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Picture of the Day


جمہوریت - اقتدار عوام کے ہاتھ
Unusual pic(s) of the day !

Saint-Germain-de-Pasquier,a village of about 140 souls located in Normandy has actually the particularity of having France's smallest town hall. (It even entered in the Guiness World Record)

2.7 meters in width and 3 meters in length ! (8m²)

This former chapel, dominated by the statue of St. Clotilde, was built in 1851 and transformed into town hall on October 19, 1910.



@Nilgiri @RabzonKhan @T-123456 @Sher Shah Awan @Hamartia Antidote
What a low life scum. A disgrace to Pakistan and humanity. Shame on the fucking restaurant who allow this to happen in their premises and don't throw these scums out. Shame on other guests in the hotel who silently witness this and don't protest to the restaurant management or boo the mother fucker out. If I ever witnessed that personally, I would invite that child to our table and have food with my family and fucking punch the man's teeth in if he uttered a single word.
There are some assholes like this everywhere but I have also seen some very very good and kind people. In my house we have a wild cat that's given birth. My wife feeds them before me. And I am happy

SYED MOHKAM DIN AND SONS, THE OLDEST BAKERY IN LAHORE, that was established in 1879 by an official baker of the British Raj times, Syed Mohkam Din Shah. He was the inventor of famous though unnamed "Finger Biscuits" that are present in almost all of the bakeries across Pakistan. Their original name was "Lady Harrison's Fingers". Syed Mohkam Din Shah's grandson, Syed Mohkam Din currently runs the bakery .... And carries on the legacy of his great ancestor.

سرکاری سکولوں میں اساتذہ کرام غریب بچوں کو غربت کی کس طرح بھیانک سزا دیتے ہیں ذرا اس تصویر کو دیکھئے۔

سرکاری سکولوں میں اساتذہ کرام غریب بچوں کو غربت کی کس طرح بھیانک سزا دیتے ہیں ذرا اس تصویر کو دیکھئے۔

Mughal sahab please ....... respect the kid's privacy.
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