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Pics of Karakoram Highway Reconstruction

喀喇昆仑公路 Karakoram Highway some pictures on the other side of the border (China)






How did they build those pillars in the lake?

There are alot of different ways, depending on the situation.

Sometimes, rivers are dammed to construct pillars. In some other situations, a pillar is made on the shore, then taken by a barge, and then sunk into the water, and embedded into the sea bed, with the foundations running deep.

Some are simply floated on water, kind of like a balancing game.
Thanks for the pics Monk, Karakoram Is truely one of the wonders on Earth!
i wish to visit Karakul lake China along karakoram highway <3 chinese side of KKH have really great scenry :)
GB itself is an immensely and extremely beautiful region and the pics on this thread just prove that. Great pics guys. Thanks for sharing them.
tujhe mirchi lagi to main kya karon. lolz. Lets be honest for a second bro, We live in americas aid. Chinese know we are broke as hell and will never be able to build a proper highway in a timely manner.

Either your are an MQM Karachite and Pakistani of convinience or an Indian false flag troll....you name raises suspicions!
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