chose to live a certain way.

Today people are forced to live like saudis. Back then nobody was forced to do anything.

Dude the Shah's era was corrupt, no?

I mean educate me if you have to, I'm no expert.

But basically, the way I see it is:

Keep pumping up your oil and follow our lead in terms of foreign policy and you're golden.

Something like how the Saudis are today.

Again, don't go Rambo on me, because I don't know that much about Iran.
Nice photos.

I have seen many others.

Tehran was truly Paris of the East.

No, that would be Beirut :D

But Tehran from what I hear is a great city. I'd like to see pictures of Masshad. My father spent some years growing up there; my grandfather was in the foreign service -- was based @ Pak Consulate in Masshad

State and religion should always be separate from one another. Religion should be one's personal issue and the govt should have no role in it.

agreed; tell that to some of your comrades who worship the BJP walas
Dude the Shah's era was corrupt, no?

I mean educate me if you have to, I'm no expert.

But basically, the way I see it is:

Keep pumping up your oil and follow our lead in terms of foreign policy and you're golden.

Something like how the Saudis are today.

Again, don't go Rambo on me, because I don't know that much about Iran.

True. The Shah was corrupt as well. He wanted the best for his country, but his methods were flawed.

Mosaddegh (the guy in my avatar) was in my opinion the only good leader of Iran for the past 60-70 years. He was our only democratically elected leader and was deposed by a CIA led coup so that the puppet Shah could return.
I think the balance has long ago been exceeded. Iran has turned into a 'kesafat khoone' (dirty house). Back in Shah's period people were much more honest, real and cleaner than we are now.

yeah , and the first step that u should do is .....

give your oil resource to the west for free.... like others country ;)
I sympathize with Iranians here b/c Pakistan was also a lot different in the 1950s & 60s during the Field Marshal Ayub Khan days (he was a true nationalist)

people were a lot more honest and straight forward and less materialistic than what we are now....you had conservatives, but they didn't impose or try to impose views on others. Also, Afghanistan was FAIRLY peaceful and stable so we didnt have to worry about 4-5 million afghan refugees and drug-dealers in our streets
agreed; tell that to some of your comrades who worship the BJP walas

Oh the point scoring!

BJP was in govt for 6 years. What did they change? India is still constitutionally secular country as it was before BJP.
I think the difference between Iran and Pakistan, or every other Islamic country, is the fact that among Iranians you will find a balance between religious values and pre-Islamic (Persian) values. In Pakistan the only ideology that keeps the country together is religion, while in Iran greater emphasis is being laid on it's history.

Well you have to understand the reason why Pakistan was created. What is good for iran will not apply in case of Pakistan.If tomorrow some catastrophe hits and all iranians suddenly forget about islam they will still be iranians/persians and there will still be iranian nationalism to carry the day. In case of pakistan, if islam is forgotten, their raison d etre is gone.
True. The Shah was corrupt as well. He wanted the best for his country, but his methods were flawed.

Mosaddegh (the guy in my avatar) was in my opinion the only good leader of Iran for the past 60-70 years. He was our only democratically elected leader and was deposed by a CIA led coup so that the puppet Shah could return.

Yes, I have read about Mosaddegh and he was a good man. He was probably what Iran needed all along.

Well you have to understand the reason why Pakistan was created. What is good for iran will not apply in case of Pakistan.If tomorrow some catastrophe hits and all iranians suddenly forget about islam they will still be iranians/persians and there will still be iranian nationalism to carry the day. In case of pakistan, if islam is forgotten, their raison d etre is gone.

Indian propaganda. Please take it somewhere else, I'm seriously trying to have a decent conversation.
Indian propaganda. Please take it somewhere else, I'm seriously trying to have a decent conversation.

They are not even my own thoughts. its that of a Pakistani scholar's.
Way to go, another Indian shits on another thread. I am out.
Eventually the mullahs have destroyed our moral conscious. Iran has turned into a country of hypocrites, opportunists and liars. People have learned to speak with two tongues. Back in the days our men were shaped by our Javanmardi culture, but now we have created a generation full with 'bache sosol'.
Eventually the mullahs have destroyed our moral conscious. Iran has turned into a country of hypocrites, opportunists and liars. People have learned to speak with two tongues. Back in the days our men were shaped by our Javanmardi culture, but now we have created a generation with 'bache sosol'.

curse of modern world bro happens everywhere now :lol: not jus iran
Way to go, another Indian shits on another thread. I am out.

Why are so insecure at the moment Islam is brought into the discussion. Someone just mentioned above about Pakistanis becoming so insecure when Islam is mentioned in the context of Iran.
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