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سرکاری سکولوں میں اساتذہ کرام غریب بچوں کو غربت کی کس طرح بھیانک سزا دیتے ہیں ذرا اس تصویر کو دیکھئے۔
If he was my son o would have shot the bastard in the knee cap.

Rare photo of Ustad Imam Din Gujrati.

L to R : Karam Haydri, Syed Zameer Jafri and Ustad Imam Din Gujrati at Lintott's Cafe #Murree in 1950’s
If he was my son o would have shot the bastard in the knee cap.
No the best punishment is to take down his pants in front of all children in the school and beat his *** black and blue with stick and later shove the whole stick in his ***.
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